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Posts posted by waldwolf


    Security expert Steve Gibson, (on podcast which will be released tomorrow), just announced that a security expert has found a zero-day exploit in the Apple iPhone's software wherein a hacker, sending you a text message, can take over control of most functions of the iPhone without your knowledge (ie: turn on microphone, download data, etc).

    The security expert who found the hack, has promised Apple not to release details of the "hole" until this coming weekend, in order to give Apple time to fix the problem.

    Apparently text messaging in the iPhone cannot be disabled, so all phones are vunerable. Apple is reportedly working 24 hours a day to fix the problem and hopes to have a fix by this weekend (US Time/Date).

    Recommend iPhone owners regularly check Apple's website for fix availability/details.


  2. If that's your point of view obviously you haven't talked to anyone in the tourist industry. Talk to a few hotel GM's and see what they say.

    In Los Angeles, I know of one small Travel Club that cancelled two scheduled trips to Thailand, one this coming February the other in March. Unfortunately, even if the situation improved, the earliest those trips could be rescheduled would be early 2010.

    The turmoil is definately effecting tourist travel to Thailand.

  3. bow-

    Not a wise move.

    Your neighbor could easily see/record everything you do, while connected to their network. It is a common practice among cyber theives to "open" wireless networks, in order to obtain confidential information (ie: passwords) from unsuspecting users.

    (Hope you haven't done any online banking or credit card purchases, while connected to this neighbors network. :o )


  4. Members doing online banking should be aware that a new, very sophisticated Trojan entitled "SilentBanker" has recently been identified.

    The Trojan, targeting over 400 banks worldwide, can intercept transactions that require two-factor authentication. It can then silently change the user-entered destination bank account details to the attacker's account details instead. The Trojan intercepts all of this traffic before it is encrypted, so even if the transaction takes place over SSL, the attack is still valid. When instructed, the Trojan can also redirect users to an attacker-controlled server instead of the real bank in order to perform a classic "man-in-the-middle" attack. The Trojan can also download updates, which it does, regularly.

    More information:

    Symantec - "Banking in Silence"


  5. yeti - If your funds permit, also suggest you consider a new case. (A good, used case would probably work equally as well.)

    I've found, slot-fans (similar to type pictured below) work quite well, where one encounters space limitations and/or older cases which have no opening for mounting a second conventional fan.


    As a general rule of thumb, the (free air) temperature inside your computer should not exceed the ambient room temperature by more than 10 degrees, so keep that room fan blowing on the open case, until you resolve your excess heat problem.


  6. Thailiban - Sorry, can't help with a school name, but as with others, I suggest you reconsider going the "do-it-yourself" route with a good book (or CD/DVD video course) and a free HTML editor to practice on.

    You could buy an editor like Microsoft's FrontPage or Adobe's Dreamweaver (both relatively expensive) however, there are a number of very good free editors, like the two from Evrsoft (Australia) here.

    Whatever your decision, it should be a fun learning experience.


  7. khall64au - You'll need both, as well as a number of other utilities.

    The search and clean processes necessary to detect/remove this malware becomes quite detailed, even for experienced computer users. Therefore, if you are not comfortable "digging" into various parts of your operating system, I would strongly suggest you obtain help from a knowledgeable friend or reliable computer service facility.

    You also have the option of doing a complete reformat/reinstall of Windows. This is probably your easiest and fastest way of restoring a "clean" system, provided of course, you had previously backed-up the important data.

    Should you decide to proceed alone, go to each of the links shown below, printout all the instructions (as during the "cleaning" process they will not be viewable) and download/save all "cleaning" utilities listed:



    Next follow the instructions "TOUCH" recommends in second link above.

    Again, if you have any hesitancy in undertaking this project, seek help from a friend who can provide "hands-on" assistance.

    Good luck.


  8. elkangorito - I suspect your friends computer still has some undetected malware.

    There are a number of things you could "play" with, however, if it were my computer I would do a complete reformat/reinstall of Windows. (Fastest way to insure a clean/malware-free system.)

    If you want to try fixing it yourself (and I'm assuming your friends computer is running WindowsXP), try the following:

    1. Right click on My Computer icon

    2. In menu, select Properties

    3. Click Advanced Tab >Startup & Recovery

    4. Click Settings button

    5. Uncheck Automatically Restart and click on Apply

    On restart, above should display a blue screen with an error message, rather than rebooting the computer over & over. This error message may help you discover the root cause.

    It is also likely one of the malware damaged the WindowsXP Kernel32.dll driver. If you have the original XP install disk, reinstall Kernel32.dll (see windows help file for details).

    One of the malware may also have damaged a ZoneAlarm file, in an attempt to disable the firewall. Not a big deal. You can uninstall/reinstall ZoneAlarm once you have the operating system stabilized. (Just stay off the internet until ZoneAlarm (or other) firewall has been reactivated.


  9. Stabbo-Lad & Nikkijah - This quirk in Firefox (FF) has been "noted" by many others and it appears there could be a number of causes, including FF's reluctance to release unused memory. A number of people have noted that, when comparing FF to IE, when a window is closed IE will release memory immediately, while FF doesn't. However, with the same number of windows/tabs open, IE uses slightly more memory than FF.

    Suggest you review info in these links for additional ideas: 1 and 2 .


  10. Jared - It would be helpful to all if you could provide specifics on your computer, such as make, model, memory, cpu make/model, operating system, etc., (and if custom built, the motherboard make/model, cpu & chipset make/models, etc.)

    I think (after 2-3 replacements) you can safely rule out the power supply as the main problem.

    The symptoms you describe are typical of an over-heating problem. Your CPU at 70c is at or above most manufacturers maximum CT (Case Temperature) design specification. Many CPU's will shutdown well before reaching their maximum CT level. (More info here.

    The fact your main chassis fan (CHA1) speed reads 0 RPM is also worrisome and may indicate a defective fan or motherboard component problem.

    At any time, did you or anyone else remove and reinstall the CPU and/or its fan? If so, was proper care taken to insure the CPU, Heatsink and Fan were properly assembled using thermal compound?

    Finally, if your computer is a major brand (HP, Sony, Dell, etc.) it may be time for you to think about taking the unit to an authorized factory repair center, as specialized test equipment may be needed to find the exact cause of your problem, and/or to determine the cost to repair same.


  11. IMHO this is just posturing on the part of Microsoft and other parties, in an attempt to pull together a tighter alliance of Linux software producers, such as the Microsoft-Novell-Dell agreements of last year, wherein, the parties agreed not to file patent-infringement charges against users of either Linux or Windows.

    Oracle, the world's second-largest software maker behind Microsoft, entered similar agreements With Red Hat, on support and distribution of Red Hat's version of Linux.

    Software patents are historically "weak" and vulnerable to challenge/overturn by the courts. Its my opinion, Microsoft is attempting to force Linux developers to write code allowing for smooth integration of Windows software into future Linux operating systems.

    Agreements sell more product than law suits.


  12. TheWalkingMan - I assume your running a version of Windows.

    First, if you have Skype installed, check the MozillaZine Forum thread here.

    If you do not have Skype installed, and your operating system appears to be working normally (including IE), suggest you uninstall Firefox following Mozilla's instructions here. Be sure to read all uninstall options, paying particular attention to details listed under "This step is recommended for users who are uninstalling Firefox in preparation for a "clean reinstall".

    Following the uninstall, do a complete shutdown (not reboot). Restart, then reinstall the version of Firefox you prefer. (Believe latest version is


  13. nikster - Hold on to your money for just a little longer.

    1.jpg . 2.jpg

    How about a laptop with:

    - 20.1" XHD (Extreme High-Definition) 1080p capable (LED backlit) screen

    - Centrino-Pro (Santa Rosa) Core-2-Duo T7700, 2.4GHz

    - 4GB DDR2 (main memory)

    - 2 x 200GB HDD

    - ATI Mobility Radeon X2600 XT graphics (256MB GDDR3 dedicated)

    - HD-DVD Burner

    - HDTV tuner

    - HDMI output

    - Intel PRO 4965AGN (802.11n) w/Bluetooth

    - Weight 15 lbs.

    - and .........

    Price: $3000.00 (US) :o


    (PS - Sorry, no datafax modem)

  14. nikster - The BBC article appears to be an update to a project Google announced last year, wherein, should you attempt to link from a Google search to a site containing malware, you will be advised (prior to the handoff) that the site you've selected was previously found to be "unsafe". To my knowledge, the program is still in development, although I have on rare occasions seen such a Google warning.

    While the vast majority of the exploits are IE based, this is logically due to the fact the majority of internet surfers use some version of Internet Explorer. However, sites utilizing such malware have the capability of determining which make/version of browser your using (IE, Firefox, Opera, etc.) and will attempt to install malware your browser may not be able to block.

    This malware (sold mainly by its Russian developers) is aimed at (1) Spammers who want to take over your computer and using your ISP to spread their messages and (2) Thieves who want to steal your identity and financial information, in order to clean out your bank account and/or max out your credit/debit card accounts. (Sites employing this malware are paid a "per infected computer" fee by the spammers or a percentage of the stolen cash proceeds.)

    Steve Gibson and Leo Laporte discussed this threat in the "Security Now! Episode 58 Podcast available here. A transcript of the podcast in pdf format is also available (95kb) for those who would prefer to read the discussion.

    More background in these earlier Thaivisa threads:



    ....I would like to know if Vista protects from these...
    If your Vista is up-to-date on security patches and you stay away for the porno and warez sites, most likely your OK. However, keep in mind this "good guys vs. bad guys" is an ongoing fight. You may be safe today, but tomorrow.......?


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