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Posts posted by soidogs

  1. I agree, Not a bad Shwarma. The sauce 's are good the filling is good. They only have chicken which can be alittle dry. I spoke with the owner about lamb but it is just to expensive. I would eat there more often if it wasnt a pain and time consuming going into Market Village. Good place and when im there I grab a couple.Can recommend.

  2. Griser, I don't understand why you said the place is expensive. I checked the menu and it seems very reasonable, especially compared the the other Mexican restaurants in BKK. Maybe it is more then the 30 baht for noodle soup that you would have to be comparing it to. So when you say the food is terrible you lost credibility and are probably a troll. Or maybe your the Greg from sunrise taco. I do agree that there menu is to extensive, but if they can product good tasting food, my hat is off to them. If I'm in the area I will give it a try.

  3. CalzoHoudini, What great city are you from? The people of New York are what makes it N.Y.

    The holy bible of travel magazines... "Travel & Leisure Magazine". Do me a favour. At least visit Bangkok before giving it an award. Don't get me wrong, it's a great place in small doses but best in the world? Istanbul also? They must have been on drugs when they were writing this up. It's as if they have google imaged the cities on the list and looked to see what attractions they have. Also, if they voted on the "people" of the city, New York wouldn't be in the top 100 let alone top 10. Notice how the award ceremony is held in L.A. Not even in the top 10. Well done Travel & Leisure Magazine. A real waste of your time.

  4. The Villa in Hua hin carries a brand called California Premium. They have small block and sliced packs. They have in block Sharp chedder (orange), Mild chedder. Mozz, Monterry Jack. in sliced they have Provalone, and Swiss. The cost is 105 bt block or sliced. It is not the best cheese in the world but is worth the reasonable price, especially the swiss which being on the mild side is the only shortcoming. Its worth a try.

  5. Amazing how so many farang think they know so much. I have those same thoughts but have realized that I dont know Jack.

    Do I think it is to far out of town,Yes. Do I think it is to man made Yes.

    It is amazing that Cicada Market and Plon Wan are packed every weekend and Plon wan most weekdays. The bottom line is that this is Thailand and Hua hin has enough of a Thai economy that it does not need farlang biz to survive. Yes there are Biz's that rely on tourist's but not all. so it will be interesting to see if the market floats or sinks.

  6. Appropriate, I guess if you read and understood my post you would not have responded with such ignorance, but some people just post to get there jollies.

    The thread was about 2 American guys making Pizza. I said that it did not look good. So there my Quote "All because they are Americans it does'nt mean they can make Pizza". Just like in Hua Hin, we had a guy who was Italian and claimed to be a World Pizza making Champion. His Pizza was terriable like cardboard. All because he was Italian didnt mean he could make Pizza. I come from New York and it is renowned world wide for its Pizza.

    So I say to you..... When the Moon hits your eye like a Big Pizza Pie thats Amore.

    Where are you From???????

    All because they are Americans it does'nt mean they can make Pizza.

    Thanks, that really made me laugh.

    Guess America is the world, the whole world and nothing but the world.

    Italy is just a small town in one of it's states. :D

    Napolitan's would be spitting on their computer screen haha.

    (Don't worry, just say 'huh?' and look confused) ;)

  7. If your in Hua Hin there is a fairly new Restuarant owned and run by 2 mexican cousins. The menue is small but the food is good and real Mexican. Its name is Margaritas and is on the Night market street across from all the seafood places. There Burritos are big and 160-190bht and they are homemade tortillas and warm salsa.REAL MEXICAN.

  8. Malt extract is available in Phuket as a home baking ingredient. There is a shop in Phuket town that sells everything for baking and they have malt extract, I know because I bought some for making malt loaf.


    Come on mate, I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for word on the malt in Phuket:jap:

    Just the name of the place would be a great help.


    Sorry I'd forgotten that I had posted on here. It's 3 year since I was at this shop but I'm fairly sure it's still there. Tried to do a Google map for you but two slow.

    Coming into Phuket Town from Chalong end, second set of lights Gas station on your right, turn right. Up this road at the end traffic lights to straight on, or left towards the roundabout and one way system. Turn left towards the roundabout and one way system, on the left is a large shop that sells plates and general kitchen equipment. The bakery supplies shop is opposite, the name has something to do with coffee, but I can't remember. I believe the owner of this shop is the sister of the guy that owns Patong Deli.

    Can't remember how much it was, but they had it in 1 litre and 5 litre bottles. Sorry only took a second to find on Google http://www.phuketindex.com/gerbera/

    Wow,that was great mike,thanks a lot.As I live in Chiang mai I can't just pop down,but am doing my best to contact the shop.Thanks for the help.:D

    Spoke to the shop today and they will ship.

  9. I get great use out of the Thai Visa forum but am not one to post replies until now.

    When I saw this topic I wanted to see about Baja Tacos,which was answered in the first reply by HHFarang. Then HHfarang proceeded to promote California Cantinas owners new place. Hhfarang posted 7 of the 16 posts in this topic about Terrace90 which is off topic. Which makes me believe that Hhfarang is Dave the owner of cal cant and terrace 90. He writes it in the way that is to much info for a person who does not have an intrest in this place.

    First ,I loved and miss Baja Tacos, it was only tacos and burittos but they tasted great and were a far price.

    Second, I had eaten Mexican food in the California Cantina two times to be fair to the place and both times it wasnt even passable for mexican.

    Third, Hhfarang had previous posts that were very negitive about Baja tacos that when I read them I thought this guy must be from another planet.

    or the bottom line he just might not have a clue as to good food.

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