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About Ramdas

  • Birthday 09/23/1965

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  1. They really have their priorities backwards haven’t they ?! ????????‍♂️ Instead of learning and training people on how to drive plus having an effective police force in place who do what they’re supposed to do like stopping unlawful thai drivers and the like plus just to mention replacing ancient over polluting trucks and buses then upgrading their whole railway network they’re thinking of buying such planes ( which they won’t even be able to use ) Just so they can show it off to the Chinese ?! Brainless to put it simple ????
  2. It is indeed another avoidable and sad death, may you race in heaven Keith ???????? I’m sure some of you may have ridden or driven on the Bang Na- Trat road going to Pattaya from Bkk at some point.. I tend to commute on this dangerous and frightening road and I so much dread it. I notice all sort of near misses whether among trucks, cars, <deleted> ups and scooters. Apart from not giving the adequate distance to each other they all ride up close to your rear end ! I try no to get boxed in with the trucks and I always look for an exit an escape route ( To find some slow car, scooter or whatever in front ???? ) It is like being at seas here the big fish eats the smaller, this is their logic. It’s not about having any traffic rules or regulations, respect and observe who else is on the roads or common sense for that matter. I often see vehicles of any size and shapes pulling in onto these 3 - 4 lanes highways cutting right across the lanes in front of you not thinking or even caring who else is there ????????‍♂️ I’m not quite sure what the Thai logic is ( Providing they’ve got any ) I believe that these people have a death wish or they’re just kamikaze since anyone who has a functional mind could and should think and look several times before changing lanes. There’s not a proper training given at the DLT with regards to driving safely according to highways rules and regs hence all the young generations just follow what other do not matter how dangerous it is ! As for me, I’ve never been so frighten to ride a motorcycle (700cc ) As I’m in this country, I have to be super alert and riding defensively at all times but what scares me the most is how close to you they drive/ride.. They give themselves little or not room for breaking distance reaction time, everyone is in hurry and literally hardly anyone looks out for dangers or who else is on the roads. I reckon they just expect people to slow down for them whether they pull out of a Soi or pulling in onto bigger roads cutting across the lanes, what kind of mindset is that ?! You’ve got to look hard and long enough plus give the right of the way to the oncoming traffic not against it ????????‍♂️
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