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Posts posted by iciparis

  1. Army seem to be shooting selves and gov in foot again as well as delivery men, medics, children, taxi drivers.

    Some serious corrupt gov and elite is this if full force of army have to prop it up.... again.

    Sick, and hope Abhisit never turns up in UK as warrent will await him.

    Many thais in England see to that.. promise

    You are obviously not a UK Citizen, and considering this is Thai business,what warrant are you talking about???

    And taxi-drivers are concidered in many other countries as hardline terrorists as well

  2. Army seem to be shooting selves and gov in foot again as well as delivery men, medics, children, taxi drivers.

    Some serious corrupt gov and elite is this if full force of army have to prop it up.... again.

    Sick, and hope Abhisit never turns up in UK as warrent will await him.

    Many thais in England see to that.. promise

    You are obviously not a UK Citizen, and considering this is Thai business,what warrant are you talking about???

    And for sure he's not Thai, so the only option is he's from Annoying-stan

  3. Yep, I have to say I've been disappointed in CNN and BBC - the last one just started giving some bleeding heart spiel about how hard it is for protesters to lie on the floor for two months - please!

    I guess part of the trouble is

    i. they don't speak Thai and the majority have been flown in here from somewhere else, having read up from their own sources what is to be reported on.

    ii. they are playing to int'l audience, who always love the 'poor protesters' versus 'authoritarian gov't' pitch.

    Al Jazeera have had the best reports that i've seen, but haven't seen one from them today.

    The BBC is the most unbiased news agency in the world. It is funded independently, not by taxpayers, but by individuals who want to use their service. And they do. And they have done for more than 50 years. If you slate the BBC, you slate all common sense. The BBC are not owned by the British government or the British military. If you want to be "disappointed" with a news agency, be "disappointed" with The Nation. Your name "dobadoy" says it all.

    Among all of the retarded nonsense being posted on this forum, I think you are about to win a medal.

    You don't even understand how BBC is funded, but you know everything else about them?

    That is sweet.

    Seriously, amount of childish stuff on this forum is beyond belief.

    He just forgot to type n't after every verb, but for the rest he's right

    probably problems with his keyboard

  4. WHF one of my best friends 16 years ago got 15 years in jail for half a kg of weed

    sounds like the courts are for the protesters? Well they haven't disrupted tourist travel I missed my flight bcoz the yellows shut down Phuket airport b4, The goverment took billions from Thaksin on the Friday on Monday they made an order to take 5 times the amount from all the ungovernment telecom companies True DTAC and AIS etc. I am sure everyone will see a rise in mobile tarriffs shortly why don't they concentrate on all the employers who pay less than the minimum wage and make life for the people in thailand more bearable

    NICE FRIEND, good he got only 15 years!!!

    and can you back up the other accusations, by proof??

    or are your friend and you too stoned to think now (or have a vegie like SD)

  5. The arrogance AND utter disregard for human rights by the ruling regime and law is made clear to us all

    by their shooting of women and children in the streets.

    It is made clear to us all by the now 19 or more coups.

    It is made clear now to Thai military by the ordered assassination of a Thai general.

    it is made clear to the world by the arrogance and hate of killing same General while he is being interviewed by the Wall Street Journal.

    It is made clear to Europe.

    It is made Clear to North America.

    It is made clear to Asia.

    It is made clear to the world.

    Thailand is now entering the same category as Myanmar in world ranking.

    It is run by an illegal regime which uses extreme military force against its own people.

    BUT now the real kicker.

    The Thai military is very very upset with the order from on high that gave way to the assassination of a Thai General.

    Look over at each other Thai military.

    That man next to you might shoot you in the back.

    Do you Thais still believe you are loved by the leaders?


    You better run, because they are already looking up your IP adress and they might stand next to you already in ten minutes and then your lie might come true

  6. Don't you have something better to do than to scream at Unknown farangs on a message board.

    It is not farang that are fighting is it.

    It is you Thais that are killing each other.

    Get a clue.

    And it farangs like you who moraly support the bad elements in our society.like some here on this forum, by spreading false information about how good Thaksin was/is and how bad Khun Abhisit.

    Sorry to all you nice one who condemn the redshirt violence

    You are free to give your opinion, but this is not opinion anymore, here are lies and twisted facts used for nazi-propaganda.

    If you would aks most of my family back in Loei, they will spit on Thaksin and his lies.

  7. We have to feel sorrow for our country's soldiers who have been ordered by our government to kill their friends and neighbors and fellow Thais.

    When this bloodbath is over these soldiers will have to return to their homes and try to reconcile with the families of these friends and neighbors who they were forced to kill.

    And did their families and friend before realized that shooting at relatives and friends who are in the army is not a nice thing to do.

    Bad hello kitty!!!

    I'm sure you'll back safe at home in your homeland when your visa expires. The soldiers her don't have the luxury to run away that you do.

    This is my homeland!! born here,studied here and trying to built a future for my family and will not let reds or s##t like you break it down.

    That you need a visa is your worry, as long as our government can cash on you, it's all good for me.

    And do not come that I am from elite family because I was born in Loei if you even know where that is??

  8. Red protesters get jailed for 6 months, not even 24 hours after being arrested.

    And what about the yellows? 2 years after, still nothing.

    The yellows also violated a state of emergency, my friends. What do they get? Oh right, one of their leaders gets the job as Foreign Minister. What a joke.

    If you're not happy here or if the government doesn't keep you informed to your satisfaction....leave.

    Keep from us forever your precious opinions and sneering rebukes...life is too short, even in blogs, to have it wasted by having to read your vitriol (even by accident!) :)

    He states a fact sir - if you have a problem with other peoples opinions may i suggest you don't waste your time reading internet forums.


    That is no excuse for blaming this government of doing their job during their administration.


  9. We have to feel sorrow for our country's soldiers who have been ordered by our government to kill their friends and neighbors and fellow Thais.

    When this bloodbath is over these soldiers will have to return to their homes and try to reconcile with the families of these friends and neighbors who they were forced to kill.

    And did their families and friend before realized that shooting at relatives and friends who are in the army is not a nice thing to do.

    Bad hello kitty!!!

  10. Fire only if you can place a clear shot at an armed terrorist and when it is clear that your shot will not hit any innocent bystander. Don't fire at random just on suspicion into an area because a wearer of a black shirt who looked like up to no good was seen nearby somewhere there.

    Isn't that the international standard?

    So can you supply me with more bullits, I will run out soon!!

  11. Had a phone call today with a doctor friend in hongkong inquiring if this mayhem puts me in danger as she read about it in one of the latest asian news articles in a news paper ( small print) I asked what the hongkong people think about whats going on in bkk at the moment,

    Her answer was, Oh thailand does,nt really make the news much here in hk now and the people arn,t interested, Thailand for the hk people is nothing more than a place for a cheap weeks holiday to buy tshirts you can only wear one time and many of my patients come back from there with std.

    Meaning??? Your friend has STD???

    No she,s a doctor (GP) and many of her patients come to her with std, She remarks that many of the patients with std have recently made holidays in thailand,

    I believe there is no forum about prostitution or STD here on TV, so what was your point???

    we are trying to be informed about the current event, not about your friends STD clients in Hongkong.

    http://drruth.com might be better or http://ihavenothingtosay.com

  12. Had a phone call today with a doctor friend in hongkong inquiring if this mayhem puts me in danger as she read about it in one of the latest asian news articles in a news paper ( small print) I asked what the hongkong people think about whats going on in bkk at the moment,

    Her answer was, Oh thailand does,nt really make the news much here in hk now and the people arn,t interested, Thailand for the hk people is nothing more than a place for a cheap weeks holiday to buy tshirts you can only wear one time and many of my patients come back from there with std.

    Meaning??? Your friend has STD???

  13. Red protesters get jailed for 6 months, not even 24 hours after being arrested.

    And what about the yellows? 2 years after, still nothing.

    The yellows also violated a state of emergency, my friends. What do they get? Oh right, one of their leaders gets the job as Foreign Minister. What a joke.

    Different government. Different laws. Different situation. Different results.

    I think I would have to change that to:

    Same laws, different government = different result

    And there you have one of the fundamental problems of the country, irrespective of who is running it.

    Why have they never considered trial by jury in this country. They have tried to ape most other types of Western idea and screwed it up, maybe that is one thing they could get right. Oh of course, there is no such thing as a peer in Thailand, someone is either your pee or your nong.

    Dear Thai at heart,

    may I correct you??

    In a lot of European countries Hooligans have been put to emergency courts and been sentenced within 1 hour, without the presentse of a lawyer!!

    this might have been the case with these red hooligans as well.

    why give them a chance to get a very well paid by Thaksin lawyer who smoothtalks him out as he confesses to his crime???

  14. - The reds ARE in prison - in less than 24 hours.

    - This IS a double standard.

    Now, tell me, which part is a lie?

    These are the lies and the rest was a statement and NO opinion!!!!!

    the reds have been violating and particapating in violent acts agains people and property!!

    thats why they have to go to prison

    we never used violence during our protests???????

    thats the dubble standard.

  15. 28492119474711418394114.jpg

    its actually from the BBC website, you expert computer graphics guy....


    Where did they bought the programme?? Pathunam Centre??

    is that a veiled accusation that the BBC doctored this picture?

    do you even know what the BBC is?

    British Bullshit Club

    or you forgot the propaganda after Bloody Sunday in Derry????

    were you working for them too??

    No I was too toung to be in the IRA by then

  16. Red protesters get jailed for 6 months, not even 24 hours after being arrested.

    And what about the yellows? 2 years after, still nothing.

    The yellows also violated a state of emergency, my friends. What do they get? Oh right, one of their leaders gets the job as Foreign Minister. What a joke.

    If you're not happy here or if the government doesn't keep you informed to your satisfaction....leave.

    Keep from us forever your precious opinions and sneering rebukes...life is too short, even in blogs, to have it wasted by having to read your vitriol (even by accident!) :)

    Oh look. Someone can't take it that other people might have a different opinion. Wake up.

    What you did was making a liars statement, not giving an opinion!!

    where is the opinion??

  17. Army seem to be shooting selves and gov in foot again as well as delivery men, medics, children, taxi drivers.

    Some serious corrupt gov and elite is this if full force of army have to prop it up.... again.

    Sick, and hope Abhisit never turns up in UK as warrent will await him.

    Many thais in England see to that.. promise

    Don't get your reasoning behind this. You mention UK, so we can use that as an example. Do you really believe any UK government would put up with a gang of idiots (call them freedom fighters or terrorists, up to you) who would have tried to paralyse

    the City of London for a month? Despite getting 3/4 of what they wanted from Abhisit , they still came up with more demands. Remember what happened at the Iranian Embassy after only a few days? HMG would have sent in the riot squad long before this

    And you've forgotten Bloody Sunday in Londonderry!!

    how many innocent did their army kill in just 1 hour??

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