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Posts posted by globalThailand

  1. 3 hours ago, theoldgit said:

    Yes and that’s what the media are reporting, we need to keep in mind that whilst the new figures are more than the average wage in the UK, for FLR and ILR applications both the applicants and sponsors salaries can be combined to meet the threshold, along with any savings they may have.


    I suspect most couples will make the cut, but sadly not all.


    I fear great number of people will be on one salary as their partner looks after kids and miss the cut.  I'm somewhat surprised the 18600 didn't have any increases since it was introduced but this jump is astronomical!  Sad day for the UK

    • Agree 1
  2. Applied end of May this year - Got the decision around 4 months later.  Ceremony was booked I think around 3 or 4 weeks after that (we went for a group one)


    Passport application took a surprisingly short time - around 2 and a half weeks.  Some people may be asked for an interview for first pp but didn't happen for my wife (I had heard it can be 10 weeks).


    One small piece of advice around the timing of your application.  You can travel out the country once you make the application, but once you do the oath (ie officially a UK citizen) you will need to get the UK passport in order before any overseas travel.  In our case we were ready to apply in Feb, but had plans for Thailand in the summer - I felt it was potentially cutting it fine if we got a it granted then had to arrange ceremony and passport in time for the trip so I waited until May to send in the application

  3. The current plan looks to be an increase to £1035 per year!  That's an eye watering 66% increase - way over inflation and disgusting IMHO.  The last 6 years my wife went though the whole process up to citizenship at a cost of nearly £10k.   Looking at the latest price increases just the very first 2.5 year spouse application will be around 5k (£1846 + (£1035 x 3)).  


  4. Quote


    The stumbling block on it is the two referees that are required.


    You are not wrong!  Hadn't really thought about it until we started the process.   My half sister is married to a policeman which, while technically family, I figured it was distant enough from my wife to be ok - but got warned against using as referee by an immigration lawyer.  

  5. Many thanks @bigyin.  I was advised to check into the UKVCAS website for appointments from about 9am when they update the site - the first available free appt was a day after we fly ????‍♂️


    I found an £85 express appointment though - still a bit shocked we have to spend yet more cash - pretty sure this takes us to around the 10k mark for the 5 year process ????


  6. I've hit submit, paid the £1330 and the UKVI website has now pointed me to UK Visa and Citizenship Application Services to book an appointment.  


    This was a surprise as my wife has had her biometrics done before - the ILR was appointment free, just uploaded scans etc no problems.


    Going in person is not an issue but the Sorpa Speria VCAS thing is asking for £150+ for the privilege of handing in documents!  Is that normal?  Some afternoon appts are like £250! 


    Also do you know if passport and BRP are returned on the day?  We have flights booked in a few weeks time and I really don't want this to be a spanner in the works

  7. We are just about to go for citizenship here and one question I asked an immigration lawyer for clarity was the 3 / 5 year thing.


    While we are on a 5 year route ourselves (ie. need to have lived in the UK for 5 years to obtain ILR) the citizenship will dial back 3 years from the date of application to check that Mrs Global was in the UK at that time.  This is because she is applying for citizenship as the spouse of a UK citizen.   Personally I think that's an odd one, I can't actually think of a scenario where you can get an ILR in 3 years.


    As for evidence - The citizenship form asks for all travel details to the UK (like since forever) and we have immigration stamps in passports to prove that etc.  I haven't quite got to the submission stage yet but I don't think you need the usual gumph (council tax bills, utilities etc)... I may be wrong / naïve but isn't the fact we have ILR and a BRP evidence itself that the applicant resides in the UK? 

  8. A friend of ours did the same for their five year old!  I didn't even know it was a thing and was very surprised myself when they told me but apparently the flight chaperone thing is not uncommon.  (This was some time back - their kid is a young adult now)


    As a parent myself I can appreciate it would be pretty nerve wracking - and personally would only consider it on a direct flight - but 12 year olds are pretty savvy these days and I'm sure the airline would take a lot of care to see he gets there safe.  Also good to check in with the kid too and see how he feels about it (which I'm sure you already have)

    • Thanks 1
  9. While it doesn't follow the guidance to the letter you can of course infer from the information you will provide (bank statements / payslips etc) that you are earning the required amount in the required time frame.  That said I wouldn't want to give any definitive answer here - there may be others on the forum in a better position to answer or, perhaps you could contact an immigration lawyer for proper legal advice?


    One thing I can say from experience - I had previously (for the FLR) asked my employer to write this confirmation of employment letter and a separate letter verifying the payslips as this was what I had gathered from the guidance notes was the requirement.  BUT I have been told by an immigration lawyer for our ILR that a single letter for both things, as you have, is sufficient. 


    • Thanks 1
  10. I think that may well be true.  My lawyer made an offhand comment about our application saying any day after the 19th means I'd need another payslip.  I didn't pick him up on why at the time but it makes sense as I too had the early Xmas payslip


    As for marking the statements - would suggest not trying to direct the ECO attention anywhere and leave things unmarked - it's what they are paid to look at after all (and the amount these visa's cost let them earn their crust ???? )

    • Thanks 1
  11. Word of advice for anyone filling in that online form.... there's a 25 minute timeout if you are inactive - and apparently it doesn't register keystrokes as being active.  So the epic treatise I was writing in response to 'other considerations on why you want to stay in the UK', (It was Shakespearean I tell you!  An essay on how we'd all be affected and what impact a refusal would be) has now been lost!  ????‍♂️


    Tl;dr = Long format questions you want to ponder an answer to please use notepad / word etc first and copy it into the application



  12. Quote


    Do I also need to print the credit card invoices I to show how I paid or would the Western Union and World Remit invoices be enough? I did not use my bank account to pay for sending support just my credit card.


    I can't offer any official advice on this one but, if the WU and WR invoices do not give an indication of where the money comes from (ie, that it's not clear it is from you) then I'd suggest sending your credit card statements too as they'd have matching dates / sums


    Re the letter from the employer - that's a tough one if you are hitting company policy.  Seems like companies are getting pretty hot around the GDPR rules and are very reluctant to release any protected data about their employees.  Looking at the specifics of the required evidence there needs to be an indication of how long you have been on that salary.




    If possible you could have HR take a look at the guidance 2. (b) (iii) and maybe bend the rule?





    • Thanks 1
  13. It's now about that time to go through the ILR process - just been gathering up the required supporting evidence and chipping away at the application form.  


    This one seems like a new one - I can't see anything like that from the previous FLR application we did.   Any suggestions here?  The Mrs. of course still has cultural ties but scratching my head on what's being asked here - all her FB links?  (Gonna need more than 500 characters fir that one! ????





    Second one is more to double check this is the place I need to go for what's needed re supporting evidence



    Thanks all - Oh, and Happy New Year! ????


  14. My wife wanted to remove the stress of the test as early as she could and, since there is no expiry, she took it way back in October last year.  


    It's now about that time for us to start the ILR application process and I can't now log in to the site.  I do have a screen grab of the pass result and I assume [read: Hope and pray!] all I need is the certificate number for the application?  

  15. Wife and son are heading out soon but our GP has refused to issue a FTF.   I'm looking at DocTap but they are asking for face to face consultation (and we're nowhere nearby)... seems like another option by phone is GoGoDoc (at £80)  


    There's not a lot of info I can find on what is an official recommendation / format (ie does it need to explicitly state one is free of covid like symptoms?)  Does it have to come from a recommended source or is a letter from any registered GP fine?


  16. My memory is not my strong point to be fair and we last did the FLR about a year ago - but I'm 95% sure it was all part of the application process.


    More info here if that helps https://www.gov.uk/healthcare-immigration-application/pay


    A snippet from the IHS website



    My wife is currently studying for the LITUK - further madness as far as I'm concerned... essentially a pub quiz that I'm sure more than half of UK nationals would fail (Including myself) 


    If it will be some time before your wife is 65 and FLR is what you'll be going for regardless then you can of course apply before the price increase - just means 'losing' a few months from the current FLR.


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  17. I believe the IHS payment is the very last thing you do once the FLR is submitted - ie, you can't pay for the IHS first.  Looking at the dates you've supplied I don't think there's a way around paying the increased fee -- as rasg says, if you apply early to save yourself a few hundred quid you may need another FLR if your wife doesn't quite make the 5 year time in the UK for the ILR (and have to spend another £3000 ish)


    Gotta say this price increase is excessive - 5 years into IHS introduction and it's jumped 300%!  I get that things go up in price but for those just starting out and needing to pay nearly 2k on top of the visa price itself (from what used to be £600) seems extortionate! 

  18. The info about the financial requirement can be found here 



    Returning to the UK basically means you need to have met the financial requirement (£18600 as you'd be applying for your wife, not your kids) for the last 6 months and also have a confirmed job offer that you'd be starting within 3 months of arrival.  (See section 5.2)



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