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Posts posted by spog

  1. Sorry.  I should have said that charging the battery every night,

    "even when it does not need it" is dangerous.

    This also goes for you camera batteries.

    A good charger will have a function to drain the battery before charging.

    This will ensure maximum life and safety.

    Actually, I am afraid that is incorrect. - Or rather, outdated.

    NiCad and NiMH batteries do work best if you drain them fully and recharge them. However, most phone batteries these days are Lithium Ion. Lithium batteries do not suffer from the 'memory effect' and can be safely charged up whilst partially charged without damaging the battery.

    In fact, Lithium batteries should never be completely discharged as that does have a negative effect on their lifespan.

    The problem with exploding phones is where a non-original battery is used. OEM batteries have a special charging circuit inside which protects the battery against explosion. Cheap knockoffs do not have this circuit and can explode.

    Search for 'exploding nokia battery' for further information. Always buy genuine, original batteries for your phone.

  2. Hi

    Does anyone know if "original"  PS2 games bought in Thailand will work on a PS2 console bought in the UK

    If by "original", you actually mean "copy" - then the answer is yes - as long as the PS2 is chipped.

    The regional coding applies to DVD movies only. Games do not have a region coding, but (I'm scratching my memory here) I think they come in either PAL or NTSC formats and the PS2 console is likewise.

    I have a chipped PS2, bought in HK, used in both UK and thailand and it plays copied games bought in BKK without problem

  3. I would like to buy a sim when I get to BKK next month for my orange phone (Not unblocked, insurance in UK will be void if I unblock, I think).

    Will a new orange sim work?

    If so:

    Can I phone UK for the 7 Baht a minute I hear about?

    Will the new phone number last forever?

    If not:

    Best way to go to phone UK?



    I'm pretty sure that Orange UK don't block their phones anymore. But if it is, it will only cost you 150baht to get it unblocked and it doesn't invalidate the warranty.

    You can buy an Orange Th sim card here and it will work on the unblocked phone.

    The new number doesn't last forever unless you occasionally add credit to it. I just added 500baht and it is valid for 1 year - so unless you never use the phone, it won't be a problem.

    009 (cheap IDD) works fine. The other option is to buy a Hatari phone card from a 7/11 and dial a free-access number.

    Hope this helps


    PS you can check whether your phone is blocked by trying a friends O2/Voda sim and seeing if you can receive calls

  4. :D  Reading some of these posts makes me angry. some of the so called ex-pats from the Uk, revile the country that gave them so much. all through their youth, they recieved an education, free health care, one of the best safety nets in the world should things go wrong.

                                                    After their university education, when they are all qualified to put something back. they decide the country of their birth is no good and come to places like this.

                                                    They decry the goverments of the day, but never vote, and when things go drastically wrong, they go running back to the safety of the uk.

                          They may recognise themselves in this post. :o

    Oh this one made me LAUGH! :D I do not know where you were brought up in the UK and sheltered from the realities.

    Get REAL my friend.

    Hah! It gave me a laugh too.

    I started a long list about the poor state of the healthcare, education, public services......but I ended up smiling so much (about leaving it behind) that I couldn't continue.

    Either the poster hasn't been to the homeland in the past 5 years, or they have some amazingly rose-tinted spectacles about the state of things there. Or perhaps they were one of those people who live off government handouts, so they can sit around their council house, watching sky-tv before going down the dole office.

    Anyway, this thread is drifting off-topic, so I'm not going to carry-on with it further. But thank you for the laugh, Alf Garnet.

  5. On all mobile operators,

    009 then international country cde+number is ridiculously cheap to 30 countries at the moment - only 7 baht a minute

    Can you give a list of what countries this applies to?

    Or point me in the right direction?

  6. I touched firstly on income because it's a key ingredient, not necessarily the most important I agree, of any lifestyle.I mentioned a number of other criteria and fully conceded Thailand's superiority in cuisine and weather.So in a genuine spirit of enquiry, I would like to know exactly what you mean by miserable British standards.

    Why would you be interested in the views of a 'maladjusted Brit expat ' who is probably an 'unsuccessful disfunctional loser' ?

    Don't be so defensive.Just explain what you mean.

    Oh well, as you asked so nicely..........

  7. I touched firstly on income because it's a key ingredient, not necessarily the most important I agree, of any lifestyle.I mentioned a number of other criteria and fully conceded Thailand's superiority in cuisine and weather.So in a genuine spirit of enquiry, I would like to know exactly what you mean by miserable British standards.

    Why would you be interested in the views of a 'maladjusted Brit expat ' who is probably an 'unsuccessful disfunctional loser' ?

  8. Same lifestyle as back home? Why on earth would you want to downgrade your lifestyle from Thai standards to miserable British standards?

    Last time I looked Thailand had a national income per person of $2010 and the UK a figure of $23590.So to compare standards on an economic level is a no brainer.Perhaps you are referring to non-economic criteria such as culture,weather,spirituality,education,cuisine,health or literacy.But Thailand doesn't really score over the UK here either except of course for weather and cuisine.My take is that Thailand and the UK are both wonderful countries, but with different strengths and weaknesses.

    I don't think it would occur to any well adjusted British expatriate to make such a bitter comparison.The sad fact is that unsuccessful disfunctional losers in the Uk are probably going to be unsuccessful disfunctional losers in Thailand.

    I feel a little sorry for you.

    I used the word 'lifestyle' and you heard 'income'.

    That's a bit sad.

  9. However, if you want the same lifestyle that you had back home, your costs will be much higher.

    Same lifestyle as back home? Why on earth would you want to downgrade your lifestyle from Thai standards to miserable British standards?


  10. try this link may help


    It claims that you can not learn to fly them in thailand

    Go figure

    This message was sent by Cliff Fournier to a Jacques Briere who was rejected from flying at Hua Hin. Foreigners have been forbidden from Helicopter Training at CATC in Thailand after the 9/11 attack in USA.

    Thanks for the link. All I can say is '<deleted>??'

    You can learn to fly a small plane, but not a helicopter because of 9/11 ????

  11. Maybe I'll be naughty and give one of the copies a go as some seem to say you can update it no probs!...and as the OS has more holes than emental it does need to be up-dated.

    So where is the best place to source a good copy disc? are the police a bit hot on your tail?...someone mention "Panthip"? where is that?


    Many places sell prirate copies of XP. Pantip Plaza is the most popular. http://www.bangkokbob.net/pantip.html but MBK centre also will have it,

    Pay about 100baht for the disc. Get XP Pro - preferably with SP2 on it and make sure you don't get the Thai version.

    Discs usually work fine.

    Police hot on your trail? 55555! Very funny. :o

    Just be careful with them f you ever leave the country - some places don't like you importing pirate stuff

  12. Just got through being chased through the whole village by my wife with a very large knife. Seems when I said I wanted to Helicopter she understood the extreme form of Butterfly. Yikes!!!! You guys are going to get me into trouble with this forum talk :D:o:D

    You should have said that you wanted 5,000 baht so you could go out and play with your chopper (or "chop PERRR").....

  13. I was a little bemused watching this as well. The pixellated stuff seemed to include a shot of a lady removing her top. Maybe, it's just my twisted mind, but did it involve porn?

    That's exactly what was going through my (also twisted) mind!

    At first, I thought the guy was the police guy being interviewed. Then they repeated the whole segment again and I saw that it wasn't. Then I also remembered the the boys in brown never get caught anyway.

  14. A wild and frivolous thought......can you get helicopter lessons in LOS? If so, how much and where?

    Just something I've fancied doing and I guess it must be cheaper here than elsewhere

    265-465 US per hour.... Wish I had that kind of dosh. :o

    Well, according to the website, plane hire is about B5,000 per hour and the instructor is 1,500B - that's about U$160 per hour. I guess helicopter prices are about the same?

    They quote 150-200,000B for a full license - that's under U$5,000. Someone told me that in the US, it is closer to U$20,000

    My problem with this kind of expense is that I mentally convert the cost into the number of 'short-times' I could get for that cost. In this case, it's 100 short-times. I don't use BGs so it is a silly comparison, but you can't help thinking what is better value for money.....

  15. I was out and about last night (Tues 12th) and I saw a news article on the TV. They had a home video of a semi-naked middle-aged man washing his shirt in the bathroom. It then showed lots of pixellated stuff that looks like it might have involved a lady. then there was a police spokesman talking to the reporters.

    Anyone know the gist of what it was about?

  16. I should just clarify that RDN lays claim to that big bugger, not me.

    Live and let live is fine for me, but my other half is terrified by them, so they have to leave.

    I was thinking about adapting one of these electric mosquito zappers. A few thousand volts should be enough to stun them temporarily.

  17. My wife was jumped by a Tokay when she was a kid , the larger version of the chin chook.

    She has had a fear of them since then.

    Just me imitating the sound of a tokay " tokay,tokay" makes her jump :D

    chin chooks are tolerated but not encouraged :D

    This little b*gger likes to sit on top of the garden gate :o :


    I'm not hitting that bugger with one of my flip-flops!

    He's probably grab it off me and beat me to death!

  18. When you splat them with your flip-flop, they make a heck of a mess.

    And as you watch them twitching in your death-throes, you feel pretty bad about yourself.

    Then you have to wipe the remains up, leaving a big stain on your white wall and you start to hate the little bugger.

    Perhaps you could borrow a cat for a few days - they might get rid of them for a while?

  19. I asked the same question about a week ago - I didn't really get a good solution. Like you, my house is very clean and free from insects and I don't leave food lying around, but they still come in.

    I doubt you will be able to trap them in a bottle - I think they can walk up glass - they can certainly climb out of a plastic bucket with no problem,

    I was thinking about those sticky traps, used to catch cockroaches and mice. You might be able to catch them in there (though you'll have to work out how to unstick them before you release them)

    I have heard that you can buy a chalk-like powder which is supposed to repell them - though you have to basically encircle your entire house for it to work.

  20. Everytime I return to dear ol' Blighty, I am happier than ever that I don't live there.

    And everytime I do go back, all my friends and family are more and more depressed about the place. It seems to get worse and worse as time progresses.

    Thailand may not be perfect, but I'm a heck of a lot happier here.

  21. I've been in that shop a few times. A lot of classics, but very pricey for old shows.

    Some of the copy-dvd vendors on the street has started to sell stuff like this. the ones on Silom road have both 'The Office' and 'Fawlty Towers'.

    Possibly my imagination, but the range of titles available from these guys is getting bigger and more cosmopolitan.

    Oh course, by buying copied stuff, you are taking the bread out of the mouths of poor starving actors.

  22. Call the 9111 number and ask them what they want to say.

    Are you sure it was 9111, sounds awfully close to the Emergency number.

    Now that's a worrying thought:

    'UR hse is n fire. Jmp frm wndw & w'll catch U'


    'U brk law. Pay $$$ T mny'

  23. The number is 809, but not quite as you quoted.

    It would be 001 809 441 ...........

    Uses voice over IP.  I use it for faxes without bother or delay.

    TOT alos has an international service via 009 441.......

    The first is about 10 baht a minute and I believe the TOT serives is the same, though I have never managed to get a connection that way.

    I am on AIS and use TOT international to call the UK and I have been using the 009 44 prefix for quite a while and the calls cost me about 10 baht a minute and they also work with the (0) 845 and (0) 870 numbers as well.

    Using the 009 prefix has cut down on my phone bills quite a lot.

    Hope that this is of use.

    Can you explain these further?

    001 809 441 ...........

    009 441.....

    I can just use these prefixes from my landline (TOT) and get cheap overseas calls? Do I have to register first?

    At the moment, I use a hatari card from 7-11 via my mobile (free mobile call) and it works out pretty cheap. although, if I call HK, it is still much cheaper to get someone there to call me back

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