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Posts posted by chmiroau

  1. Are you kidding me. Human trafficking is happening all around the world, right under our noses. The transportation of cheap labor from country to country has been going on for decades, all of it completely legal of course.

    Countries like Australia, England and the United states are well within the green band of level 1 on the scale 1-3, one being complying with all the laws and 3 being complete non compliance. However, and this is the biggest however you may ever read in your life. This scale is not affected by the business dealings that these countries have with other countries.

    Take for example my pet hate company for the moment, Apple. Great American success story. Almost all of the manufacturing of their products are manufactured in countries that operate under laws that defiantly wouldn't be acceptable in the home country of the parent company (excepting Sth Korea of course, a country that it seems Apple desperately wants to separate with). The pay rates, working conditions and work place health and safety levels are no way near that of what is expected as a minimum in either of the 3 above mentioned countries.

    It seems that because a product sold on the home country domestic market but not made there, the manufacturing workers standards do not apply. This has been going on for as long as I can remember. Human trafficking where the product is the item that does the travelling, to the country that offers the lowest rates of pay at the expense of a very broad range of working conditions.

    I remember visit that I made to one of my customers factories here in Thailand. This is a Chinese owned company that has exported its workforce to Thailand because it is cheaper for them to employ Thais than their own people. This company makes products for American companies. Under forced conditions from western activists most of the workers have pretty good working conditions (compared to battery hens) as the working standard for their factories is much cleaner and safer than almost all other factories here. However, when you get past the foreign activist forced conditions and into the other areas of this work place, the conditions are despicable. This is especially apparent in the middle office level.

    The offices are in a 6 story building, however when the lift broke down 6 years ago it was never fixed, same is said for most of the air conditioners. The computer equipment is also in a dilapidated state, and I remember on more than one occasion seeing the old green screen monitors still being used by the staff. Most of the computer accessories like key boards and mouses are supplied by the workers themselves as they got sick and tired of the fact that simply no maintenance goes on in the office area.

    This happens for the simple reason of profit. I got extremely sad when I met the Number 1 Thai CEO. He arrived in a 45M B Bentley, chauffeur driven of course, then all of the workers did all of their wais not understanding that the car the CEO just got out of was worth more than 800 of the staff at the factory would earn in a year, or about 21 of the workers would earn in their entire lifetimes.

    If this kind of company behaviour isn't human trafficking by proxy, then I don't know what is.

    If the west wants to stop human trafficking, then it had better get real with what its own companies are doing with their businesses before they point the bone at countries that are said to condone human trafficking. Fair rights for all workers is a good goal and should be the first step for organisations like the UN.

  2. Foot note. I remember watching a current affairs program that was screened in Australia not long after the big bush fires had been through Melbourne a few years back. The presenter was talking with one of the loggers that had been given the job of harvesting all the plantation trees. He was asked what was going to happen with all the trees. He replied, 'same as what would have happened with them. They get harvested put on a truck, taken to the docks, put on a boat, sent to Korea where they will be turned into particle board. Then they are put on a boat and brought back to Australia to be sold on the domestic market as a locally grown product.

    This is happening under the noses of the Australian public, just think of the extra carbon produced by such an industry, no wonder why industries like this have applied for exemption.

    The work force in the west has simply become too expensive to run, so companies are looking elsewhere to source their workforce. Why shouldn't the airline companies?

  3. Um, am I on my own when I read this. I am from Australia. So much of the western work force has, is being replaced by low paid overseas workers. Even when you take into account the massive cost of relocating the primary product and then the end product, it is still cheaper to export the labor. What surprised me was that after being in Thailand for about six months, I realised that much of the labor that I thought was going on in China, was actually happening here in Thailand. And there is another step down from Thailand, Burma, Vietnam, Cambodia, possible ECT.

    Big companies want, believe that it is their right to source their labor at the cheapest rate they possibly can, this helps their bottom line and their stock value. If you are believing that this system is not fair, maybe even grossly unfair, then you had better get ready for price explosions.

    With JetStar, I am happy that they are managing to find less expensive labor, so long as it doesn't inter-fear with the operational-ability of said aircraft. After all we as consumers are the reason why cut price air companies are there, we want to travel at the cheapest possible rate, which means that the air companies must find ways to cut their costs.

    If anyone is to blame for situations like this, then it is us. The ones that use companies like these.

    If you don't want to support this kind of labor, then you will have to spend a lot of time and even more money making sure that the people that do anything for you are being rewarded in the way that you would like them to be. I would say that that is akin to mission impossible as the biggest difference between run of the mill and designer is the price tag, it certainly isn't where they were made, or how much the people on the cutting room floor were paid.

  4. Then perhaps it is time for the USA to have a control when people board an airplane in the USA so their criminals stay there.

    Here here. I have always wondered why convicted criminals are still allowed to have a normal life with all its dressings, even after they have served their sentences. Why is it that a person who has committed a crime, served his sentence and then been released has exactly the same rights as a person that has never even had a parking ticket.

    This may not be a popular point of view, and I am sorry if you disagree, but I don't like the fact that convicted criminals can travel overseas and then set up new schemes tainting the locals views on all of the law abiding people.

  5. Um, it's called pork barreling. The new government can get out of it simply by saying what other governments do all over the world. They simply say that when they made the election offers, they believed that the economy was in a much better condition than it really was. Then they simply blame the economy's condition on the previous government and use the same election promises for the next election.

  6. I have heard that the i, i, i, i, I have heard, i,iPhone,i, g,g,g,g,great, they.

    Seriously, the videos I have watched on youtube with people walking around using their iPhones or pads has been priceless. We should have more of it.

    I, myself have had first hand witness to these ibloopers. Going up the escalator at a local shopping centre, the iPed (Person using any i product when walking, brain in neutral of course) in front of me was busy tapping away. When she got to the top of the escalator, she stepped off and stopped. I tried to avoid her, but as there were other people behind me and the escalator just keeps going, I knocked into her. The i product went flying, so did the girl. I just walked away laughing. Should have been on youtube.

    What I am waiting for are all the suits against Apple for the volume allowed on the ipods. I wonder how many people will go deaf using them.

  7. Not sure as you didn't say, what visa and conditions are you here on?

    Secondly, don't treat the Thai as idiots, if you do then it will cost you. Also simply put, don't trust their information completely either. I have heard so many times that the employees at the immigration department don't know their laws completely. So if you have a question for them, always go to the most senior person you can, and most importantly, in the right area of immigration to get your answers as many of the workers there only know their little bit of the whole process.

  8. A Non Imm O Visa gives you a stay of 90 days. After that you have to leave. If you have a valid Multi Entry you can return and get another 90 days.

    The information given in the link you gave is totally wrong.

    I have been living here for over two years on a Non O visa based on marriage to a Thai woman. I have not left the country once, and now I don't even go to the immigration office to report my address. I don't know what your information is, but I am totally legal, all of my stamps are legal.

    If the writer of the original post is only 31 yo, then I guessed that he was not here as a retiree.

  9. A few years back I went on an organised visa run in a mini van. One of the passengers was on overstay and sods law being as it is we were stopped at a checkpoint. The police involved could easily see what the purpose of our trip was and let us all carry on to the border, even after a passport inspection.

    It is quite obvious that if you are on an organised visa run your intention is to be legal. I wouldn't worry about it myself, however it's your choice.

    Mate, if you are here on a non O visa, re apply for the visa now, here in Thailand and save the visa run troubles. It will cost you to apply again but in the long run will save you lots of hassles.

  10. Um, sorry to ask, but what type of NON O visa are you here on. Do you really need to do a border run? My impression of the O visa (O stands for other and is used for retired and married among a few others) is that you only need to report your address, I don't believe that you need to leave the country to do this. Am I wrong?

    Maybe it is time that you found out the correct information. If I am correct then you just have to go to the local immigration department and advise your address. There will be a 2000B fine, and the new 90 days will start from your last expiry date.

    This is well worth you looking at as at some point you have to go to an immigration department, either at the airport or at the main office. The outcome would be much the same either way.

    Check it out mate.

    A link to a website giving wrong information has been removed. Admin.

  11. As a westerner, I was always believing that the Thaksin, um sorry, Puea Thai party would get (back) in. I am also believing that Thaksins alleged crimes will be overturned and he will return, possibly before the years out. This will anger the usual suspects so we are very likely in for a hard and difficult ride, just like the last time. Is this democracy? Yes, the people have voted. Is democracy the best form of government? Possibly not. That is the true fact about politics, it will work well in some countries and not so well in others, will it work well here, we will wait and see.What I can say is that under the governments that have been in what could loosely be called government over the last 5 years, have done nothing to better the life styles of the majority of Thais, there has been next to no progression on the half built infrastructure around Bangkok, and even less upkeep of the existing infrastructure. Just on this field most governments would have lost an election, however it does not end here for the government in Thailand over the past 5 years.The people have spoken..

  12. This is one of the big problems with the Thai psyche and xenephobia; they have had this type of thinking ingrained in them since birth.

    Why does it have to be about foreigners and Thais; wouldn't it be wise to just say to everyone; be aware, be smart and vigilant and don't be decieved by anyone....guess that is beyond the Thai scope of thinking...at least the govt's :annoyed:

    Here, here. The true facts are that many Thai women are equally as good at scamming money from Men. I seriously doubt that nationality matters when you step back and look at the big picture. Men scam women, and women scam men, that's just how it works when you live in a country where the government and others really don't give a shit about their people, and then make their xenophobic claims whenever a foreigner gets in on the act.

    I am married to a Thai, and she, unlike many other women I have met here, never ever asked me, and doesn't ask me for me for money. There are good ones and there are bad ones. I am so lucky that I managed to find a good one, if you do, then marry her and treat her like she deserves to be treated. Always keep in mind that the woman that is tempting you from your marriage is the one that will ask you for money.

  13. The truth is not always as it seems. The very meaning of the word truth is changeable, as per the dictionary. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/truth I am sure that if you search any other dictionary then it will show very much the same.

    Truth is often a belief that is held by so many people that it is often referred to as the truth. However, as with everything the true fact is that the truth is fluid and changes depending on who is telling the story. This is extremely evident in this youtube video.

    Even live first hand witnesses may not see the truth as their attention is often, if not always divided or misdirected. This ploy is exploited by magicians all over the word, and is often used by politicians to bring in new policy without the scrutiny of the press.

    Be careful what you accept as the truth.

  14. I always seem to manage to book the flights I want with the luggage I want and the seats I want without being lumbered with any superfluous charges. What am I doing wrong?

    Same here!. Have booked many times with Air Asia, and have found no problems with their booking system, usually takes about 15 minutes and have never been trapped with the extra add-ons they sell. Have even managed to upgrade my baggage rate for a return journey with no problems, then lost the print out, and still had no problems with the check in.

    Have found them to be a competent and easily dealt with company. Maybe there is something wrong with me too.

    If you have trouble with this kind of booking system, then spend the extra money and time and go to a travel agent, let them do it.

  15. Um, we have an old Nuvi 205. It is about 3 years old now. We managed to get maps from the Prantip plaza for under 1500B. The maps are somewhat annoying as the translation from Thai to English often gets me muddled up, and the lane information is often wrong. Despite this, I have learnt that the best way to understand what direction to follow is to look at the purple line and follow that when confused.

    Another problem that I have found is that the signal gets horribly confused when under a BTS station for the eternity that it takes the traffic to move, when this happens the GPS often replaces us some 50 to 100 meters from our last position and then tries to guide us back to the main road. We have learnt to deal with this too, when stuck in traffic, remember what the last instruction was and distance to the next recommended turn was and you'll be right.

  16. Just which English were you talking about? Are you including: Cockney English, Shropshire English, Oxford English, Welsh English, Scottish English, Irish English, Liverpool English, Bangladesh English, West coast Canadian English, East coast Canadian English, French Canadian English, Australian English, Southern US English, New England US English, California English, or pick any one of the British Commonwealth countries that supposedly speak English?

    Queen's English.

    Her Majesty hardly speaks at all, at least not to the likes of me! :P

    RP or 'received pronunciation' was often referred to as 'BBC English, if spoken now, would be barely understandable by 90% of the population of England. Language is fluid, English language particularly so, given it's widspread use around the world. The most important aspect of it is to understand and be understood. This means that you will, necessarily, shift your language into patterns that are easily digestible in order to express your thoughts accurately

    I think it's easy to slip into the Thai grammar style of English, especially when speaking in 'mixed' company. Hard to continually adjust if there's, say, three farang and three Thai people with less than fluent Engrish skills and you want everyone to grasp the meaning without having to continually 'translate' from a more native speakers flow of English. If I'm discussing the finer points of football with a couple of English mates then I'm not going to be saying things like 'man yoo same same kee kwai' although the native English version may use equally incorrect grammar.

    What did throw me yesterday was flying into Mumbai and having to switch my ear to the way the Indian airport staff form their sentences. I did, however, enjoy their frustration at my blank 'huh?' stares, as they obviously feel they are fluent!

    True story; Mature Indian English language student trying to polish her pronunciation so that it is easier for the Thai people to understand her. "I don't have an accent, back home everyone understands me perfectly." Me, "sorry, can you say that a bit slower for me." Student, "Oh!"

    After many hours I have managed to get this student to slow her pronunciation for the locals and because of this she is finding it much easier to communicate with others using English as a second language.

  17. Quality of English on the board is poor even for the first language English speakers.

    Too right! However, with the huge variety of native English spoken in Thailand, it is so hard to work out what is good, bad or just plain lazy.

    Sometimes I get the feeling that most of the comments on this message board are from ESL speakers, so, because of this I make allowances. However, if I am wrong and most of the comments have been made by native speakers, then I sure hope that they aren't teaching English.

  18. Sadly I feel it unlikely that Abhisit will return to his position. This would be a sad day for Thailand as a whole.

    What the people here don't understand is that the world of politics moves slowly, and sometimes without rhyme or reason. The government can't just bribe their way through their term. They can't just buy their votes and then be expected to do their jobs with integrity or honesty.

    The, so called, plan by the PTP or even a suggestion that this party will instigate a law that will absolve previous politicians of their misdoings should, by all rights, scare the living crap out of the people. Should such a law be passed then there is simply no hope for Thailand, ever. This will make the politicians well above the law, and add nuclear fuel to the already rampant disregard for rules, laws and reason.

    Should the PTP win the vote and subsequently bring in this new rule, Thailand will also have a massive economic issue to deal with. Should such a law be passed then the flow on effect from this will be distrust within the world economy, a fall in the Thai bart, and as a natural follow on a massive increase of unemployment for the people. Thailand will become the world's newest Burma.

    People of Thailand, please don't let this happen. The offer of a 3,000 bart tablet computer isn't worth it for your country.

  19. <br />
    <br />I wonder what the reception of some tourists will be to the offer of ciccumcision for the males? As an NGO, perhaps this chap is getting a discount from the  NGO group providing the service in his area? I don't see some of the Europeans getting too excited over that prospect. <img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/whistling.gif" /> Mind you the Australian professor that's running  his clinical trial has been snipping at a furious pace, so maybe he can sneak the boys in.<br /><br />Will men be allowed the option of a temporary marriage with a couple new girls for the sake of compliance with the rules pertaining to  sex outside of marriage? And of the women, do they get a burqa and a discount coupon at the  shack that rips out the clitoris and labia?  I don't think they will have an easy time observing halal  where they are going. It's pork for breakfast, lunch and dinner. <img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/bah.gif" /><br />
    <br /><br />That's a very offensive post, as for circumcision, I'm sure you are aware this is practiced by other faiths. <br /><br />Ten days after Rabbi Yitzhok Fischer performed religious circumcisions on twins last October, one died of herpes and the other tested positive for the virus, according to a complaint filed by the health department in Manhattan Supreme Court.<br /><br />www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6898403/ns/health-kids<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    Te original post suggests that the writer doesn't know very much about religion. I have had this discussion with an Imam concerning mandatory circumcision. The official story from this particular Imam was that following Islam was far more important that having a circumcision, so the uncut could easily partake in such an experience like Muslim for a month.

    The other thing that so many people of both the Christian and Jewish faiths simply don't understand, is that Christianity, Judaism and Islam are all one and the same, they all follow the fundamental belief in the same 'one god'. Their structures of belief are not to dissimilar to each other that for a non theist like myself has great difficulty understanding where all the animosity comes from. Such an experience for followers of different religions could benefit greatly from experiencing different faiths from inside, and maybe, just maybe this will be the start of the end of religious wars that have been raging for the best part of the last two centuries.

    Best advice. Follow the Buddhist tradition, if you don't have something good to say about other people, shut your mouth, it causes less problems for all concerned.

  20. Well, there is humor here for sure. But I for one give an E for effort. Look how many years the so-called developed countries have been trying to reduce smoking. I am from the USA and they spend billions of dollars to sell smoking products and billions more on health issues because of smoking. It is definitly a huge business.

    There is also the fact of political correctness. This means that it is ok for governments to state that smoking is bad for you, but they can't say that obesity is much much worse. In Australia the obesity rate has sky rocketed, so has the total medical expenditure wasted to provide medical to these special needs patients. However, because it is deemed politically incorrect to comment on a persons weight, nothing can be said about it.

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