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Posts posted by chmiroau

  1. <br>
    <br>The Public Health Ministry has issued a warning to people to protect themselves from infection by eating cooked and hot food, using <u><i>a middle spoon</i></u> and washing hands frequently.<br><br>I presume that means a METAL spoon <img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/whistling.gif" class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":whistling:"><br>
    <br><br><br>Just noticed a large poster in Tesco Korat stating that a separate spoon should be used for serving food.<br><br>The Thai habit of everyone dipping their spoon into the main dish is &lt;deleted&gt; disgusting!<br>
    <br><br>Um, dont hold back your opinion there mate, please feel free to have a quick look at some medical statistics and I am sure that you will find that such a simple thing as sharing a spoon to serve, share food, is no better or worse than kissing that girl you met at the party. How many times have you done that I wonder....
  2. As a recent Aussie import to Thailand, I am not surprised at news like this.

    Sadly many Aussie children are now brought up to believe that they can do no wrong, it is always someone else's fault. Fall over and it is the owner of the footpath's fault, not yours. They have to put out caution floor wet signs at shopping centers when it is raining, not just to warn their patrons that rain is actually water, and that makes the floor wet when it falls, but to protect themselves from the litigious public.

    People don't have crashes because their driving is not up to scratch, it is because the road is unsafe to drive on, hence Australis seems to have the fastest falling speed limits in the western world. Still these people see no problem with paying just $30.00 (1000 thb) per tire on their car. How much is their life worth????

    It surprises me not that these Aussies come here and believe that they can run gunshot over the Thai people, I am always happy when the gunshot gets returned.

    Expect it to get worse, we have a whole generation of these common sense deprived Aussies to come.

    (Written by one sad Aussie who knows what common sense is, I have an old dictionary)

  3. News Broadcast From Thai International News desk!

    The Earthquake scheduled for the 12 of June has been postponed due to the predicted economic trouble it may cause. One official has been quoted as saying "Thailand has had enough trouble this quarter, so an Earthquake could be the last straw. We have asked the operators of the Haarp to postpone the Earthquake until a more favourable time can be decided on"

    So there you have it, everyone can still go to the beach, I am sure that they wont have an Earthquake on a weekend day, it would just cost too much business.

  4. Um, if the Thai fortune tellers were real, why are they working at all. Wouldn't they just pick the right lotto numbers and retire in luxury?

    The thing that scares me the most about these snake oil peddlers, is that they have a huge base of believing customers. Please don't make them angry, who knows what they could achieve if they all got together?

    Predicting earthquakes, so far not possible, sort of. The only scientifically proven method of predicting earthquakes has been watching and noting the restless behaviour of animals able to hear infra-sound, elephants ect. The main problem with this is that they give real-time warnings, as the quake is happening, so you don't really have much time to react.

    As for HAARP, this is a huge radio antenna first invented by the Russians and is designed to transmit extremely strong radio waves toward the atmosphere. Its affects are sketchy and probably hard to prove, but are believed to affect weather by heating up parts of the atmosphere directly above the transmitter. There is anecdotal evidence that this has occurred, however how this is supposed to affect the Earths crust, and plate tectonics I have no idea.

    Sounds like a huge amount of fertiliser to me.

    I seriously need an English spell checker, colour is spelt colour and spelt is spelt spelt.

  5. It is a crying shame that education here in Thailand has become more of a business than what the western world believes is a right.

    For Thailand to move forward the education system needs to be overturned. The first thing that needs to go is the no fail culture. I am sure that the Thai children are not that different to any other children from all parts of the world, it is just the culture that they are exposed to that makes them different. Change the educational culture and you will change the children, therefor you will change the future of Thailand as a whole.

    I am another one of those English teachers, and when I got a pass on my Tesol certificate, I also got the comment, and I quote "That is what you paid for". I for one, worked dam_n hard for that certificate, and I now work dam_n hard to make sure that my students get the best that I can give them. I encourage my students to ask questions of me, English is hard, and a very complicated language if you look hard enough at it. When I am asked a question, I see an opportunity for me to learn and become a better teacher. Having said that, I believe that if I was given an English test by a professor of linguistics I would defiantly fail. This does not mean that I am ineffective as a teacher, so I do believe that the above article is misleading, if somewhat sensational (as most news is).

    Change the culture of definite 70% pass, and you will no doubt get better teachers.

  6. Maybe the riders wobbler gear has detached from the cotter pin. It happens when there is too much lubricant used. Maybe it would be a better idea to lay off the sauce and just hit yourself over the head with a cricket bat, it feels the same when you wake up.

  7. Hey there,

    This message is sent via an AIS air card connection, so if it drops out please forgive.

    We have both the AIS 3G air card and windows 7. We always have had problems with the internet connection, as sometimes we have full speed (which in itself is rather slow) and then for no reason it just drops to nothing. The sad part of this is that we are still charged for the connection time, so when it happens we disconnect and then try again in 5-10 minutes. We find that this happens mostly after 6pm, so I think that their server's ability to handle the load is not sufficient.

    How to fix, well if you are like us you have a six month contract, so we just grin and walk away for ten or so. The most frustrating part of this is that Murphy's law dictates that the internet will 'crash' when you need it the most.

    I have had other problems like automatic disconnection about 5 seconds after connecting, the AIS help center just advises to uninstall and reinstall the device. Seems to be an 20th century fix to a 21st century problem. Maybe that is their problem, I dunno.

    Not sure if it helps you, but you are not alone.

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