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Posts posted by Bullie

  1. 19 hours ago, Vacuum said:

    Didn't they know that passports are not needed to enter Europe. All you have to do is claim asylum as a refugee, because you 'fear persecution'. They'll swallow your excuse hook, line and sinker.

    You are completely right, ovcourse. Provided they survive crossing the Mediterranean in a sinking rubber dingy....

  2. Pertussis or whooping cough comes to mind. broad spectrum antibiotics is the Thai answer, my personal choice would be to have my blood checked at a reliable clinic or hospital.

    I would NOT go back to this pool. Many are NEVER cleaned, they only keep on adding chlorine. Changing the water and ilter regularly is expensive, you know!

    • Like 2
  3. I do not want to come across as racist, but did anyone notice the skin tone of this "french" taxi driver?


    As a word of warning: his moroccan kinsmen regularly try to pull the same trick in Amsterdam on non-suspecting tourists...

  4. 54 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    and @Odyysseus

    Avocados are very cheap in the local markets when in season, I would suggest you stop doing all your shopping in tourist supermarkets Rimping/Friendship/Tops/Villa and buy in the more local shopping areas.

    Although avocados and kiwi fruit are not part of my British/Euro diet so I'm not an expert on them and wouldn't include them in my 'western food' list.

    Spain an Portugal are western countries, last time I looked. Avocados are a staple, there. Kiwi's are the product of New Zealand, a country full of English-speaking western people - even when the country itself does not lie in the Western hemisphere....

  5. If you only drink juices your intake is: water, natural flavourings, and a mound of sugar. Because that is what juice is.

    If you want to loose weight stop drinking alcohol, get on a bicycle, eat pleaty of whole wheat products and vegetables and WHOLE fruit.

    Hell, just eat fruit for a few months, just don't juice and throw away the most important part of it: fibers!!

    • Like 1
  6. No problem at all to resolve the statelessness! We just paid 300,000 baht, and were fast tracked through the system..

    Mind you, my wife had been on the waiting list for 25 odd years, and was told it might be another 5-10 years, if at all. It did not long for me to make up my mind.

    Best money spent, ever. We are finally able to leave this fine country behind us and emigrate to Europe in 2 months.

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