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Posts posted by Bullie

  1. 6 hours ago, jany123 said:

    What do you mean by “it may seem heartless”? It is 100% heartless, no ifs, buts or maybe about it.


    but that aside ( as your morales are your own) can you provide a link to the claim that it’s illegal for commercial shipping to rescue people in distress at sea.... because I can find no such law, and would counter that it’s illegal not to rescue lives at risk at sea, and to then deliver them to a safe place (for those suggesting they be taken back to Libya etc... a safe place typically means not returning them to their point of origin)


    things are not perfect, but there are laws in place, which should be adhered too.... and yes, perhaps these laws need to be changed. 


    look at Israel as a near perfect example of mishandling a refugee crisis. refugees have always been an issue, and it’s common sense that it always will be an issue.... and this issue certainly needs a shed load of thought before the US create another refugee crisis in Iran.

    rescuing life at sea was agreed upon with  shipwrecks of other vessels in mind. Not as a premeditated way to put yourself in danger on purpose, so ships have to come to your rescue: most ships now either avoid this part of the MEd, or just sail on, and rightly so: they buttered their own toast.


    As to Israel: to me is is a perfect example of how to deal properly with a migrant-crisis. It is impossible to take in all migrants that hammer at the gate, and Israel does the same as people in an already full lifeboat: they keep others clinging to the sides from climbing in, so as not to sink.



    • Like 1
  2. 5 hours ago, simple1 said:

    I believe you're referencing the decision by the Far Right guy, Salvini, stating people found at sea should only be picked up by the Italian Navy for transfer to Libyan Coastguard. Unfortunately reality is the Libyans are handing back the people to traffickers, detained in terrible conditions and so on; more detail below. EU must urgently overturn it's decision to return people to Libya and identify a resolution whereby humans are not handed over for criminal mistreatment.



    They are not RETURNED. They are stopped from committing an illegal act by the Libyan coastguard, namely the illegal entry of European waters. Anything coming to the migrants is upon their own heads, they are sufficiently warned in their home countries. I cannot be blamed for someone deliberately putting his hand in the fire, and then complain to me that it is all my fault that it hurts...

    • Like 1
  3. 15 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Any rich or famous guy will find himself with offers from women that wouldn't look at him sideways if he wasn't rich or famous. How many girls would Jagger have scored with if he was Mick the garbage man?

    Which underlines the point I was making. Jagger might be the exception to the rule, what with that rather generous mouth he has. Could well prove to be useful in the oral department. Or is that thinking too much like a man?

    • Like 1
  4. On 6/10/2019 at 2:16 PM, puipuitom said:

    You forget the British voting system:

    First, you divide the country over 651 constituencies as.. "each baron want to be heard at the crown.."

    Then, in each "village" ONLY the one with the most votes gets everything, all others nothing..  Imagine 5 parties, but the biggest 20,1% of the votes.. 

    Then.. 326 of the seats and.. with just 10% of the voters, you have the full government. ( And the members of the House of Lords are appointed, very "democrately")


    In a normal democracy the majority fore sure takes the wishes of the minority in their evaluation.

    Except that normally they don't. They don't in the U.S., and of recent years they also don't in Europe. Ever heard of the phrase: Cordon Sanitaire?

    • Thanks 1
  5. 6 hours ago, Yinn said:




    Yes Neeray.

    And this thread will make all the people who like to say the stupid thing about Thai everyday on the thaivisa say more stupid thing. Strange life, have the brain problem.


    King 5 was very clever and stopped the farang invade us. That is why he a “great king” for the Thai people. King 4 also help a lot.


    If he not do it I think we would be the third world and poor country same like Laos, Cambodia, and Burma.

    Look at them now, the country that the farang  invade and stolen. Have the bad economy, the people must come to Thailand for money and job.



    If anyone interested, should look at this one https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ram_Khamhaeng_Inscription


    Maybe real, maybe the fake. But it one of the reason farang not invade. Farang believe it then. King is very clever with the farang invade situation.



    I see that you cleverly manage to avoid mentioning Vietnam. Invaded, plundered and destroyed by respectively the French and the U.S.

    And yet rapidly overtaking Thailand economically and intellectually. Therefore, your argument does not fly.

    I Think western nations took what Thai land they wanted, and just left the rest of Thailand alone because there was not really anything of interest left to them at the time.

    • Confused 1
  6. 10 hours ago, bangkokfrog said:

    Almost all countries have a history of child labour/exploitation. The only difference is that most others put a stop to it around 100 years ago.

    Only in the Western world, mr. Frog. India, Pakistan, all the other Stans, South America and major parts of Africa unfortunately prove you wrong there. Anywhere where people are really poor, children still have to chip in actually.

  7. 9 hours ago, Morch said:



    Yes, and the common thread here is that such things are generally frowned upon, rather than embraced by the international community. There are differences, as said, with regard to addressing them. So no matter how you see it, not really much agreement internationally.


    Half the world's borders are in dispute. Life is unfair. Agreement internationally is a dog without teeth. Top dog wins.

  8. 22 hours ago, Langsuan Man said:

    Since this is a Visa oriented web site my contribution is that France is the only European country that used to issue you a residence Visa by investing US $10,000 in a French Bank


    I wanted to retire in the Netherlands in 2006 but was informed by Dutch Immigration that there were no provisions for US Citizens retiring there.  The best you could do was a 90 day tourist visa but that would require staying out of the country for 90 days after it expired


    A lawyer suggest the French route but I never followed through  because there was a question if a French residency visa would entitle a resident, versus a EU citizen, freedom of movement within the EU.  ie. French Resident but Dutch "long term visitor"

    It would, actually, as long as you carry a valid American passport to identify yourself with.

  9. On 6/10/2019 at 12:02 PM, BritManToo said:

    How about a farmhouse with attached barn and 1.5 Acres for 15,000 Euros?


    france 3.jpg

    This will be in the middle of nowhere. And I mean nowhere. There will be no: supermarket, doctor, any shop, young people, civelisation to speak of. You will be surrounded by the ones that could not get away, 70 and 80 year olds, and even of those there will only be 4 or 5.


    Many villages are completely abandoned, even. Just squat.

    • Like 1
  10. 9 hours ago, Morch said:


    Stolen, in reference to the initial post-victory conquest, can certainly be seen as a loaded term. But as for "reward", or whatever you may call it, international laws are different. There is no such general provision or accepted custom of taking over land this way. It could be argued that other instances, elsewhere, do not generate the same responses - and it would be correct. That by itself, however, doesn't make the Israeli occupation more legitimate.

    Plenty of examples from the last century. France took parts of Germany, repeatedly. Russia took a part of Poland after WW II, and still retains some. Russia annexed the Krim, recently. China took Tibet, claiming it used to belong forever. Countries, especially in Africa, were and are continuously shifting borders and declaring independency. Think Pakistan and India, Sri lanka.

    The State of Israel has thousands of years old claims on the land,  as evidenced by the old testament. There is much to be said for legitimacy.


    Besides: reality and necessity trump legality every time. Being surrounded by arab nations that for the most part are still !! out on the complete annihilation of Israel it would be suicide to give up the Golan hights at this time, or any time until the arabs finally give up on their hatred of the Jews.

    And we all know when that is going to happen.

    • Like 2
  11. 11 hours ago, bristolboy said:

    Many black Africans from outside white-ruled South Africa worked in that country back when. So how does the presence of Palestinian workers in Israel prove that Israel is not an apartheid state? 

    And actually, Israel tries to limit the number of Palestinian workers by bringing in workers from outside the Mideast.

    These black africans were first REMOVED from white-ruled SA. 95 % of the palestinians were born in palestinia. The original 60,000 palistinians that actually lived in Israel in 1948/1967 went abroad voluntarily, in the certainty that Israel would be destroyed and that they could then reap the spoils in the aftermath of a war that was brought upon Israel by their own arab brethren. Guess what: they gambled wrong.

    Of course Israel NOW tries to limit the number of palestinian workers because a fair number of them have a tendency of trying to attack and kill Israeli's once they are inside the country. Better to get workers from elsewhere. If someone tried to murder you once, would you be happy to let his brother into your house and turn your back?

    To the winner the spoils, and Israel MORE than earned it.

    • Like 1
  12. 5 hours ago, pegman said:

    So does one state mean the Palestinians get the vote or does Israel become a true (even more than it now is) apartheid state? 

    Palistinians will never get the vote, because, like rabbits in Australia, they would outnumber the Israeli's. This would be tantamount to suicide. Also: if I go to work in another country where I make good money (i.e. palistinians working in Israel) how does that compare to apartheid?

    If they wanted they could make palistina as prosperous as Israel is. Sweat of the brow, hard work and perseverance. They should take an example after Israel, not try to destroy it. A century ago Israel looked exactly the same as the palistinian homelands now.


    • Like 2
  13. 11 hours ago, malagateddy said:

    A new hardline negociating Brexit team would easily slash the 39 big ones down to a far more reasonable realistic price.
    Remember..nothing has been signed to my knowledge..it's only a provisional costing right now as far as I'm aware.

    Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Don't be silly. European ports would be closed to the UK, stiff tariffs would be imposed, millions of Britons living in Europe would be forced to go back to the UK. You can't have your cake, and eat it.

    And there would only be humble cake left, anyway.

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