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Posts posted by netineti

  1. It was a relief when CM scored at the end! Difficult game overall, but, indeed, great skills from Nr. 4!

    Thaimiller, was nice seeing you for a brief :-)

    I saw all of you sitting a bit down and somewhat cornerside -- i believe a bit upper and central view is better.

    Was good fun for sure!

  2. The only bank that agreed to open an account for me was Bangkok Bank in Kad Suan Kaew shopping mall. All other banks demanded some extra documents, such as Work Permitt and something else. For Bankok Bank my Non-Imm ED visa was enough, and it took about 10 minutes to open an account and get a Visa Electron debit card!! Really fast and convenient. I remember paying 300 baht for the card.


  3. Ben10:welcomeani:, enjoy!! The atmosphere is great, the fans are supportive, and the view around the stadium is superb! Only the level of football has room for improvement :-) Still, i am always amazed to see the flashes of really high class skills, especially from our team's player number 6 -- still not sure of his name.

    In any case, lots of fun and positive emotions! :D:header::drunk:

  4. Thaimiller, congratulations! Do you have the right for a decision making process as a stake holder now? :)

    alfieconn, are you really investing 5 million baht??!! That's what you wrote: 5,000,000 -- and you don't expect to get it back?? :-)))

    Well, i totally agree with you about helping the team. It was just my idea (not so super-intelligent and sophisticated) that since the team is going to progress, its value will grow as well.

    Don't think i am going to treat it as a business deal :)

    Have a pleasurable second semi-final show!

  5. Thaimiller, thank's a lot!

    I reckon i really need a place at VIP car park for my bicycle :-)

    By the way, i have no idea about the stock market in Thailand. Do they trade shares? So, in the case of CM FC shares, will they be traded and indexed somewhere?

    Everyone, enjoy the semi-final today! Hup Holland!!! :-----)

  6. Thank you for the information!

    I have the feeling that the shares will increase in price as the team progresses further! Would also like to get some shares :-)

    Thaimiller, please keep us updated as to the investment business :-)

  7. Hey, i was thinking of organizing our own sector at the 700 years stadium. Something like "F" side (F standing for falang) :-)))

    United falangs of Chiang Mai :-))

    Then a flag will be indespensable!

    What do you reckon? :0)

    terrible idea ...really terrible idea, stick us in the zoo , so people can point at us , av a word !

    Well, you are right. I was just joking actually :). The last thing I believe in is separation and separatedness.

  8. Hey, i was thinking of organizing our own sector at the 700 years stadium. Something like "F" side (F standing for falang) :-)))

    United falangs of Chiang Mai :-))

    Then a flag will be indespensable!

    What do you reckon? :0)

  9. Good news about the new win! Thank you very much! :)

    Would love to go to the game on the 27th :)


    See you at the Red Lion same time next week.

    Hi there!

    As I live on Huay Kaew Rd. and now got myself a bicycle, I guess I'll come to the game directly from home :)

    Would be great to meet you guys there!


    Neti, if the Red Lion is not good enough for you we can always find somewhere a bit more upmarket :D .

    OH NO!! The Red Lion is perfect!!! It has nothing to do with the bar or anything :-))

    I was just thinking of riding my bycle which should be around 20-30 mins from where I live to the stadium.

    Kind off cute going to a sport event by a sporty type of transportation :-))


  10. Good news about the new win! Thank you very much! :)

    Would love to go to the game on the 27th :)


    See you at the Red Lion same time next week.

    Hi there!

    As I live on Huay Kaew Rd. and now got myself a bicycle, I guess I'll come to the game directly from home :)

    Would be great to meet you guys there!


    Neti, if the Red Lion is not good enough for you we can always find somewhere a bit more upmarket :D .

    OH NO!! The Red Lion is perfect!!! It has nothing to do with the bar or anything :-))

    I was just thinking of riding my bycle which should be around 20-30 mins from where I live to the stadium.

    Kind off cute going to a sport event by a sporty type of transportation :-))


  11. Good news about the new win! Thank you very much! :)

    Would love to go to the game on the 27th :)


    See you at the Red Lion same time next week.

    Hi there!

    As I live on Huay Kaew Rd. and now got myself a bicycle, I guess I'll come to the game directly from home :)

    Would be great to meet you guys there!


  12. Kad Suan Keo, CMU

    Thank you! Do you know where exactly in CMU?

    By the way, is there anybody interested to play? I have no partner. Used to go in for table tennis as a youth :-)

    Don't know about CMU, but they are on the top floor close to the Cinema complex in Kad Suan Kaew.

    I don't know how good the tables are, but there always seem to be a few Thai guys playing.

    Oh!! I just live near there -- definitely have to check it out :-)


  13. Thank you all so much for this valuable information!!

    Mario2008, since I am new to Thailand, what is "amphur"? Presumably some home ministry office?

    So, my understanding is that a foreign baby who is born in Thailand doesn't require a visa for at least the age of 7 IFF the baby is not travelling abroad and comes back to Thailand.

    This is the most important.

    What remains uncertain and less crucial, is whether the baby should be registered in amphur or not, but I believe this we can find out at the spot.

    Big thanks for help! :)

  14. Dear friends,

    I am a Russian national and my wife is Nepalese (things happen!) :-)

    I am in Thailand on an Non-Im Ed visa, and my wife is on "O" type dependant visa.

    She's about 7 months pregnant and will deliver the baby in Thailand.

    I was trying to find a definitive answer whether the baby will need a visa or, as suggested by some, a baby doesn't need a visa until 7 years old.

    I would really appreciate some clarification!

    Thank you in advance :-)

  15. Dear nikster and cloudhopper,

    I totally agree with you that there is no need to study it DEEPLY. However, many teachers believed in the neccesity to spend some time mastering the basics which can be understood intellectually. Without even the basic understanding it could be quite difficult to go any further.

    At the same time, you are very true that: "True understanding of this fact lies at a level beyond thought and language". And in no way I was suggesting the need to engage in deep intellectual studies, researches, etc. -- this is not Tibetan Buddhism :)

    Dear gotlost, thank you so much for the information! What do you (they) usually do at those meetings? Is there any particular tradition?

    Dear orang37, Swadeekrup! Actualy, I wasn't inviting anybody for anything :-) Just inquiring whether there are groups and/or individuals (LOL) interested.

    Indeed, having this body and mind we seem to live in stereo, as you are suggesting. I can't be certain about anything without direct realization, so I tend to hypothetically accept the idea propagated by many teachers that all this stereo is just a pure illusion. Although, this may or may not be so.

    Nisargadatta was really cool! But I think Ramesh Balsekar was even cooler in many regards.

    Thank you very much for your great wishes! "From nowhere to nowhere" :-)

  16. Hello friends!

    Just curious if there is somebody interested in the philosophy and practice of Nonduality (Advaita) in Chiang Mai? I haven't found any resources in Internet, so I'd suppose there are no groups. But there is still a chance that there are those who are interested in it. I studied Nonduality in Nepal for some time, but mostly practice (or rather non-practice) it from the books.

    If you don't know what the hel_l I am talking about, Nonduality is a spiritual-philosophical tradition, that is based on the notion of the Unity of all life and hence, sees no true individual existences, although from a relative point of view such differences seem to exist. Some of the greatest teachers of Nonduality include Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta, Ramesh Balsekar, Poonja and Eckhart Tolle.

    Wish you all well!

  17. ]I saw a beer delivery van driving round the other day promoting the match and it said "700 yr stadium' on it. The web-site says the same. I'm definitely going, and I'll have room in the car for 4 if anyone needs a lift.

    It's very kind of you! I'll come to the bar as well, and it'll be great to go to the game together.

    We meet at about 4 and since this game is at the 700yr stadium, we'll probably leave at about 5.20 - time to get there, park the car, get a program and a pie, and find a seat.

    Sounds excellent! Haven't been to football for 7 years! All these years in barren Kathmandu... Really excited to support the team of a lovely town -- a hometown now, for sure :-)

  18. Yep you can buy beer there, I'll try to find out which stadium by sunday morning and let ya know. You can always come and meet up with us for a few beers before.

    I saw a beer delivery van driving round the other day promoting the match and it said "700 yr stadium' on it. The web-site says the same. I'm definitely going, and I'll have room in the car for 4 if anyone needs a lift.

    It's very kind of you! I'll come to the bar as well, and it'll be great to go to the game together.

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