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Posts posted by freethefour

  1. These dogs regardless of thier nature if you touch them or threaten them then you will have to pay the owner for the stress you cause to the dog/s trust me My 2 yr old and myself were attacked by 6 dogs and I injured one to protect my son an it cost me 40,700 baht. The dog ran off with a bruise from a kick but it was also the stress on the owner I had to pay. Simply pick up your limbs and the remain of your children and smile....

    You got hustled.

  2. These topics are getting boring and there are too many of them.

    Is <insert amount> enough money to <insert subject>.

    Work out how much you earn, how much you spend and then

    think about what you can do for your child. This is simple stuff

    guys and I am sure most of you are more intelligent than me

    but from these topic questions you would not guess so.

  3. What's so great about being a "developed country" anyway?

    Try selling hotdogs out in front of a McDonalds in the USA and see what happens to you.

    Step 1) Manager comes out and threatens to call the police

    Step 2) Hotdog vendor gives up and ends up living underneath a highway overpass somewhere

    Step 3) Two pedestrians walk by pointing at the homeless man under the bridge and remarking that if he wasn't so lazy and had taken a job at McDonalds back when he had the chance, he'd have a place to live.

    Corporations rule the west and they won't be satisfied until everyone there is either wearing a Walmart uniform or asking if you want fries to go with that happy meal.

    Good post.

    Big business completely dominates the UK and apart from London

    every town or city has roughly the same shops, restaurants and look.

    You know with the town centre paved in red bricks.

  4. My thoughts. I live in Thailand, l am English and have traveled all over the USA and thought it great, in fact if money was no object l would live in your country. BUT, it depends what YOU want from life, what are you looking for, why with all those states of America, totally different climates and way of life do you want to go else where. ?

    Maybe because the US is flat broke. 33 US states are as broke as Greece.

    US is flat broke...................if USA is broke how would you describe Thailand's economic status?

  5. Not I do not live in Thailand. Had lots of long holidays there, nice country.

    Just would not live there. Would not mind a move to Japan if I am ever so

    lucky in my life to get that oppourtunity, do not think I will though.

  6. 20 years is a long time, anything could happen.

    The way things are now I would not retire to Thailand. Nothing to do with the protests, its

    just as westerner is Thailand you are not accepted, wanted or appreciated. Why live in a country

    where you little rights and will always be an outsider to the indigenous population.

    Still I have seen many dudes retired in Thailand and they are happy and living fun lifes.

  7. Think I will keep away from this "ladies in thailand section." It must

    be the only topic forum I have not learnt something from.

    The only thing I will agree with is in another thread in this ladies

    forum was that western women in Thailand do behave themselves

    and conduct themselves so much better than western males do

    while in Thailand.

    Good luck ladies with your Thai partners, hope it works out for you

    all. Just be careful and get the heck out of Thailand if you really piss

    him off.

  8. No, for me being brought up in a city I am not used to approaching

    somebody just because of the country they are from. Grew up in London

    and its so multicultural and I am used to differnet nationalities. Now in

    Wales so my state of mind might change or mellow.

    My Thai girl is coming back to UK permantely in July. She visited here last

    year. I think she is happy to hear her own language being spoke but

    is not over enthusiastic about talking to somebody just because they are

    Thai. She is not a highly nationally proud lady anyway.

  9. ^ another prime example of utter &lt;deleted&gt;. :)

    Sadly many of the disillusioned seem to hold onto some idiotic concept that all Thai men are financially less well off than westerners.

    aussiebebe, it might be more useful if you check out some of the other sin-sot threads, as this one is about Thai men offering a sin-sot for farang women.

    Dillusioned > No

    Realist> Yes.

    Just go and look at working wages in Thailand and you will see that even a realitively modest

    earning western lady will be better off finacially than 90+% of Thai men.

    I never said that all Thai men are finacially less well off than westerners, you did. Generally speaking

    Thai guys earning money that is equal with western standards will not be interested at all in a western

    woman (know there are some cases). Why not? Because he will have millions of hot little Thai women

    all willing to enter a realtionship with him.

    Sorry girls but I actually had a couple Thai male friends who actively seeked out western women

    looking for a pay day, all with Thai girlfriends or wifes.

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