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Posts posted by daninthai

  1. Although this sounds completely insane, there is underlying reason - namely a B387 million fund to plunder.

    Consider an analogy - you have serious cut on your leg. Do you arrange for continuous blood transfusions or stitches?

    Sand is mobile stuff. If you want the beach to look like it did in 1952, you need to look at what has been changed since then which may have altered the wave and current patterns, and then remove the alteration. Or, construct breakwaters/groynes to slow the movement of sand so that the amount eroded is less than that arriving. But that is a one-off cost, much less amenble to long term pilferage.

    You're right. But these are Thai academics. Their 'master plan' is just to dump more sand on the beach, a plan which any 5 year-old could have come up with. These people probably don't know what 'currents' are.

  2. Where i work (TV news) we are not allowed to name the minors (victims) especially if the sexual offender is related (family member, relatives or school teacher) to the minor. Naming the offender could lead to the exposure of the child's identity. No interviews with the child, photos or personal information (school or address) are to be reported.

    Thanks for the info. The original post was quite lacking.

  3. Thaksin, as represented by his sister and other associates, just won a general election outright despite his opponents holding all the boss cards? Methinks others are the ones pushing the limits :rolleyes: .

    I'm sorry. I must have been asleep when Thaksin won the election. I didn't see his name on any of the ballot cards. I don't think he is an MP, and as far as I know, everyone in PTP keeps insisting that they are not representing Thaksin.

    I'd be very happy if PTP was disbanded due to interference from Thaksin. They really aren't too bright and need to be shown the door. Maybe after a few more coups they will realise Thaksin is not an ally.

  4. No surprise in this news story. Thai teachers are effective baby sitters. :jap:

    I disagree. They are not effective baby sitters, when you get all the inter-school violence.

    They are EFFECTIVELY baby sitters, but certainly not effective.

    The only way to improve the quality of the students is to improve the quality of the teachers.

    The only way to improve the quality of the teachers is to improve the quality of university lecturers.

    The only way to get quality lecturers is to get people who have been taught in a quality system... i.e. NOT Thailand.

    Foreign lecturers are needed to train new Thai teachers for about 20 years before Thais can take over for themselves.

    It's a pity this country wasn't colonised by the British. The people would be a lot better off.

  5. OMG! TheNation relapses.

    It's just impossible to eat for 200,000 THB in a single meal. Let try! this is 5 tons of the best jasmine rice! This is 100 lunch buffets in the best hotels in Bangkok.

    Well if she eats the same as she did in the cafeteria by order everything on the menu ... maybe it is possible. wink.gif

    Yes. If she can't make any decisions, that's exactly what she'd do.

    But it's not necessarily 5 tons of rice, or 100 buffets. Personal chefs cost a lot more. This would be one way of funnelling money from the government to anyone else by going through the chef. 200,000 Baht for a lunch which then gets passed on to whoever is owed a favour.

  6. Abhisit positions himself as the (seen) leader of the prevent Thaksin from returning side.

    Abhisit's criticism of the transfers wouldnt be as hollow if his government hadnt made many many times more to fill positions with their political mates.

    Abhisit's call on the government to state they were not treating Thaksin specially would not ring so hollow if his government hadnt made Thaksin a special case with a foreign minister dedicated to houding the man around the globe while doing utterly nothing to bring home such notables as Kamnan Poh and Vattana who reportedly reside just over the border.

    Two sides of the same coin with power reversed but this time by a decisive electoral decision. One would think that Abhisit would be concentrating on a different issue to that which saw his party thumped at the recent election if he were looking to future electoral success. Maybe he isnt looking at that route to power however

    Abhisit is nothing more than a sore looser. He needs to be reminded that the people showed he didn't do anything while in office and they disapprove, not by a little, but a landslide. He acts like a child and therefore needs to be treated as such. Just pat him on the head when he speaks and tell him to be a good boy and sit down. He is part of the Bangkok elete born with a silver spoon in his mouth and wants to have a voice. He had a voice and blew it. He needs to go back to England where they put up with a$$holes like him and get a real job. Something he has never had.



    The people did not show he didn't do anything while in office. The people didn't make any decision at all. Individuals voted for the candidate / party they wanted. Their individual decisions were often poorly thought out (vote the same as the boss) and easily bought (oooh 300 Baht a day).

  7. The Ministry seems to be very reactionary. There's been an increase in gem exports so they can only continue to increase... therefore we can be a hub!

    Instead of looking at the market carefully and being proactive, they are aiming for a free ride at work. By finding existing improvement they are hoping to look good at their jobs by jumping on the bandwagon. Any future success can be claimed by them.

    Nothing in the article about how they would make the country a hub. Let me see:

    1) New slogan 'Jewellery Thailand'

    2) Tax cuts

    3) Training

  8. BANGKOK, Sept 14 - A group of anti-Red Shirt activists on Wednesday said it would rally in the capital on Friday to protest the move seeking a royal pardon for fugitive ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra this Friday.

    Have they picked a colour yet?? First rule of marketing, it isn't enough to be "anti". I go with harlequin, quarters.

    I reckon BROWN, as in hitting the fan ...

    Pick a colour any colour, but either way, this pardon is going to happen, and no amount of foot stomping is going to stop it. It ain't right, but it is absolutely inevitable. If they don't get it this way, they are going to get it some other way. Who really knows how many skeletons any of these protagonists have in their cupboard?

    He won't get the pardon. Without serving time and showing remorse he is just dreaming. PTP/reds would be very stupid to actually apply for it. Have ANY of them considered the consequences if it is refused?

  9. My friend "Billy' was visiting me when the earthquake struck. My house was destroyed so I started hating 'Billy'.

    'Billy' and I got picked on by 'Jack' at school. He also hated 'Billy', so I did my best to become 'Jack's friend. It paid off, because just as Jack and I became friends, a funny movie came out in the cinema. Thanks Jack.

    When the police arrested Jack for murder, I knew it couldn't be true. Someone else must have put all those bodies in Jack's house. I know, I hate Billy so it must have been him.

    I also hate whoever made this dam_n Sudoku. Obviously they messed up, because it says easy but it's not.

  10. The Department expressed its concerns that multi-national food producers had been publicizing unhealthy food to Thais.

    I take it he's referring to CP company. :D

    OMG you are so right... the CP stores creep me out. The kind of non-food they sell there is insane.

    Thai food is naturally healthy and keeps the Thais slim. The problem though is that there are no standards, and they make heavy use of chemicals with no regulations. Food production is getting industrialized with little or no oversight. Eventually that will backfire.

    The other issues is that all the rich kids are fat because they gorge themselves on KFC / McD / whatever, as well as their own home grown garbage chocolate bars and other snack foods - just watch morning TV and you pretty much see all the reasons the better off get fat right there in the ads.

    Blaming it on mutilnationals is classic Thai but won't solve anything.

    'Real' Thai food is fairly healthy, with lots of fish, BBQ, vegetables and fuits.

    It's the Chinese food that people eat these days that is making them fat. Noodles, Kao Man Gai, Rat Na, Pad Thai (probably of Chinese origin, considering the noodle aspect) etc. I've lived in China as well as Thailand and the food there is also full of oil and chemicals.

    Maybe Thais should eat more traditionally.

    Another problem with the food is the cuts of meat they eat. I think it's good they use all of the animal (unlike picky westerners that can only eat lean cuts and wouldn't go near intestines), but some parts are very fatty. I don't really like all the pork skin / chicken skin in the food.

    And of course, a lack of exercise. Exercise is unnatural. The farmers and builders are certainly not too fat, but many others think a life where they don't ever sweat is the goal. Lazy F's

  11. The Dems just will not accept that the lost the election. Give the democratically elected government a chance to do something. How long has she been sworn in, a week? What next yellow shirts blockading the airport next month?

    The impeachments have nothing to do with the election. The democratically elected government is being given every chance to do something right for the country, unfortunately, only sworn in for 1 week and they are already breaking laws. Of course impeachment is called for. How much do Thaksin supporters cry that we shouldn't worry about the crimes, just give them a chance. Sorry, crimes matter.

  12. I'm wondering if anyone knows what the possible sentences are for someone convicted of assault.

    My girlfriend (thai) got into a fight with a guy (farang) and picked up a knife. The result was that she stabbed the guy, though she claims it was accidental.

    I've tried to find information online as to what might happen, but it's difficult to find. If anyone knows, it would be appreciated.

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