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Posts posted by WonnabeBiker

  1. The level of insight shown by the OP into the system and culture here, plus his lack of sensitivity with regards to the topics he chooses suggest he would do far better seeking employment as a crash test dummy.

    So yeah, best to get out of dodge... entirely.

    7000 words of complaint... in English... in Thailand... to an employer.


    It was never intended that the Head of Department read the entirety of the letter, that was her prerogative. The intention was to record a summary of the meeting together with all my grievances and attach them by email so I had recorded proof that I had taken issue with the teachers behaviour. Also, her lack of response (which I had anticipated) could indicate agreement of my version of events and help to show the truth in my claim to third parties should something arise (such as dismissal) where I need something to rely on in the future.

    The tactic did help in yesterdays interview. The teacher tried to deny what she had said and encourage the Head of Department to agree with her. The Head of Department just stayed silent on the matter, which caused the teacher to storm out.

    The summary of the meeting was that she would give me a copy of the warning letter but only if she could send it Immigration and every school in the area too. I accepted. After she left the office, the Director and Head of Department said that she is blunt and says crazy things sometimes. They will now write me a good recommendation letter and urged me to let it all go. I have no problem with that now.

    Who pays the postage?

    What does it make it h e r business (that you are someone who does what humans do, making mistakes)?

    Is she herself without blame and has the backing of the director??

    The teaching has ended? Were any letters sent off? Who paid the postage - was it by registered mail? (Something is decidedly o d d about this, JMHO)

    And all parties know that you won't be teaching there next term. <deleted>?!?

    Why can't the HoD and the director shut this down?

    Maybe she had feelings fro you and is now a woman scorned? Or is she a nutter? Usually, this stops when it's costing money.

  2. Whoa. A 12 pages long document and all in Thai. With her not even making an effort to have a go at translating or - as important - condensing the text?!? Academic writing is not about churning out long-winded bla bla.

    This is intriguing, as at my school, Thai teachers had to take the TOEIC test. Doesn't this apply to each and every Thai teacher of English? Or are some more equal than others and can enjoy their promotion and Masters degrees without getting tested?!?

    OP, do you think Thailand needs another "English teacher" who can't / won't make an effort at doing some of the work herself?

    Apply this to the medical field and the consequences might be lethal.

    The whole process stinks - including that unknown "advisor's" role. How dare such a person ("professor? lecturer?") pass students he or she must know cannot even handle their own thesis?!??

    The Emperor is naked. It's time to face reality and do something for the poor kids who won't be learning English because another incompetent and lazy person poses as "English teacher".

    Errm, is the PACC looking into such cases, or would that destroy the fabric of society?

    Does Thailand want phonies who are waied and respected?

  3. Your life can change in seconds. While in the shower, I felt woozy and had trouble breathing.

    The ambulance came and took me to a small private clinic. There they x-rayed my chest repeatedly, drew blood and prepared for IV drips. Then they started calling other hospitals...

    Hours later, in the next hospital's ambulance, I told the doctor that I thought I had a thrombosis. Henceforth, the issue appeared to be a pulmonary embolism. My right calf was visibly swollen vs the other leg.

    There was someone with credit cards and I also had insurance. I'm mentioning this to explain that fear of non-payment could be excluded as explanation for the long wait. (At the first hospital, the bill was paid in full without bothering with an insurance claim. And the first ambulance never presented a bill. They were manned by volunteers and we plan to thank them and to make a donation. Please check out which ambulance service to call - they are not all the same.

    There is something about this experience which keeps bothering me.

    Why wasn't I a) diagnosed quickly and then B) treated in a timely fashion?

    1. X-rays don't show blood clots. <deleted>?

    2. Why wasn't I allowed to drink for more than half a day? (Just wondering)

    3. Surely they had an ultra sound machine and could have seen the blood clots within seconds - as they did, once they used this tool.

    During the 2 days at the hospitals, they x-rayed me a dozen times. What's up with that?!???

    Granted, I have no medical knowledge. But with ultra sound, they can see the shape of the heart (mine was grotesquely deformed). The heart's muscle straining against a blockage etc. And see blood clots within seconds.


    Is this normal? Letting a patient lie there for over 6 hours without bothering to do the ultra sound test in the light of having heard of a "thrombosis"?!?

    • Is it fear of making decisions?
    • Is it to save money and avoid costly diagnostics? The blood test included a "D-dimer" value which was 9,000 instead of 500.
    • I'm ungrateful but can't help noticing how bloody s l o w the doctor reacted. Inject the blood thinner once that CT scan was done. Just order a nurse to do it. Is there something wrong with their process at the ICU?

    Maybe a mistake is made - and a patient dies. But by playing it safe and letting hours pass one dreads to think what will happen when a patient is in worse shape than me. (And there had been moments when I thought I would be dying in agony).

  4. Amazing, isn't it?

    Then there are schools who recruit people who cannot i. take the very low hurdle of a TOEIC score of 600 or ii. hold a conversation.

    Some language schools demand a bribe. It has been going on for the locals for years. But recently, one such school began inventing "a loan to the owner". Instead of 1 month's salary, it was 1/3. And the promise to repay it "when you leave".

    Abysmal old text books (often sourced in non English speaking countries) etc. And then there are those services which charge volunteers. what do you think of Greenheart Travel?

  5. Quote: In Vicharn's eyes, Thai educational quality slipped over the past few decades because policies are flawed, while many government teachers have successfully bribed their way into their jobs and continued to use dishonest means to claim promotion and rewards.

    "What can we expect from such dishonest teachers?" he asked critically. What about greedy directors?!? Let's assume you are Thai and need a paying job. You are in debt after years at the university and your parents are worried about your future. To get that job, they must pay about a year's salary. Quick: what would you do?

    a) Report the bribe taker to the authorities - then what? Remain unemployed for life? (Or worse, much worse, serious repercussions)?

    B) Opt for a long period of unemployment without getting benefits? (Feeling useless, hating one's life?)

    c) The very brightest and best Thai English teachers would rival non NES who get 3 x or more than them. Starting with their TOEIC score. Alas, the Thai system is discriminating against the very best they have. Why not allow a Chula graduate with a few years' experience and a tOEIC score above 800 to compete against some folks from African countries?!? (I know such a situation - the highest paid foreigner having a TOEIC score of <550 and he gets free housing thrown in while the excellent Thai teacher earns <33% and must stay in some dorm).

    Some Thai teachers of English make >40 k due to seniority. But can they hold a basic conversation? Nope.

    I'm all for a student-centric approach. Drop the daily "morals" sermon. Stop using silly incomprehensible tests designed by clever Thais. Allow students more choice. Okay, maybe 20 in a class of 44 can't be arsed to learn English. Accept that and let them learn something else instead. And for those who really want to go the extra mile, offer frequent English Club / English Corner style lessons and pay for their books provided they actually read them.

    How many bureaucrats are pushing paper, telling teachers what to do and how to do it?

    And then the teachers get "evaluated" - not by the students who know who's good and who's not. (Office politics comes into it).

    One poster here reported how his boss keeps breathing down his neck, sending in teachers to observe him. Keep that up and that teachers will just leave.

    Do we see proof of the Peter principle at Thai schools?

  6. http://www.economist.com/news/leaders/21643138-how-turn-teaching-job-attracts-high-flyers-those-who-can

    How to turn teaching into a job that attracts high-flyers Feb 14th 2015 | From the print edition
    • timekeeper-btn.png

    IMAGINE a job where excellence does nothing to improve your pay or chances of promotion, and failure carries little risk of being sacked. Your pay is low for your qualifications—but at least the holidays are long, and the pension is gold-plated.

    Teaching ought to be a profession for hard-working altruists who want to improve children’s life prospects. But all too often school systems seem designed to attract mediocre timeservers. Many Mexican teachers have inherited their jobs; Brazilian ones earn less than other public servants, and retire much earlier. Each school-day a quarter of Indian teachers play truant. In New York it is so hard to sack teachers that even those accused of theft or assault may be parked away from pupils, doing “administrative tasks” on full pay, sometimes for years.

    In this section
    Related topics

    You can find outstanding individuals in the worst school systems. But, as lazy and incompetent teachers get away with slacking, the committed ones often lose motivation. In America and Britain surveys find plummeting morale. Jaded British teachers on online forums remind each other that it is just a few months till the long summer break—and just a few years till retirement. No wonder so many children struggle to learn: no school can be better than those who work in it.

    Yet it is possible to persuade the hardworking and ambitious to teach. Finland pays teachers modestly but manages them well; ten graduates apply for each training place. South Korea recruits teachers from the top 5% of school-leavers and promises them fat pay cheques. In both countries teachers are revered—and results are among the world’s best.

    Even where the profession is in disrepute, high-flyers can be lured into the classroom. Teach for America, which sends star graduates from elite universities for two-year stints in rough schools, is being copied around the globe (seearticle). Private employers snap up its alumni—but many stay in teaching. Teach First, Britain’s version, has helped raise standards in London and is one of the country’s most prestigious graduate employers. Such schemes are small, but show that when teaching is recast as tough and rewarding, the right sort clamour to join.

    Spreading the revolution to the entire profession will mean dumping the perks cherished by slackers and setting terms that appeal to the hardworking. That may well mean higher pay—but also less generous pensions and holidays. Why not encourage teachers to use the long vacation for catch-up classes for pupils who have fallen behind? Stiffer entry requirements would raise the job’s status and attract better applicants. Pay rises should reward excellence, not long service. Underperformers should be shown the door.

    Standing in the way, almost everywhere, are the unions. Their willingness to back shirkers over strivers should not be underestimated: in Washington, DC, when the schools boss (a Teach for America alumna) offered teachers much higher pay in return for less job security, their union balked.

    Class action

    But against the unions is a growing coalition: the leaders in public administration and private enterprise who have been through Teach for America and its ilk. They know what it takes to succeed in difficult schools, and what it would take for success to become the norm. They know that what good teachers want most of all is good colleagues. As they become more numerous and influential, they need to argue for a new deal for teachers. The good ones deserve it—and pupils do, too.

  7. Yesterday, the underground parking was full. My driver boxed in some other car and said she couldn't put her gear in N, because then she couldn't lock the doors.

    What?!? Maybe the other driver will have to go to work early in the morning?

    She would be risking acts of vandalism or some other repercussions.

    Me, I would be hopping mad if some ass.... would box me in like this, then not even leave a phone number to call.

    What do you think?

  8. Yeah, another Chicago based broker forced me to close the account and re-open a foreign based account.

    Lots of red tape and silly AML rules. come on, our nest egg and AML? Years of tax returns. someone is going berserk over there, regarding all kinds of investment as "AML material".

    Couldn't even do an ACAT transfer. Months later, it's all over now.

    Welcome to a brave new world. But then, I'm not a citizen - i would fight this tooth and nail! FINRA? Give it a try.

  9. TBH, I would be very concerned about the buyers' honesty - or lack thereof. Ratings blackmail, denial of receipt combined with sneaky tricks like using a non Paypal approved delivery address or claiming the money back many weeks after delivery. www.paypalsucks.com

    It's risky - and at best, PP might just freeze your account.

    Heaven forbid, when there are multiple claims, you can get closed down temporarily...

    I'm regarding people as often evil. Be careful!

  10. Sounds she has been having psychotic fits. Is she schizo?

    I know one such mental patient who got into fights with neighbors and they were kept awake at night as well. she was hearing voices...

    Sounds like she is having psychotic fits. You need to act next time this happens. Can you drive to the Police station with a few hundred Baht to make some cop come along? This gotta be stopped!


    In the OP you refer to changing the contract terms. Did you sign a contract that they are now changing? Or did they make a job offer with one set of terms or then offer a different contract? ** THE LATTER. **

    Do you have a Visa and a work permit with the school yet? Have they applied for a TCT waiver for you yet? If so, do you hold the work permit or do they? ** GOT THE WP AND FOR THAT NEEDED THE WAIVER. BUT THEN, THEY WOULDN'T PROVIDE THE DOCUMENTS NEEDED FOR IMMIGRATION. WHEN A VISA EXPIRES, THERE ISN'T MUCH ONE CAN DO.

    If you have signed nothing and none of your paperwork has been processed, then just walk away. You will never be able to trust this school and you will save yourself endless trouble by leaving now. ** WISH I COULD GO BACK IN TIME AND DO AS YOU SUGGEST... **

    If you have a type B Visa and a Work Permit already, the WP must be cancelled before you can get another one!

    Good luck.

    ** THANKS. ** I USED CAPS TO MAKE THE COMMENTS STAND OUT. Don't want this to be seen as shouting.


  12. With the benefit of hindsight, I now believe that every step of the "dance" has been planned by the school. From the verbal job offer ("12 months' contract") to the excuses ("some parents haven't paid for the SME program"). You have heard of ?

    Well, I signed the new contract, after some souls searching. But there is no such thing as enough for greedy people. They found a way to ask for a bribe and then forced me to abandon the job. A side effect has been that my last salary remains unpaid.

    To sue a government school requires legal action ad an Administrative Court and payment of 2% of the amount claimed. And the writ will have to be in Thai.

    They must be laughing all the way to the bank when they convince another foreigner to get on a bus without having the contract signed. ("You must do it here in person", they may claim). Sometimes, the "remuneration committee" won't agree to the amount promised in e-mails to some foreigner. I know Chinese teachers who have been given this particular sucker treatment...

  13. A friend is teaching at 70 - but at a private school. He's a Kiwi with proper qualifications though.

    The other day, on a forum in another country, some self-proclaimed "fluent" speaker of English from Bangladesh wrote an atrocious post. Thai kids deserve better. And school owners or directors often forget the basics when they an save say 10,000 Baht a month.

    Them liking you will be more important than age restrictions on paper, JMHO.

    Have you tried working yet? Go out, take a job and learn.

  14. Peter, the impermanence of things over here is something you will know by now?

    Everything is in flux: panta rhei... Everything is changing. As you are changing yourself, too.

    Thanks to LostinIsaan for his helpful and practical tips. Just do it and don't worry about irrelevant stuff like being able to do this for more than the next semester.

    Right now, schools are screaming out for teachers!

    Give it your best shot and live in the moment. It might end in a few months or in a few years. OH NO THIS WOULD BE WORSE Chances are that you won't be staying at any school fo longer than a couple of years coffee1.gif

    Hi WonnabeBiker, thanks for your comment, but I really have to consider about the future, that means for the next 15 years. Now I am 49 and I have to find continously a Job (interruptions would be worse, because I really need a regular and permanent income (and social security, provided from school as well) for these next 15 years, until the age of 65, then I am expecting an old-age-pension from my home country. Teaching just for a couple of years would be financially disastrous. That why I am striving for teaching as long as possible: Do you know about contacts of employment ? Many times they end up after a year and the teacher has to search for a new job at another School. Does it mean that I have to do a visa run as well ? Thank you ...

    Probably, both. Contracts only being for a year (do consider it good fortune if a school's actually giving you one for 12 months. No end of issues arise with shorter contracts most of us have and will get). And then yes to the need for Visa runs. Been there, done that - despite having a degree.

    Sometimes a school doesn't want to do the paperwork during the probationary period. Or they screw up - we had many a teacher return empty handed from Chaeng Wattana and Vientiane!

    Look, you cannot get any job security over here. Certainly not as a teacher! Along comes someone from Cameroon who offers to work for 10 k less than you. Guess who your school will hire? Wonna find out?

    You CAN live on 10 k if that's necessary and save that way. You CAN teach at language schools if you are any good and live in a larger town. You COULD return to Germany and see if you can land a job there?

    NO JOB SECURITY. Read it aloud 10 times a day.

    Now, how about answering some posters' questions? Some went to great length to provide you helpful info.

    Would you be mobile? Leave Sisaket and work in a neighboring country? I've gone down this path...

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  15. Excuse me, what is the law regarding usury? What kind of interest rate is illegal? I personally know of 5% a month loans which would be illegal in the U.S.

    What's this talk about "monitoring" to mean? Extortion through excessive interest rates goes to the heart of Thai society's problems.

  16. Peter, the impermanence of things over here is something you will know by now?

    Everything is in flux: panta rhei... Everything is changing. As you are changing yourself, too.

    Thanks to LostinIsaan for his helpful and practical tips. Just do it and don't worry about irrelevant stuff like being able to do this for more than the next semester.

    Right now, schools are screaming out for teachers!

    Give it your best shot and live in the moment. It might end in a few months or in a few years. Chances are that you won't be staying at any school fo longer than a couple of years coffee1.gif

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  17. Weeks before my B-Visa was to expire, I alerted HR via e-mail to the need for "documents". Got the WP and needed i. a map showing the school's location and ii. and iii. the contract? Just a few additional documents.

    Got the replky: "this is not my business".

    When my B-Visa expired, i had no choice but to leave Thailand. This must have been perfectly clear to HR as they have other foreign teachers...

    Hope someone can answer some questions?

    • No matter what - drunk on the job? Useless, whatever - there should be a proper procedure for terminating an employee. Is that correct?
    • By forcing me to abandon my job the common "3 days' absent" clause was triggered. but then, I think this doesn't count when it has been an act of interntional obstruction by HR! (I showed up at Immigration with my passport and the WP, but was turned away).
    • They have not communicated at all. No call, no Facebook message (or reply), no e-mail.
    • Then the September salary wasn't paid.
    • I would expect they will have to terminate me properly. Yes, they have my condo's address and my wife will receive mail sent there. That's the 25,000 Baht question.

    Assuming I'm accused of some terrible act justifying an immediate dismissal. Guys, put it in writing and serve it upon me!

    They had 120 days = probationary period and I'd like to claim severance, payment for time worked and payment in lieu of notice. Moreover, I'd like to get a proper termination letter (or however this is done - I'd accept an e-mail).

    A fellow teacher in my town told me last night on FB that he hasn't gotten paid either. He's been working for an agency for 4 months and they have ignored all queries. His government school had paid the agency...

    OT: in a neighboring country, a friend making $ 450 at a supermarket hasn't been paid in months! facepalm.gif What's up with this?!?

  18. Well, I'd look for a) FMV fair market value and B) proof of actual payment with subesequent spending of the monies by the seller. Not just a one-off transaction and a cash withdrawal an hour later of the full amount.

    What makes this a lucratyive deal?

    How much is such a higher ranked cop earning? Just wondering.

  19. A nice round sum, 5 million Baht, eh?

    The shoddiest concrete work I ever saw was for staff houses built at a government hospital in Udon Thani province. Words fail me to describe the crumbling mess, the bad forms and "workmanship". Seems they hire anyone literally as construction worker?!? And no one tests what's being sold as "concrete"?

    By comparison, what I've seen in Vietnam is of a much higher standard.


    Early this year, government schools were on a spending spree. Paint was splashed all over side walks and lots of planting went down. Meanwhile, the broken PVC water pipes leading to our students having no running water in toilets... It's a disgrace how money gets wasted! Some schools even lack a chair and a table for each student, i kid you not.

  20. Sorry this happened - a terrible ordeal!

    FYI, I've had my very worst experience in HCMC. Dealing with a nasty woman who clearly hated life in general or just foreigners.

    I had a free flight with Emirates but she wanted a printed and confirmed reservation, showing that I had a flight booked leaving the kingdom after 60 days.

    AFAIK, don't bother with the embassy in HCMC, unless this individual (she was alone and I was the only customer at the time) was removed. Some people just enjoy denying others what they need.

  21. Just rely on the grapevine. It works wonders around a school.

    The last few times, I'd no SD to pay. But always suggest you transfer money into the LL's account.

    (Had trouble in the past when I had handed over cash in advance and without a receipt).

    Get a meter reading - or you might get hit with someone else's usage.

    Shop around is all I can say - you might be amazed how low some LLs can go

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