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Posts posted by rexall

  1. Thanks guys.  Unfortunately, it is what I expected and am getting conformation of elsewhere.  I only had an initial diagnosis last year.  Next month, will go to Sirikit heart center in Khon Kaen to see how far the thing as progressed, and what the treatment options are, if any.  OP said stent (assuming that is even an option) at govt horsepitaal less than B100K.  Will have to investigate.

    Any Americans travelled to Guan so to use Medicare coverage?  That's an option, but I hear the medical care there is <deleted>, and all the Guamanians go the the Philippines for serious medical stuff.

    I guess Hawaii would be the next closest.  That was the last place I lived in the U.S.  although more than 20 years ago. That is an option, but I don't have cash reserves otherwise I would just go to Banglumung or some other fancy-schmancy place and pay for it out of pocket. 

  2. Hi all,

    I would love to hear from you guys who have similar situation to me with these criteria

    1. Have hypertension
    2. Signed up for Aetna, and disclosed your hypertension on the application.

    3. Got the exclusion “any treatment of high blood pressure and it’s complications.”

    4. Years later developed some heart or coronary artery disease that required treatment.


    It is unimportant that Aetna excludes hypertension specifically because the direct treatment for that involves affordable medication and lifestyle modification.  What I am concerned about is the “and it’s complications” which could be interpreted very broadly.


    QUESTION:  If you meet the above criteria and needed treatment—say angioplasty or a stent—did Aetna deny coverage based on the hypertension exclusion?   I should have dealt with this more aggressively when I signed up with BUPA 11  years ago, but I was racing to get in before my age excluded me from getting a non-cancellable policy. However, now I am concerned that I may have screwed myself.  At the time, no one was willing provide more than vague answers about how broadly the exclusion is applied.

    If these criteria don’t apply to you, but you generally have knowledge about how the insurance industry works, in your experience is the “and ‘its complications” is used to deny treatment for heart disease?


    Thanks everybody for your feedback.



  3. On 11/17/2022 at 12:29 PM, Zenwind said:

    I don't have much success either sending or receiving mail here in Nonthaburi, but I did receive that SSA mailing earlier this year. I mailed the form and its envelope to my sister in the USA via DHL, and she re-mailed it to SSA. (Although she said the DHL envelope had been opened.) She remailed it Registered. 


    What is even scarier is if they mail you a second notice ... but you never get it.

  4. On 11/17/2022 at 8:42 AM, thirdculture said:

    I sent it EMS tracking in mid-August...it languished in International (United States) for TWO MONTHS until finally on 10/20 it was delivered!!  What the...!!!

    In the meantime, like so many others I called US SS and my local SS in US.  I contacted Manila.  I had the Thai post office track it and they reported it was lost.  Time, time, time and worry! ????

    Can I now assume all is well or should I verify with someone that my 7162 is received e.g. my local SS in US (they were quite responsive when I called them on 11/3 - they looked in their system and reported to me my 7162 was not received)?

    It just occurs to me atter reading most of this thread, that a additional layer of protection might be to email  FBU in Manila with the tracking number, offering to provide a scan if required.  That way, in the unlikely event you get an interruption of benefits, you will have covered your ass backwards and forwards, which "may" help with a quicker reinstatement.

  5. On 11/17/2022 at 8:13 AM, Pronto2 said:

    This is something that I am considering, actually.  By chance and luck, a friend from the U.S. will visit next week for a short vacation.  I had been thinking of asking him to carry it back with him and put it in the mail there.  I'm wondering if the actual post mark (then being the U.S. and not Thailand) would raise their eyebrows any.  Yes, I know - maybe a bit odd to worry about that, but with their quite confused operation, who knows!

    That could work, "should" work.  However, for peace of mind, there needs to be some way to reliably (and preferably easily) verify that the form actually got into the system.  

    BTW, does anyone know anyone whose benefits were actually cut off? The whole thing is probably just a big anxiety trip.  But who needs more anxiety when you are an old fart, right?

    • Like 1
  6. On 11/17/2022 at 7:43 AM, HappyExpat57 said:

    Curious - can you give power of attorney for just this issue to a family member so they can send it in each year?

    Who knows?  But I would guess NO!  That is what the form is for; preventing your girlfriend from continuing to collect your benefits after you croak!  The form is known colloquially as "Proof of Life Form." ????

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  7. On 11/17/2022 at 6:26 AM, Srikcir said:

    I emailed FBUManila in July 2022 about emailing or mailing my 7162 to them. Response was it must be mailed to Wilkes Barre. No email accepted. So I mailed it EMS (tracked only to US port of entry) to Wilkes Barr. Today I received my Second Notice to file.

    And registered mail is expensive enough at B350.  I just send second request by EMS, B1,550.  The B350 is mostly just an annoyance, but B1,550 is a real consideration, especially if it doesn't work!

    • Like 2
  8. On 11/16/2022 at 11:15 PM, RhodeIslandRed said:

    I have sent the first SSA form a few months ago by registered mail from BKK and the SSA never picked it up until 2 months later as I had tracking on it. In the meantime I sent a copy of the same form by regular air mail and told them this was a duplicate since they didn't pick up the first one on time. Now a few days ago I get a second notice to send it in again which I did yesterday by airmail again but not registered....BTW Fed Ex will take a PO Box as long as you have a local phone number for the recipient.

    All in all I think the SSA is not picking up their mail or are short staffed and therefore the computer generated mailings just go out as timed. So, I have sent 3 forms to them hoping one of them has been accounted for........another mess in the US just like the IRS....and I don't think Manila will be much help either

    I have the same problem with "disappearing" registered mail I send to the IRS as well.

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  9. On 11/16/2022 at 10:19 PM, HuskerDo2 said:

    Can you FedEx it to a friend in the US and just have them drop it in the US mail for you? It should get to the P.O. Box with no issues.

    You can "should" in one hand and s*h*t* in the other, and see which hand gets full first! ????
    That's a clever idea, but still doesn't provide much "security" that the form gets where it is going.  I bet that if your benefits get cut off, it will take a looooong time to sort it out even if you have proof up the wazoo.

    • Like 1
  10. 22 minutes ago, Polaky said:

    Lot of smokers on here baulking at the prospect of the majority being able to breathe clean air, I am afraid you would be out voted 10 to 90, hope it happens, actually bar it from the whole country!, it's only when you know someone who has suffered because of that <deleted> that you detest it.

    Balking at "the majority being able to breathe clean air"???   Obviously, sir, you have never been to Bangkok! ????

  11. 15 minutes ago, PeeJayEm said:

    I stopped 10 years ago and dislike the smell and inconsiderate smokers.


    People should be allowed to smoke in their own personal space if they want to so long as it's not causing a nuisance to others or in common areas.


    Leftie "cancel" and "ban-it!" culture of which I see lots in the comments in this thread needs to be reined in.


    Ban the cancel culture!!! ????????????????????????

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  12. 2 minutes ago, Walter Travolta said:

    Have you been watching Marx bros re-runs? Cigs dont explode, gas cannisters do

    The problem with this kind of thinking is that telling other people what to do (or not do) is always motivated by a noble, rational-sounding reason.  Cigarettes are an easy target. No one is going to defend cigarettes.  Is anyone other than a tobacco company executive actually in favor of cigarettes or condo fires?  Of course not! 

    Internal combustion engines suck!  Or maybe they blow?  But in any event,  almost everyone agrees they are dirty, noisy, dangerous and especially, polluting.  How many deaths and diseases does that account for annually.  Ban the suckers!  Heil!


    • Haha 1
  13. I was seriously addicted to cigarettes for twenty years; now smoke-free more than 35 years.  I don't like cigarettes and I don't like to be around them. My choice. But along with the OP, I have never developed the kind of intolerance and hypersensitivity so many are expressing here today.

    The thing that amazes me is that the issue can be addressed at the local level, building-by-building, without getting the government involved.  Geezus!  More laws!  More cops!  More bureaucracy!  More erosion of personal liberty!  People used to value liberty.  What the hell happened? Do people really enjoy being told what to do? Or is it that you just enjoy telling OTHER people what to do?

    In any event, while I think many of the rules condo associations come with are plain stupid, and can be very inconvenient and annoying, the associations are perfectly capable of banning smoking if they want to, without getting the government involved. If I don't like that, I can, at least in theory, move to a condo that doesn't have that restriction.  If the people in Condo X think that smoking is really wonderful and decide to allow it, why is that the government's or anyone else's business?

    • Like 2
  14. 1 hour ago, RocketDog said:

    I agree if other things are also completely banned: sugar, caffeine, alcohol, tea, junk food, flip-flops, potato chips, soft drinks, singlets, cosmetics, deodorants, shampoo, spicy peppers, garlic, facial cremes, air pollution, unsafe drivers, motorcycles, and death. All of these things offend some people an/or may be harmful to health. This list could be extended if others offer their suggestions, and all should be heard. 


    There should be a single central authority that  sets the bans for all countries in the world with police and military personnel for enforcement. The death penalty is appropriate for first offenders and heavy fines for the second offense. 


    Once we start banning we may as well do it right. 

    Absolutely! And add to the list expressing disagreement with the law on forums such as TV!   I think if we put our collective heads together, we can add a lot more sins to the list  Masturbation? 

    • Haha 1
  15. 2 hours ago, DualSportBiker said:

    It must be fun living in a country you consider medieval. Win many friends telling them they are backward?


    My analogy was just that, an attempt to make the process of events the hotel went through relatable. I don't believe that you would not react to a blatant and public slander of such a magnitude, I know I would because they are fight'in words as you put it. Defamation laws exist in many countries, not just here, "In the UK, defamation allows freedom of speech to prosper but keeps a check on telling lies that could damage someone’s reputation or business." Notice the language states 'could' not 'proven to'. I reject your position that his statements were expressed as an opinion. That is a weak excuse for unfounded and unwarranted slander. The guy clearly lashed out 'cause he was angry and he went too far. If it were not for the likely damage to Thailand's reputation, the muppet should be whipped.

    It is not what I consider or don't consider. Much of Thailand operates as an "honor culture," as do most societies that are based on "face." The same can be said for some subcultures and groups in the U.S., unfortunately, and I would guess the UK as well. Some of it  is more extreme than others. In the most extreme, you get "honor killings;" teenage girls murdered by their parents for defying traditional morals.  In Thailand, you get defamation laws and  ridiculous, vengeful  lawsuits.  

     "I don't believe that you would not react to a blatant and public slander of such a magnitude"

    It hardly matters how I would or would not react. I suspect that I would not like it very much. That hardly is the point. I get to be p issed off all that I want; but I don't get to put people in jail just because I don't like something they have said, excluding, of course, real and demonstrable injury to me. 

    Please. Don't twist my words.  It is a lot of fun, sometimes, to live in Thailand.  And I did not say that the entire country was medieval or that was all there was to the story. But the behavior and conflict resolution practices of "honor cultures" are indeed medieval. The defamation and similar laws in Thailand are medieval. Sorry if that upsets you.  But don't worry, just make sure you report all of your movements to the government with your TM 30, and feel secure in modernity!


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  16. 10 minutes ago, DualSportBiker said:

    Some tourist cries out "Look, a sexpat! That's so disgusting!!" Within minutes the whole market has heard the echos of the comment and your reputation is tarnished. Is that acceptable to you?  


    There are bounds on what is reasonable as a review ...

    Bull-oney!  "Acceptable" is a very subjective, slippery sort of word here.  Acceptable to whom and on what basis?  First of all, it is highly unlikely that "Look, a sexpat!" will "tarnish" one's reputation, whatever that is supposed to mean. It may be stupid and unkind and unfortunate, but should we jail and fine the tourist for for being an idiot? Watch your mouth, or the man comes and takes you away!   I'm not a lawyer, but I am pretty sure that defamation and slander--at least in the U.S.--depend on actual, provable damages, usually financial, as a result of the statements. Just being annoyed and/or embarrassed does not really constitute damage. Anyway, like it or not, there is a lot of leeway as long as the statements are clearly expressed as an opinion rather than as a fact. Obviously that doesn't apply in Thailand or in other societies still clinging to medieval "honor culture."  "You can't say about my mamma!!!!   Grrrrrr!!!  Thems fight'in words!!!"

    • Like 1
  17. 15 hours ago, YetAnother said:

    whole thing is a tempest in a teapot; thailand is what it is, including a sea of foolish, irrational laws; they need settle this with a couple wais; damage already done to thai tourism and that hotel;

    he gets jailed then even worse

    How about "Sir, we don't allow outside drinks. However, since you appear to be an idiot, we are going to let it go this time. Next time, however, I am afraid we are going to have to charge corkage that will be so painful it will feel like passing a kidney stone!"  

    Gawd!  To I have to think of EVERYTHING????

  18. 20 minutes ago, Foghorn said:

    They want reviews for help give good name but cry at bad reviews , shouldn’t have it both ways .

    I understand hotel are suffering but ain’t foreigners fault , the virus is chinese

    It's just "honor culture" poo-poo!  A morbid intolerance of anything that smacks of an insult. "You can't say that about my mama!!!!   Grrrrrrr!!!"  Psychologically, very primitive stuff. The Hatfields vs. the McCoys.  Romeo and Juliet.  The solution is to grow a thicker hide rather than trying to control what other people say (and thereby control what they think).

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