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Posts posted by Will1

  1. Will history repeat, Maybe.

    Rather than being penalised for working and saving, Why not stop giving benefits to those who are not living or spending In the U.K More benefit cuts are needed, Why should we keep people that are not living In the UK?

    Window tax, now bedroom tax What are you views on this?


    If such a policy is imposed a lot of UK farangs will be forced to return to UK. I can't foresee any negative effect on Thailand for this. Probably will increase numbers in poverty in UK who might be eligible for more benefits.

    Be careful what you wish for.

    I disagree, Many would not want to come back.

    Almost 50,000 children living abroad are receiving benefits claimed

    by immigrant families based in Britain, figures have revealed.

    Just under 30,000 families are claiming child benefits and tax credit

    for offspring who live outside the country but within the EU, as well

    as Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

    Poland is home to the highest number of children in the region who

    are receiving benefits claimed in Britain with more than half the total –

    25,659 – receiving welfare.

    taxpayers are losing out to the tune of nearly £40 million because EU

    nationals are claiming Child Benefit for children living abroad.

  2. Sorry, but am I missing something ? I highlighted where it says that the salary must be paid into your bank account. "In the name of the person" means you. You are "the person"

    I think I see what Will1 is getting at.

    If someone were paid by cheque and their bank statements showed that cheque, i.e. an amount equal to the net pay on their payslip, being paid into their account each week/month, then surely that would meet the requirement you previously highlighted?

    Of course, there would be a problem were someone paid in cash and did not pay it all into the bank. But how many employers pay in cash these days? (Cash in hand tax dodgers excluded.)

    Will: Can you tell us the name of the agent please. All the guys on this site are A1

    Well, two of them are.

    Okay, understood. I think that would be okay. I don't think I said that it had to be paid in by the employer, did I ?

    Lets not make this sound more difficult than it aready is.

  3. The new financial requirements include the following :

    2. In respect of salaried employment in the UK, all of the following evidence must be provided:

    (b ) The P60 for the relevant period or periods of employment relied upon (if issued).

    (c ) Wage slips covering:

    (i) a period of 6 months prior to the date of application if the applicant has been employed by their current employer for at least 6 months; or

    (ii) any period of salaried employment in the period of 12 months prior to the date of application if the applicant has been employed by their current employer for less than 6 months.

    (d) A letter from the employer(s) who issued the wage slips at paragraph 2© confirming:

    (i) the person's employment and gross annual salary;

    (ii) the length of their employment;

    (iii) the period over which they have been or were paid the level of salary relied upon in the application; and

    (iv) the type of employment (permanent, fixed-term contract or agency).

    (e) A signed contract of employment for the employment currently held.

    (f) Monthly personal bank statements corresponding to the same period(s) as the wage slips at paragraph 2©, showing that the salary has been paid into an account in the name of the person or in the name of the person and their partner jointly.

    I have highlighted the relevant requirement. You do need to provide evidence that your salary is paid into your bank account. Which agent is advising you, and what is his advice regarding the salary being paid into your account ?

    Where dose It say that salary needs to be paid in to the employees bank account , By the employer.

    Money going into the account, To be paid in by the employee. Would be the same as the pay slip states?

  4. Put it behind you and move on

    I would not take anything about Thailand seriously.

    If only all farang could do this....

    I have lost count of the amount of guys I have met who cant up and leave Thailand, they would rather be broke and poor and live worse than some Thai's....

    In pattaya some white dude on the street going around asking for 100 thb from random people everyday. He ask me 2 days in a row... lol

    I have had farang ask me for a loan, I would rather give my money to a thai begger on the street, at least the farang has a choice to leave.

    The bars, the girls will always be there, waiting to rip you off :)

    Yeah, Some of us seem to leave our brains at the airport. I would be Interested to know what exactly It Is, That pulls us In.

  5. Put it behind you and move on? You will get good money working offshore and you have plenty of life left in you to make a new life. Whats the problem?

    Probably you need to find something that makes you buzz and make life worthwhile? Think of all the other people who are not as lucky as you? Could be worse, you could be broke, no hope of making any money again, or even worse lost your marbles? Sounds like you are feeling sorry for yourself? Or maybe you need us to feel sorry for you?

    I would not take anything about Thailand seriously. Better your safe, stable and NHS UK? You can always visit Thailand for holidays whenever you want? Anyway, I love the UK; only the weather is a big miserable, but then you can always go on holiday? I would choose the UK any day? I mean you can watch the X Factor every week :)

    Good advise, Not sure about the X Factor part?

  6. The OP, through no fault of his own, seems so disillusioned and even a bit naive amongst us more-jaded expat posters. At least he doesn't seem bitter, which I can't say for the rest of us.

    Who needs the bull-whip more? rolleyes.gif

    I don't expect anything from anyone, Learnt that years ago. I am still late 3os and still have a little more time on my side than others on this forum.

  7. The country seems to have a hold over people.

    I know blokes that work in the oil and gas sector, and live in thailand between jobs.. 1 bloke has been married twice and has a couple of kids... lucky he is minted.

    I think the main problem is guys that goto thailand and get easy sex with no condom think its love when it isnt. The girl they have met has probably shagged 100 guys before them and spun the usual bullcrap, 'I love u', 'I miss u'.

    Met her in a disco, a bar, there is no difference....not in thailand.

    Yeah, I agree but surely some people change. I always thought the girls only do that because they need money and that was easy money. But when you give someone the opportunity to have a comfortable life, And they turn it down to go back to it. I don't understand and will never.

    Leaving her alone for weeks, I guess she got used to being alone. Hard to hold down a relationship while working offshore.

  8. Thailand is not Asia Disney Worlds. Reality still applies. Not working for 4 years and ran out of money? Wow, who would have saw that coming? Sorry, just tired of people coming to live here and expecting the world to then kiss their ass and everything will be handed to them.

    To be fair I probably wouldn't of stayed living in Thailand anyway. Its not Disney world when you live there, It can actually be the opposite. I will continue to visit for short periods of time in the future.

  9. We need a bit more information before we can comment

    1. Why did you need to return to the UK if you had an offshore job? Did this finish - could you not get another one?

    2. What happened to the house you bought - could you not sell it to raise money?

    3. Was your wife a bar girl when you met her?

    4. Was your move to Thailand a spur of the moment thing, or had you planned this well in advance? Four years worth of money to live on does not sound like a viable long term plan IMHO.

    5. What are your plans now?

    Well, at least you are now entitled to all of the benefits in the UK as a single parent, including access to a reasonable govt funded education.

    I still work offshore in the UK sector, Also when I am working away my family help take care of my son.

    I still have the house which I rent out, I am currently trying to sell it, But as you may be aware not easy.

    I met her In a night club, But had my suspicion. She seemed different to the other bar girls.

    Me and some friend was on our way to Australia and stop of in Thailand on the way there, And we never made it any further. The country seems to have a hold over people.

    My Plans now, well. I still have a good job and I have my son he means the world to me, He give me the strength to go on. I plan to give him the best education I can find.

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