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Posts posted by jfk

  1. Selling my bike. As far as I know there is a form that needs to be filled in with my details and the buyers (Thai) details.


    I then take completed form into the tax/drivers licence office. The buyer registers the bike in his name whenever he chooses.


    Is this correct? If so, where can I get the relevant form.


    Many thanks.

  2. I think that Ian nailed it. Most of us cannot even imagine the experences of these women. I too met a lot of working girls and had them hanging out at my place in Pattaya and I got to hear a lot of stories and some of them were pretty horrible.

    My wife who never was a working girl grew up in a poor family. She was dumped on her grandparents back in the village while her three siblings grew up in BKK. She was 7 when she was sent there and was well aware that she was born unexpectantly and unwanted. She slept with her grandparents and for the first several years held her grandmothers hand to get to sleep. She hates to sleep alone. In fact as I type this she is visiting her cousin in Germany and we have the Skype on every night.

    I don't think she was abused but who knows. I do know that more than half of the women that I knew in the states had been sexually abused and I'm pretty sure that all of the TGs I knew during my first few years of debauchery had. I do know that it is important to constantly reassure them. It's a small price to pay for their devotion, but it's also important to build their confidence and self reliance. I'm a lot older than she and at some point she will have to make it on her own and I hope that I've prepared her.

    hi, yes she does come from a large enough family, 8 kids and mum and dad. she told me her father was a drunk and was always fighting with them when he was, for no apparent reason. when sober, which wasnt often, he was a good dad.the father of her kid cleared when her son was only 9 months old and never supported her. when i posted i assumed it was just another one of her endearing habits that i love. however this has given me food for thought. thanks. i love her to bits and would never intend to leave her, ever.never gave her any reason to think otherwise. however i think i now need to reinforce that intention a litle more. maybe even after 8 years and building a home and a family together

    there is a little doubt that she wont tell me about. thanks guys.

  3. hi guys, i have to go to the irish consulate for a letter confirming 40,000 income monthly. i have my bank statement showing 40,000 baht lodgements evry month for the past 5 months. i am 2 weeks shy of the 6 month lodgement. i cant get a letter from my residents who pay me rent from 2 properties every month and i dont think it would help anyway.

    does anyone have any experience with the irish consulate. i still have a copy of the letter of income I received from them last time.

    are they still as helpful or am i going to run into some trouble.


  4. hi guys, that time of the year when i need to show 400,000 in the bank or 40,000 a month.

    the latter is the one i need to talk to you about. i can show income of 4oK but i need to go get a letter from my consulate which is a long way from me. i am currently teaching. my contract clearly shows i get 32,000 a month x 12. thats 364,000.

    so i,m shy 40,000. i have more than this in my bank account. does anybody know if they will accept this ?

    By the way i want to extend my current non-o based on marriage not on work.

    any help is appreciated.

  5. same happened to me. soi dogs would come over to the gate post, have a sniff then piss or crap.

    got some pepper and water, mixed together and sprayed on gate post.

    dog came,sniffed and then proceeded to sneeze uncontrolably. repeat on each dog until they are all aware.

    that have now stopped coming.


    regards :lol:

  6. hi,

    why didnt you just get 2.4 ghz wireless cameras. no wires except plug them in for power. signal gets sent back to receiver, dvr records.

    easy peasy. you just install yourself.

    4 cameras, 1 dvr total cost 6400 baht.


  7. hi guys,

    my county in ireland has reached the final and i would love to be able to watch it.

    does anyone know anyway i can see it ? can i watch it online ? is there a satelitte system that can get it ?

    if there are any bar owners on here who can get it i will gladly book a room for a few days with you and spend some cash.

    many thanks for yor help.

    regards :jap:

  8. there we have it,its official.

    the reason why the education system in thailand is f=c=ed is because the kids dont get enough iodine.

    case closed.

    nothing to do with poor teachers who are obsessed with show and not about teaching.

    it is definitely true because a thai politician said it was. so there. :lol:

  9. One thing to add: The irish consulate in bangkok and indeed the irish nationalisation and immigration service are incompetent beyond belief. To get married you will need an affidavit from them. This will take 5 weeks. When it comes to applying for a tourist visa it takes 6 weeks. As an example applying for a german tourist visa takes 5 days and an Aussie took us 4 days. Absolute disgrace and im irish (ashamed).

    small office,even less staff. remember ireland is a small country. they still conduct themselves professionally. i had a good experience so will you.

  10. hi,

    when i first came here i used to laugh at my wife when she shopped. she was always trying to get discount. i would just say pay the dam_n money its only 30 baht.

    now having lived here 7 years if we ask the price of something and its 5 baht over some where else I (not her) will say lets go to the other shop.

    even when we eat rice with basil is 25 baht in town but only 20 baht in my village. i then find myself saying to the wife Ohhh, its very expensive to eat here.

    to say she has rubbed off on me is an understatement.

    when i get home and think about it i laugh to myself and so does she. :blink:

    • Like 1
  11. Floods spread as Mindulle nears

    By The Nation


    Flooding has spread to many parts of the country as a tropical storm moves closer to Thailand.

    Mindulle was approaching Vietnam as of press time.

    Under the influence of this storm, heavy rain poured down in Thailand's Upper Northeast yesterday. In Sakon Nakhon, floodwater rose so high more than 900 prisoners had to vacate the first floor of their facility and crammed into the second floor only and lost access to their toilets.

    The weather bureau has warned Mindulle will bring heavy rain to both the North and Northeast. People living along watercourses at the foot of mountains were warned to brace for possible flash floods.

    In Sukhothai in the North, the overflowing Yom River flooded more than 500 rai of paddy fields and over 100 houses. Locals had to move their belongings to higher ground and were on alert around the clock.

    Deputy head of the Royal Irrigation Department Weera Wongsaengnak said he had instructed all project chiefs to consider releasing water from dams to ensure dams can accommodate rain and run-off from higher ground.

    "The water discharge done carefully so it doesn't affect people down river."

    He said RID officials had machines, tools and pumps ready to help affected people in the event of flooding.

    Water Resources chief Kasemsan Jinnawaso said his department had installed early-warning systems at 1,011 sites and they could sound sirens when risks were detected.

    Asked about a report that the early-warning system failed to alert people in Lampang, Kasemsan said the flooding there took place outside the working range of the system.

    The department hopes to complete its plan to install the early-warning system in 2,370 villages next year.


    -- The Nation 2010-08-25

    hi, I live in uttaradit and 2-3 years ago we had hundreds of families displaced and at least 60 dead. Last year after the rainy season had ended they put up the tower ????? yesterday! they put an aerial on it to receive the warning signals 3 years after it was installed. the pu yai has been using it as his personal tannoy system from promoting businesses and getting kick backs. he was instructed to use it only in emergencies now because he uses it all the time i will bet that when he calls out a warning people will just switch off. i,m not even sure its connected to the other towers.

    this was an idea created so some business man could make money and a politician to get a kick back. close the gate after the cow has already left.

  12. well guys, i just had the class yesterday. from now on its going to be games all the way. recently we were learning about rooms in school and adjectives. so i took all the flashcards i had on these subject and another 30 from other subjects and spread them out in the circle in the centre of the all weather football pitch.

    i then put them into 2 teams and two at a time called out the name of the adjective or room and they would have to run from the goal to the centre looking for the relevant flashcard.

    i did it for 45 minutes and they were exhausted. i just wrote down the scores and called out the names. no stress,no worries.

    just have to think of another game for next week.

    many thanks for the replies that were relevant to my question. for the others i,m glad my post give you another outlet to rant.

    best regards. :jap:

  13. My father was a mason and built brick and stone and cement block structures including several BBQ's. I have never heard of premade brick ovens,etc.But that doesn't mean they do not exist. I would look online for various designs and then get a local bricklayer to build it for you. A couple of strong recommendations though. You will need to line the inside of the firebox with what are called "firebricks" that can withstand the heat. You will also need to educate the bricklayer about the need to add lime to his mortar mix. Typically when the locals build with bricks here they leave out this crucial ingredient. What it does is makes the mortar "stick" to the bricks, like a glue. Without the lime the brickwork can easily come apart. Mix the mortar with 5 parts mason sand, two parts cement and one part lime. 5-2-1 good luckB)

    hi, i have wanted to build a brick bar b g for some time now but am unable to find the lava rock.

    anyone know where i can get this. by the way i want to use a gas burner hence the lava rock.

    many thanks for all advice. :jap:

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