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Posts posted by jfk

  1. hi guys,

    i have been trying to teach a prathom 5 class for 4 months now and i have tried everything to get them to listen.

    there are 43 students and maybe 3 out of the class want to learn, the rest just want to mess about.

    they have a very short attention span so holding it has proven to be almost impossible.

    i have tried spliting them into teams to make them more manageable and giving certificates of achievement for the winners. still to no avail.

    it looks like i am going to have to treat these students as equivalent to p3-4 and play games with them to try to keep them under control for 1 hour a week.

    by the way my homeroom teacher thinks it is hilarious to let them pretty much do what they like and shes never there anyway.

    i asked for help but was told if i do the homeroom teacher will loose face and it will look bad for me. unbelievable.

    so any advice barr tying them to their chair is very much appreciated.

    thanks in advance for any help you can give.

    regards. :jap:

  2. hello again,

    i,m teaching prathom 2 so any pop songs would be too advanced.

    i really want to teach them the basics. hello, my name is...,what is your name,how are you etc.

    anyone tried to do this before and if so wahat kind of music did you use and was it effective.

    many thanks for replies already and for those to come.

    best regards.


  3. hi guys,

    mid terms are coming up and when the new term starts i want to teach the kids conversational english as they only know hello,good morning etc.

    recently seen some tefl teachers using music to teach the basics of conversation.

    basically they made up a tune with where do you come from,how old are you etc and when the kids mastered this they made up another song with the responses.

    has anyone here tried this method, or does anyone have anymore ideas about an effective teaching method for teaching conversational english.

    many thanks for all your help.

    regards :jap:

  4. hi guys,

    thinking about ipm satelite. it costs only 2900 and promises 2 english stations,movies and football. enough for me. i dont want a monthly bill.

    does anyone here have this and does it have english channels as promised.

    many thanks for your help.

  5. hi guys, i want some english stations to watch. asked the store about IBM satellite and was given assurances that it had an english movie channel and football channel. i,m not saying i dont believe them but i have been caught in the past by sneaky sales people.

    does anybody have this satellite and does it work?

    many thanks for all your help.


  6. hi guys,

    nail varnish remover doesnt work. also wd40 doesnt work. i have been using a normal pencil eraser that is removing some. writing on it with a dry marker and rubbing it off doesnt work.

    looks like i am beat on this. you would think that this is a common occurance and something must take it off but it appears- no.

    150,000 baht and i have ruined it. what am i gonna do.

    any more advice would be great.

    thanks. :annoyed::unsure:

  7. guys,

    wrote with permanent marker on electronic white board, now cant get it off.

    any tips please.

    i have tried going back over it with a dry marker and rubbing off-doesnt work.

    tried a little bit of alcohol- didnt work.

    tried a standard pencil eraser-worked a little bit but cant get it all off.

    any tips would be great as this item cost the school a lot of money and i would like to get it cleaned asap.

    many thanks for all your help.

  8. hello, i have to teach this to prathom5 kids (mixed)

    i remember my old teacher doing this and we made it a nightmare class for him.

    any tips on how best to approach/teach this subject.

    any tips would be very much appreciated.

    many thanks in advance.

  9. this happened with my thai brother in-law.

    go to your local hospital and find out where the nearest phyc hospital is.

    as long as the immediate family agree, put him in the pickup/car and take him here.

    they will admit him,handcuff him to his bed and start to sort him out.

    we had to do this. he is on medication now which he picks up every week and is doing fine. hes back home by the way.

    good luck.

  10. hi guys,

    I currently work at Annuban school and we want to start up an English penpal activity. is there anyone on here who could suggest his/her school.

    basically we want the students to improve their writing skills in English and also to make new friends.

    if anyone is interested please let me know. (E-mail has been edited out)

    also I would like to make an English book Appeal to everyone here. is it ok for me to do it on here and if yes what is the correct procedure.

    many thanks.


  11. Winston Churchill would have been proud or this letter.

    Seems there might be a fox in the henhouse.

    Previous postings by Dr Veerasak Chongsuwiwatwong:

    'Britain warns nationals against travel to Thailand'

    'Chavalit slams govt for 'cold-blooded murder', frame-up over 'terrorism'

    'Thaicom 'cleared' over interference'

    'Govt wants Thaicom concession revoked'

    'Newin vows to protect the monarchy'

    'CRES okays live rounds against protesters'

    'Gov warns of tough action'

    'Reds dismiss claim they plan to harm monarchy'

  12. What I did last week, which worked quite well, was go through a recipe for crepe (or pancakes, whatever you want to call them) and then let the students make them. Taking lots of photos of the "flipping".

    Quite a few years ago, back in the States, our home economics teacher asked me to come and do some cooking demonstration of Thai food. I decided on satay, because I could have half the class working on the preparing the chicken and marinating it, the other half making the peanut sauce. All went pretty well until we put the satay into the broiler...I hadn't soaked the bamboo sticks...and up they went in flames! :)

    thanks for your input guys. some info, 25 min sessions of 30 kids at a time. total number of students is 400.phew.

    budget seems to be a problem, i wanted to really cook with them(the students) but now they want to cook.(the school)

    the teacher last year did the words of foods and got the kids to order and be waiters etc. he was voted by the students as the worst one, so i want to do something really good to impress.

    please forgive my keeness, i am sure it will wear off in time but for now i want to make a good impression.

    keep your ideas coming please. i like the crepes one,might use that one.


  13. hi guys,

    i hope its ok to ask for some ideas. i have been given my subject which is eating out this morning. 4 days notice, i am so lucky.

    the school would like me to come up with ideas about western foods and the eating out experience in my prospective country.

    thinking of setting up a make shift restaurant on the scholl grounds and picking a country, Italy and talking about the foods eaten in that country.

    i am from ireland so talking about irish stew and guiness isnt going to impress them.

    this is my first teaching job so i want to do a great job. any ideas are very much appreciated.

    thanks in advance.

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