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Posts posted by Globalhot

  1. But I'd like to know anywhere reputable that says the earth has cooled in the last century.

    As you can see by previous posts, they can' answer you.

    Why? Because all of the data shows warming over the past 100 years, especially over the past 30 years.

    The rapid increase in warming is absolutely NOT accounted for by changes in the suns energy.

    The reason the planet is warming--the reason for global warming and associated climate change--is simple: humans (too many) are releasing formerly sequestered carbon in the atmosphere; the result of using fossil fuels.

    Deforestation is also playing a role (fewer trees means less CO2 removal). There are other factors at play, but the sun is definitely not the reason for the recent and rapid change in CO2 levels and associated warming.

    The only thing the skeptics can do to "counter your observation" is to focus on short term weather phenomena (ignoring the fact that the steady climb moves in a cycle...up and down due to short term weather events).

    The long term trend is clearly up and you can see it in any textbook or reputable web site on global warming and associated climate change.

    There is no debate among scientists who are studying the problem.

    The issue was settled long ago: Global warming and associated climate change are very real.

    Governments worldwide are trying to do something about the problem.

    The scientific debate centers on how bad things are going to get, where, when, and what to do about it.

    There is no point in pretending otherwise.

    "Bobbie," are you listening? :blink:

    I think a certain poster needs to tighten up a bolt or two.

  2. If there are any posters out there who understand science and are interested in this important topic, please give us your opinion.

    When you say 'us', JR, I assume you mean you and the six other usernames you've hidden behind since the New Year. Seven bumbling, unfacile users in arow [sic]. That must be some sort of record.

    JR? Are you crazy? Who or what is JR? Maybe I should call you, Bobbie.Obviously, you have nothing to say about the topic.
  3. You are right about many things, unlike the skeptics who simply have no idea what they are talking about.

    In fact, they are just posting nonsense designed to confuse readers.

    I doubt that it is useful to respond to them.

    Global warming and climate change are real.

    There is no debate about it.

    Now, back to the subject.

    I find your observation about the oceans interesting as most people neglect it (except scientists working on the problem).

    A major problem is the acidification of the oceans that is taking place.

    It took 100,000 years for pH to be reduced the same amount it has been reduced over the past 50 years (think about that).

    Lowering of pH leads to mass extinction events. Why? Complicated........short answer, because it negatively impacts the biochemistry of marine organism.

    In particular, it can negatively impact and eventually kill diatoms, at the base of the marine food chain.

    If that happens..........well, it is like a stack of dominoes being tipped.........the system crashes.

    And every living thing above the lower part of the food chain suffers.

    This is happening now because the oceans are absorbing massive amounts of CO2.

    If the "crash" comes, the impact on food supply will be catastrophic.

    The skeptics seem to love playing with fire!

  4. <br>Why would anyone want to start a business or invest in a corrupt country where they have no rights and are despised? The only businesses that come to mind are ones that want cheap labour without all the hassle of human rights and loose environmental laws. That's the real reason Thailand hasn't made much progress in 30 years. If they allowed entrepreneurs to come and establish themselves they'd have much more FDI. Instead they have homogeneous sectors with no choices for consumers. You can buy either Leo beer or Chang beer. Same crap, different label. No German beers, good luck finding affordable wine, etc.<br>
    <br><br>Short answer:  No way most people would choose to invest.

    <div><br></div><div>This has been going on for 30 years or more.</div><div><br></div><div>Had Thailand  not embraced extreme protectionists measures, it would look more like Singapore or Korea or Japan today.</div><div><br></div><div>These old and misguided policies have cost Thailand good jobs.</div><div> </div><div>Relatedly, because of their negative impact on the economy, social problems (simmering violence) abound.</div><div><br></div><div>People need to realize that small scale businesses create most jobs worldwide.  </div><div><br></div><div>Thailand needs to open its doors (via its investment policies and immigration rules) to small scale business entrepreneurs........that will inject the economy with much-needed innovation and capital.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div>

    Is it possible for the IT person at Thai Visa to correct your script problem? I am seeing this in many posts and not just mine.

  5. So they use war machines and equipments (tanks and machines guns with LIFE bullets) in dispersal of sport events in your country?

    Nice to know that Thailand & Burma are not alone.

    If necessary, but that is a last resort. As long as as demonstrations are peaceful (nobody throwing grenades at the police or military to provoke them), and as long as the demonstrators are not disrupting traffic or commerce (like they did in Bangkok), nothing will happen.

    But if they, say, attack Congress (the equivalent of attacking Parliament in Bangkok), action will be taken.

    That action will proceed in steps. No more force is used than is necessary.

    In my country there is no way in the world the Reds would have been allowed to do what they did in Bangkok; it would have been stopped much earlier.

    I am not criticizing Abhisit for taking such a long time to resolve the situation. He was no doubt thinking about the larger picture.

  6. You said "tropical paradise." Thailand is not a tropical paradise.

    It has many problems. There are good and bad things here, just like the rest of the world.

    Financially, you seem to be in good shape........you actually don't need to spend that much to have a quality lifestyle.

    Ocean view.........that does up the price. Avoid real estate vultures.........they are all over Phuket, Hua Hin, and Pattaya.

    Just buy a couple of motorcycles to get around on........easy and fun for some people (but it is incredibly hot in Thailand).

    Good luck. If you are looking for a quiet beach life, that can be found, but you lose some nice Western perks.

    Phuket, to me, is ruined already. But for people who have not lived here a long time, it may seem like paradise.

    Thanks for your thoughts. Some good points.

    Re tropical paradise ... well I guess I mean a place to live that is by the sea, warm to hot climate (we love the heat) and peaceful. We appreciate every country has it's problems. But Thailand's don't seem to be show-stoppers. And provided the country isn't hostile, then it should be ok I hope. Everytime we've been has been a good experience (last time was March 2010 just before riots)

    Puket - yep we've off from there already. That place is now off our list.

    Re finances - we don't need to spend that much. I guess I was doing a 'sanity' check to get peopls thoughts to see if I was off track or not.

    Motorcycles ... nope. We can't ride for sh*t. It has been suggested to hire a car for a few months. This may be an option until we find our feet then decide what to do.

    And lastly, when you said "Avoid real estate vultures" ... what do you mean ??

    Real estate vultures = hoards of foreigners who moved to Thailand to "screw the unwary."

    You have been here before, that is good.

    The real estate market is crashing (the vultures will tell you the opposite).

    The ball is in your court now, not in their court, so negotiate a price way down.

    Negotiation includes rental agreements, deposits, etc.

    You can get what you want if you take a stand and not let them push you around.

    Personally, I think I would try to rent from a Thai.

    In fact, I would not rent from a farang at all (and yes, I am a farang).

  7. It is the worst since 20 years. So back then it was even worse. And at that time global cooling was the talk of the day.

    I say blame the chinese for the drought, nothing to do with manmade global warming, more with manmade dams and deforesting.

    Even the bilderbergers are talking about cooling :)


    Actually only a few scientists were talking about possible cooling, so what you stated is a bit misleading to say the least.

    It was based on confusion over data, something that is not the case now as better methods have been introduced.

    Global warming is real and there is no debate about it among scientists.

    Global warming was predicted decades ago--you can trace the debate back to the turn of the century.

    The main problem today is the pace of change; not change itself which has always happened.

    For the past ten thousand years climate has been fairly constant. That has been good for our species; we have adapted it (and that includes patterns of agriculture).

    Explanations of why climate has changed over the long course of earth's history are in basic textbooks. I suggest looking at Milankovitch Cycles to get an understanding of long term changes in climate (e.g., Ice Ages).

    The earth continues to be influenced by Milankovitch Cycles, but that cycle cannot explain recent heating, and neither can changes in the Sun's radiant energy.

    What is left? Human activity. El Kangarito has it right--read his posts.

  8. The Ritz also sells fish and chips. Just minutes walk away from the infamous plaice on Thappraya.

    All of them are living in la la land.

    They bought into a false dream conjured up by real estate hounds around 2004-8.

    They thought Pattaya was going to become a destination for the rich and famous.

    They lied to themselves over and over and over again.......pushing reality away.

    Now they are trying to get out, but still clinging on to "the dream" thinking a sucker is really born every minute.

    Prices are way too high. I don't know when reality will reach them, leading to a fire sale.

  9. Good idea gotlost , the farmer will just tell you the government needs to compensate him_________________so he can buy that new truck or tv to help eleviate the boredom with no rice to watch grow .

    One thing farmers can do is detect, even without statistical data, whether climate change seems to be happening.

    They can tell you is this is ordinary (short term weather) or some long-term change (climate).

    They can tell you when it normally rains.'

    They know a lot about weather and climate because what they do depends on it.

  10. You said "tropical paradise." Thailand is not a tropical paradise.

    It has many problems. There are good and bad things here, just like the rest of the world.

    Financially, you seem to be in good shape........you actually don't need to spend that much to have a quality lifestyle.

    Ocean view.........that does up the price. Avoid real estate vultures.........they are all over Phuket, Hua Hin, and Pattaya.

    Just buy a couple of motorcycles to get around on........easy and fun for some people (but it is incredibly hot in Thailand).

    Good luck. If you are looking for a quiet beach life, that can be found, but you lose some nice Western perks.

    Phuket, to me, is ruined already. But for people who have not lived here a long time, it may seem like paradise.

  11. In central Thailand water is being rationed.They turn it on in the morning for 1.5 hours, then off, then on in the evening for 1.5 hours, then off.We have always had a fishing pond by my house. This is the first year "there is no pond!"Farmers are getting nervous. They recently planted seeds; some are coming up, but it is not good.It is also hotter than any person in the area can remember.It looks like global warming and climate change are having an impact on Thailand now.

  12. I guess that should one of these plants go ahead there will be a mass exodus of farangs heading out of the country? Nuclear power's not all bad then. Obviously, many of these people won't be flying out on Thai Airways, or any other airline that uses Thai technicians to service their planes; we all know that "they" can't be trusted with anything as complicated as that. In fact, better not fly out at all, "they" obviously lack the right attitude to be responsible air traffic controllers. Drive to the nearest border, not in a Thai made car though, "they" are incapable of making them safely. Use an import, but don't cross any bridges, you can't trust "them" to build one of those properly. Better to walk to the nearest port and take a foreign owned vessel out. Don't use the Gulf side though, all those Thai operated oil and gas platforms are just waiting to explode, "they" could never run such a potentially dangerous piece of equipment. In fact, stay at home, under the bed, dam_n, they're both built by "them" too. We're doomed for sure.

    Good point............some of probably went a bit too far.

    But, come on, if you live here you do see what has been talked about, even if we took it too far.

    Personally, I think they could really expand alternative forms of energy other than nuclear.

  13. Nuclear power plants with a "sabai sabai'" and "may pen rai" attitude? Sounds very, very scary to me.

    Are they going to be as careful with their nuclear power plants as they are careful when they drive?

    Nothing against nuclear power plants, but nuclear power plants with a Thai attitude? NO THANK YOU!

    My thoughts also, The idea of thailand with nuclear power plants makes me shiver,

    Ah maybe they use the same guys who do the electricity cable birds nests...that should do it.

    I had the same thought!


    My thoughts too. I see way too much incompetence in Thailand, especially the power grid.

    And the mai pen rai attitude....................that is truly scary. "Hey...........that red light is blinking........no problem, just forget about it."

  14. <br><br>
    <br><br>How is living in Vietnam?  OK, off topic.

    <div><br></div><div>A new concept is forming a giant grid that receives energy inputs from different technologies...........have a look at what is happening in the Middle East, Europe and northern Afrrica:</div><div><br></div><div><a href="http://www.euinfrastructure.com/news/super-grid-to-link-Europe-and-the-Middle-East/">http://www.euinfrastructure.com/news/super-grid-to-link-Europe-and-the-Middle-East/</a></div><div><br></div><div>I like this idea.  I wonder if it could get off the ground in Southeast Asia. </div><div><br></div><div>It would create much needed high tech jobs........and reduce CO2 emissions.</div>

  15. this is surely an unexpected welcome news for thailand.

    how do we read up on the primary source pls....?

    Why not do more of this?

    3 May 2010

    ADB Loan for Solar Plant to Support Thailand's Renewable Energy Target

    MANILA, PHILIPPINES - The Asian Development Bank's (ADB) Board of Directors has approved investment in a 73-megawatt solar power plant in central Thailand. The plant, likely to be one of the largest solar photovoltaic projects in the world, will be central to Thailand's efforts to generate much more of its energy from domestic, renewable sources.


    Sorry. I forgot to add the link.

  16. Why not do more of this?

    3 May 2010

    ADB Loan for Solar Plant to Support Thailand's Renewable Energy Target

    MANILA, PHILIPPINES - The Asian Development Bank's (ADB) Board of Directors has approved investment in a 73-megawatt solar power plant in central Thailand. The plant, likely to be one of the largest solar photovoltaic projects in the world, will be central to Thailand's efforts to generate much more of its energy from domestic, renewable sources.

  17. Desalination is the answer for long and short term. So is pressure recycling. Get the services of a decent hydrostatic engineer.

    But if it is very expensive, how can Thailand afford it?

    And what about the cost of sending it from the ocean to northern Thailand?

    Pressure recycling? What is that?

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