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  1. 20 baht a joint can’t be made with best indoor quality flowers, it’s very cheap for a nice size joint with good Thai outdoor weed or expensive for a small one with moldy weed and/or Thai tobacco….
  2. Cannabeach in Pattaya have the best choice with some very special qualities. I order Moroccan hash twice with green labs, 2 different qualities, not bad but it didn’t look and smell like Moroccan.
  3. I walk anywhere in Pattaya any hours at night, often make 2 kilometers to my condo after 2am and I feel very safe but I don’t don’t have iPhone and gold chain
  4. So happy to see not anyone getting money from the alcohol industry
  5. All depends on location, in center of Pattaya you can get it for 12000
  6. Make all drugs illegal including alcohol and tobacco, people will not take much less drugs but they will die much more early because of bad quality drugs laced with anything and mafia will do much more money
  7. Cannabis shop in Pattaya want English speaking friendly Thai staff with or without experiences to serve customer with pre packed products. Salary between 15000 and 20000 baht depending on your language’s skills, capacity and motivation.
  8. my girlfriend can have as many affair as she want, I will alway do much more as her
  9. Please don't reuse condoms
  10. Synthetic Cannabinoid is a very big problem in Europe: https://www.emcdda.europa.eu/publications/pods/synthetic-cannabinoids_en
  11. Also consider Pattaya pad condo if you don't need swimming pool, big room for around 5000 and much less noisy as others ones.
  12. Bongsai in Pattaya have the nicest clones, 600 or 800 baht
  13. Edibles are sold nearly anywhere. Cannabeach in second road have the biggest choice of good indoor weed, all between 400 and 600 baht and If you buy 5 grams you get 500 baht discount. Many very amazing quality like Mac1, ice cream cake and oreoz. And because of the big choice, all qualitys need few weeks to be sold out. There is also a big smoking room with comfortable sofa and roof top terrace
  14. Bongsai have gummies bear but not sure of the dosage, should have differents strenght
  15. Cannabeach have a very big and good choice of indoor weed between 400 and 600 baht and they have Green crack at 300 baht the 10 grams
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