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Posts posted by beerguy

  1. Wife is freaking out as a result of this info............sleeping on the couch tonight!

    Beerguy, I wouldn't hit panic button yet.Rumours around the island are a dime a dozen.Have you tried contacting the principals?That would be my first step & try & clarify the situation.

    Another option is to get your legal people to delve into it & see where you stand with :

    1/ Building being late. Has it been started?If so to what stage?

    2/In case of bankrupcy where do you stand with land etc.......

    Good luck & keep us informed.

    It was kind of a joke about sleeping on the couch although the little lady did freak out.

    I never buy anything I can't afford to lose but that said I don't want to lose this one.

    I have other properties that lucklily are income producing but my wife likes this one in particular as she really likes Samui a lot!

    Oh well, just need to wait and see what happens........luckily I have a plan B.

  2. Southwest, the point I was making was those completed units are a value at that price. Furthermore, building is still in progress throughout their projects. I would really prefer it if it wasn't built for two more years at which time I would have a paid up villa for which I only paid half the amount due to the rental contract.

    Anyway, hope those guys can still work things out........

  3. Well, I just got back from another visit to CoCo and heard pretty much the same song and dance regarding the financing of the project.

    However, that said, the Palm Villas project that I bought into had some villas finished and we got to stay in one. For the price, about US $180,000 they are a great deal. For the quality of the build, furniture, size and amenities you just can't touch anything else at that price. Now, I still have my fingers crossed that somehow they can get financing and complete this and their other projects.

    Also, regarding the privacy issue. At least in Palm Villas it's not an issue..........nud_e sunbathing from the minute we got up till the wee hours in the morning. Each villa is walled to a height that offers maximum privacy. Also, for the price paid for these others villas and yes the owners knew exactly what they were getting, again they are bargains.

    The main swimming pool which is beachfront, offers a fantastic and uninterupted view of the ocean and island across the way.

    The picture of the beach from the website CoCo Samui Villa Rippoff is from the next door site where another developer is building a hotel, a Regent, I beleive I was told. As such, there is construction waste on the beach area directly in front of it. The beach area owned by CoCo is cleaned daily of all trash, leaves etc. that may be blown onto it.........it's immaculately clean.

    I also looked and found the suppossed "missing" view of the pool in the above mentioned website and this view does exist.

    I'm not trying to promote CoCo or any of their properties........I just want my villa built so I can go back to having a bbq and doing some sunbathing while laying around the pool instead of working seven days a week......

  4. Keep the faith.

    They are still here trying to get this sorted after a very difficult year.

    They are still honest people, but had a lot of things go against them outside of their control and are doing their best.

    From my dealings with Coco , Must add this .....

    As a supplier to this company( based in Phuket ) I can re-assure all that the problems faced by Coco were by no means their fault and they have had to face a world of **** with the authorities.

    Without names, I will say that straight from the horses mouth I was given a detailed explination of the situation and it would appear that this sorry mess is virtually resolved and looks like the project will be moving again shortly.

    Hope this sets your mind a little more at ease (op)

    Thanks, yes some news is better than none.

  5. Keep the faith.

    They are still here trying to get this sorted after a very difficult year.

    They are still honest people, but had a lot of things go against them outside of their control and are doing their best.

    Jimbo, thanks......at this point hearing anything is good news as I still like the place.

  6. Bought one of these a few years back from CoCo and now can't get any real answers as to what is going on. Everytime I ask, all I get is the financing is in the works..........

    Does anyone know what is going on?

    Is it time for all us Hong Kong investors to come down there and knock some heads?

    I'm just so disgusted by those people........they seemed like real decent people, but now I am wondering.

  7. Well I bought and they have sold out Palm Villas where I bought quite quickly. I didn't meet Allan but dealt with Bruce and was impressed.

    The rental agreement for the 12% is in the seperate rental / maintenance agreement and I feel comfortable with it.

    I also met with other developers on the island and in the end felt most comfortable with CoCo as their package is all inclusive right down to maintenance of the pool, villa and insurance.

    I met again with Bruce this weekend at an exhibition in Hong Kong where they are promoting their new properties and their business is booming.

    Just wondering Paul, if you don't mind my asking, did you get a discount from the listed price and did you go for a 1 or 2 bedroom?

    Thanks for all the comments........

  8. Not sure all this negativity is based in reality........

    Major hotels, golf courses and the number of new developments by major players in the worldwide maket run counter to the opinions expressed by the sour grapes here.

    I've invested here with in the last year and have already seen positive results.....

    A lot of the people talking negative here are the hippy type backpackers that always move on anyway and do nothing to add to the value of a place....

    I don't think it's to late to still come here and enjoy the place........

    But thats just my 2 cents...........

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