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Posts posted by Northman061

  1. I am a 49 year old Sales/Marketing and Industrial Businessman/Manager here in the UK.

    I have recently returned home after 3rd, and longest, 18 months of freelance work in Bangkok.

    I find myself remembering conversations with businessmen in Thailand, so i thought i would offer my services to anyone seeking a contact/base/employee here in the UK.

    Do you have products/services or business in the UK that you would like me to check up on, follow up or inspect (knowingly to staff or not)? Are you too busy to travel back and forward to the UK (Europe?) on a regular basis just to follow up a lead?

    I am happy to look at any offers or ideas.



  2. The Dems should simply get on with reforming, reaching out and trying to understand WHY they lost the election. Within a week its back to using the courts and playing to the Military instead of sitting down and planning how to be an effective opposition in offering constructive and new ideas to the Thai people.

    One would hope that some new and modern forward thinking Dem MP would grasp the nettle and step forward to lead the party and start the long process of working for the people and not just for the few and the Military.

  3. In the end, the Thai people have made a choice....their choice. If the margin is as big as they are saying, then they have real people power behind them. It is clear that all sides now need to work together, working for a better, safer and fairer Thai society.

    I cant really comment about all the "pie in the sky" projects and promises,but my first action would be to close down all Military and "Party" TV Stations and close 4 or 5 of the Military bases around Bangkok and get the troops out into the regions where they can help protecty, support and aid local communities and once again, gain a respected status amongst the Thai people as an honorable profession and service.

  4. "Police will work with hundreds of ICT (information and communication technology) officials to monitor all types of social media", Big Brothers minions working in darkened rooms, away from prying eyes and difficult questions under control of the few and protected by the Military.......Let us hope things CAN change for ALL Thais.

  5. Enviromental cleaning/recycling is very "front end heavy" on investment.

    Enviromental work offer little or no immediate financial return, it usuallt takes decades to even break even.

    So now you will understand why no one cares.;)

    Your absolutely wrong.

    There are people who care Here in Chiang Mai we have recycling on a small scale but it is bigger than it was five years ago.

    On a earlier post some one talked about a Thai delegation in the UK looking into there solutions. Another poster talked about a garbage collection in his village and now the village is clean.

    At the moment the movement is small but it is there and growing. It will take years.(decades)

    When I was back in the States, Washington there was signs posted saying this portion of the road is cleaned by such and such a organization. And you could see big plastic bags by the way side waiting for collection. And they have been at it for decades. And still have to patrol there roads. It is only in the last year my brother has been able to get rid of his trimings with out burning them or taking them to the dump.

    Are you giving Thailand a chance or are you going to sit back on your self righteousness and say this is Thailand I expect more out of them.

    Why just the other day I watched traffic for five minutes and no one threw out garbage, shall I say there is no littering in Thailand.

    In my original post, I did not mean to say that "no one cares" per say, but more the "Powers that be" dont care, in as much as there is no City wide, regional or national recycling initiatives, recycling plants, cardboard repulpers, glass recycling etec etc. There are always good people and good organisations doing "their bit". I would simply like to see a national recycling policy backed by local recycling depots. :jap:

  6. Ohhhh, so many good things to pick over!

    Location, location, location! Where?

    They are building it from the 18th of this month? Who owns/owned the land? One assumes a huge Thai investment would be needed for infrastructure, roads, electricity, services etc for the businesses? Car parking/bts/mrt locations nearby?

    I would have thought that such a massive (even by Asia standards) new retail "town" would be a joint PR event? Where are the plans, the flashy scale models and the blurb telling us about its many benefits to Thais? On TV later maybe?

    How does Thailand benefit if you allow the Chinese to bypass all import taxes? And when the non tax paying Chinese swamp Thailand with ntheir products, they intend to use Thailand as a base to launch "their products to developed markets such as the European Union and the United States through this project," Yang Fangshu, chairman of the ASEAN-China Economic and Trade Promotion Centre, was quoted as saying.

    My, thats a great arrangement. I am sure no Thai businessmen or officilas in the "Closed shop" anti west 100% ownership of businesses "Elites" were well "looked after" for this great honour the Chinese were bestowing on Thailnds soon to be crushed technology industry. Compensation through "tea money"...never.

    This is such a huge development, that has real impact on Thailnds own home grown electronics industry and its future State revenues, i find it hard to believe that this is suddenly "announced" by the Chinese, yet the Thai Government are quietly doing nothing? Hmmmm.

  7. How about we decide that the best measurement of a real "free" (loose term,i know) Democratic country, is how much a stand up comedian can poke fun at politicians, military, business men, corruption, stupid bureaucrats etc without fear of "no go" topics handed to them before getting on stage, arrested, sudden disappearance or an "accident" happening to them?

    Yeh, I noticed the "stand up" circuit is prity thin here too.....;)

  8. For "western" residents here in Thailand, it can be strange trying to get a grasp on Thailands political scene. Who really has the power to stop and close web sites, who can listen to your phone calls and read your texts, and why the heck should/would they?

    For i am sure, like me, a nation is either "Democratic" or not. Simple. But that is not how it is here.

    fnprop's post states (in part) section 36 that; The censorship, detention or disclosure of communications between persons including any other act disclosing information in the communication between persons shall not be permitted except by virtue of the provisions of the law specifically enacted for maintaining the security of the State or maintaining public order or good morals.

    See? Oh, did you miss it? "......maintaining the security of the state or maintaining public order or good morals".

    These are open to interpretation of whomever is enforcing them. "Good morals"? Whose idea od morals? The Policeman who arrests you? The soldiers who arrests you? "Maintaining puplic order"? You and your friends are discussing "certain" Wikileak posts and are arrested because it "might" lead to you breaking public order? Vague laws lead to an inept judicial sysyem. LAW CANNOT BE OPEN TO PERSONAL INTERPRETATION! Even more so now that the ISA is in force!!!!

    Here are some "basic" democratic wishes i want the average Thai to have and expect from 2011 onwards.

    I expect a democracy to be governed by accountable officials.

    I expect the Military not to be on my daily radar regarding Civilian and Governmental daily politics.

    I expect all National and Governmental contracts to placed out to open tender.

    I expect all Salaries, Incomes and Business dealings of ALL elected officials checked.

    I expect all political opposition to be able to work openly via all media without restriction.

    I expect any Politician, Civil Servant, Policeman and Bussiness person brought to swift trail for any bribery and extortion.

    Now i know, "Western" Democracy has its failings, but here in Thailand, no one seems accountable. From the Millionaire Generals to the Billionaire "closed shop" Elites recieving Government and National Business Contracts. And lets be clear on this point too, no Western Democracy has the same blatant and open nepotism as is seen here, which is never questioned!

    It is clear that the Military are the puppeteers, with their TV Station and Radio Stations pumping out 24 hour PR (which of course should be closed) and that it seems the Civil Government knows its place....which is just like the Thai people at the moment.

    The fear when you talk to Thais about confronting Bosses or the "higher ups" about injustices is frightening. Its a real and palpable fear they feel, "its not the way", "its not our way" they say, is one of my great fears for the future of Thais.

    Democracy allows and supports the rights of the individual to confront and hold accountable ALL levels of society, no holds barred.....but not here, and that is just not right! :jap:

  9. OMG!!!! Roads and pavements/Sidewalks unkempt and dangerous, no traffic flow systems, no active law enforcemnet on the roads, ignorant and uncaring drivers, power lines with bare wires like spiders webs two foot above your head, motorcycles driving next to you as you walk and travelling against the traffic flow,hundreds of unocupied/half built derelict apartments and buildings etc etc

    Lets try to get the basics of daily living sorted out before someone spends TRILLIONS of baht on a project that, if built, would be late, over budget and certainly mis managed.

    How many BILLIONS every year would the Army Millionaire generals expect to "protect" it?

    How many BILLIONS in "maintenace" contracts would "Elites" businesses and family friends get?

    How many BILLIONS in infrastructure to get access to the plant and the power distribution systems cost?

    There are so many reasons why Thailand is simply incapable of even contemplating this project.........Frightening.:o

  10. With 6 BILLION Baht, why not be REALLY creative?

    Simply advertise and tell everyone in the World, that if you book, one full price airfare and a minimum of 14 nights accomodation in Thailand by January 31st , 2011, you get exactly the same ticket/accomodation for a travel partner for FREE, paid by TAT!!

    The Government would get discounts on airfares and hotels, so would never pay the "tourist price" anyway, and it would be great PR for Thai holidays whilst gauranteeing the money went where it would get used best, in Thailand!.

  11. I had the same "what shall i buy" stress a year ago....i went for the XBox 360 as i had friends who loved it and as i was never getting into the "Blue ray" world and did not intend to stream via it, the XBox 360 was my choice. Its been a great games console. I buy all my games 2nd hand as there are soooo many to catch up with. I have had no mechanical problems, the graphics atstanding and it does all i ask of it.

    Below is the link to fairly recent CNET Xbox v PS3 slim battle.....se how that went.

    But in the end it really is a 50/50 call.

    Have fun either way.B)


  12. Thailands political extremists are, as far as all the National media agrees, quiet. No Bombs, No Killings. The Reds and Yellows protest, but no violence ensues, just some inconvenience to some Bangkok citizens.All parties seem intent on maintaing order in what will be an election year.

    And so, when a "Democratic" country decides all is well, everything should, and must, return to normal.

    But here is where Thailands version of "normal" differs from the majority of Democratic nations.

    The short term Military controlled CRES has passed the baton on to the PERMANENT Situation Monitoring Centre and their powers under the ISA, which differ little from the CRES's powers.

    The ARMY chief-of-staff Dapong Rattanasuwan as Isoc secretary-general is in charge of the new centre which comes under Isoc. The ARMY run the ISOC, NOT the Police or Civil Government.

    There is a line that i have read in another report that should chill ALL Thais ;

    "About 100 staff - military, police and civilian - have been seconded to help at the centre where the main tasks will include monitoring political movements"

    Thats right, "will include political movements"? Well as far as i am aware, there are a couple of Red and yellow shirt gatherings every month or so which have been well policed and have had no trouble. So what will the SMC add? What skills will the ARMY bring to day to day generally dull Bangkok policing?

    Or should the question be, what will the ARMY define as "monitoring political movements"?

    And suddenly the cabinet has 130 MILLION baht available to fund the SMC. Now this is just not here in Bangkok, no. The ARMY would be set up at the regional and provincial levels and 14 agencies including the Information and Communication Technology, Transport and Labour ministries.

    Sorry? Transport? Labour Ministries? Why? What on earth is the Government funding here? Are these ministries and regional offices to send information on individuals or groups to the Army's SMC? Who will do this? What criteria gets you "noticed"?

    The ISA is allowing a Nationwide, Government funded Military lead force to observe, act and judge the CIVILIAN population. Itwill sidestep the police in all matters and will do as its ARMY bosses wishes. It has powers that clearly will allow MILITARY intrusion into political and personal areas whilst giving the Army a free hand to act against the CIVIL population WITH IMPUNITY.

    Is that the sound of jackboots I hear Thailand?

  13. If the huge low paid "cattle class" of Thais were given decent living wages, this old style communist idea of keeping "essential goods and foods" fixed via the Government ("Elites") would not be needed.

    But as long as the many are held in thrall by the 10% who own and run 90% of Thailand and its Businesses nothing will change.:jap:

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