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Posts posted by Northman061

  1. The headline should read, The MILITARY have decided to hand over MILITARY control of Thailand from the short term CRES to the indefinate MILITARY ISA.

    Just so everyone is clear on this, yes, even those who think the current PM is a "good man" and is doing a "good job", those who feel that the "Reds" are the new and only threat to Thailands security, and those who think, "well we are all safe with the ARMY in control" etc etc

    Do not forget, ALL Democratic states that allow the MILITARY to act and take over CIVIL POLICING, even in part, simply grows use to their presence and slowly the grip tightens, and suddenly.......well you know how it always ends.

    The ISA (Itself something that violates ALL Democratic priciples in that the civil Government cannot overturn the Militaries decisions and actions whilst using the ISA) in part states;

    Article 17, allowing the ISOC director to take command of STATE AGENCIES by “issuing a notification commanding state officials not to perform any act or to perform any act” to the extent that this is necessary for preventing, suppressing, stopping, and rectifying any situation that affects internal security.

    The ARMY can ARREST and JAIL YOU IF IT DECIDES you are doing "something" IT FEELS relates to Article 17!! This is a blank check to override all laws and human rights protections.

    Article 18, allowing the ISOC director and designated officials to undertake criminal investigators WITHOUT PROVIDING ANY SAFEGAURDS OR JUDICIAL OVERSIGHT of summons, arrests and DETENTIONS!!!!

    Among other due process concerns, this heightens the risk of torture and other mistreatment of individuals in custody or while under interrogation and abuse on people/parties not in agreement with Military views.

    Article 19, allowing the ISOC director and designated officials to act as criminal investigation officials and have powers similar to those of public prosecutors and JUDGES.

    They are given the authority to sentence any person found involved in a threat to internal security for up to six months without right of council, court, jury and IMMUNITY TO THE MILITARY FOR THEIR ACTIONS!!

    All the independent International "watch" groups state that Thailand now has more restrictions on information, state obseveration (both open and covert) of the people and is more militaristic than even under Thaksin.

    Thailand is now under clear and definate Military rule...........................................The PM should be proud!:ph34r:

  2. I think I, like many, hope the PM could be the "right man" for Thailand, but so far I believe he is failing the people of Thailand.

    We have had 9 months of unopposed CRES control, now he is considering handing over policing duties to the Army via the ISA, thereby establish troops on regular duty, patrols on the street and:

    Article 17, allowing the ISOC director to take command of state agencies by “issuing a notification commanding state officials not to perform any act or to perform any act” to the extent that this is necessary for preventing, suppressing, stopping, and rectifying any situation that affects internal security.

    This is a blank check to override all laws and human rights protections.

    <LI>Article 18, allowing the ISOC director and designated officials to undertake criminal investigators without providing any safeguards or judicial oversight of summons, arrests and detentions.

    Among other due process concerns, this heightens the risk of torture and other mistreatment of individuals in custody or while under interrogation.

    <LI>Article 19, allowing the ISOC director and designated officials to act as criminal investigation officials and have powers similar to those of public prosecutors and judges.

    They are given the authority to sentence any person found involved in a threat to internal security to attend re-education camps for up to six months

    He has given the military an extra 60 Billion Baht in the budget and has NO control over them.

    Corruption at the highest levels has not been touched and we seen thieves returned to power and welcomed back into the fold.

    All the independent International "watch" groups state that Thailand now has more restrictions on information, state obseveration (both open and covert) of the people and is more militaristic than even under Thaksin.

    The xenophobic "laws" which prohibit fair competion for National and State contracts allows the "Elites" to maintain power over the public.

    There are many things wrong, just basics, that are not getting acted upon, and that is my fear for the PM. He seems all smiles and good words, but sadly, everything must be run past the old systems "Feudal Lords" who will always have the final say.

    The ISA is simply a "legal" way of letting the Military overrun the Civil law........i fear for Thailand.

  3. The Thai "cattle class", bred over many centuries to know their place, bend the knee to their betters" and understands who is boss.

    These same people return thieves back to political power and applaud politicians who are multi Millionaires through their skimming off projects that would benefit the electorate.

    Politicians can do what they want, remain untouched by the law and live like Kings compaired to the "cattle class" below them.

    File a complaint about politicians in "Amazing" Thailand................pointless.:jap:

  4. Look, i dont really care, Red/Yellows, Pro/Anti, but the one thing i do know is that Thailand is losing its political future.

    What do you think is the average age of a Thai MP is.......... 60s?

    The few "new" politicians are Western educated sons of the "Elites" trained to maintain the status quo.

    And of the next generation, 99% of young Thais eem to have NO political thoughts, ideas or understanding.

    The crushing of Thailands youth through idoctrination and the dulling of expectations is working.

    But the pot grows ever smaller from which "good" people can enter politics and drive Thailand forward.

    if i did not know better, i would say it is planned and has been going for many years.

    Thailand is losing........and no one cares.

  5. I loved the line ...."they have to remind MPs that they are legislators and have to pay attention to parliamentary duties as well as work among the public".

    "Work among the public", read making money via their many businesses, deals, contracts and family and friends businesses.

    A simple and easy way to get MP's to actually do their job is to drop the the figure needed for a quorum to a very low figure. It is clear not half of the MPs turn up, so drop the quorum by half too.

    This would encourage the stay aways and late comers to get in early. And of course, it would be easy for the "terms of contract" for all MP's in that they must attend a minimum "X" number of sessions etc or loose pay.

    But in the end, this is about people who are simply "using" their positions as MPs as a tool to make money and gain "Status" and not as a position in which to give 100% of their time and skill with a desire of service to the people and future of Thailand.

  6. I assume the well respected members of the Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand have a good laywer?

    Now that they have highlighted, through this competition, images clearly shown to be "anti reconcilliation" and awarding those who, by taking the pictures, are themselves sustaining the idea of "disunity amongst the people of Thailand" and therby suggesting that violence should be used, that they will all be arrested soon?

    Big Brother is watching!:o

  7. Would it not have been far better, to have 99 Business/ Political/ Military people in Handcuffs for NOT paying their taxes?

    Oh, and i love the fact the PM went on to say "... that currently, the national revenue collection system is inefficient and vulnerable to corruption....and will reform the tax system to ensure fairness and to prevent corruption in state procurement projects"

    If ever there was proof that everything outside Bangkok is simply run by modern day "Fuedal Lords" it is when he says ".... the state is planning to integrate a geographic information system into the revenue collection system to help the government monitor investment projects in the country".

    So if you are in Bangkok, we have some control. Outside that, we have handed power to the Lords who give out funds to friends and family, allocate funds to projects they own, manage or control and the tax get placed in private coffers.

    So where is the Thai version of Robin Hood when you need him? ;)

  8. "Today is International Human Rights Day and also Thailand's Constitution Day".

    The Millionaire Generals and their Military backed Government are passing civil power from the CRES to the ISOC.

    Human rights, freedom of speech, open debate, State and Military listening to phone converstaions and reading texts, e mails and blogs, journailsts in jail, Childrens Facebook pages monitored, web sites banned, TV and radio stations owned, run and managed by the Military, opposition stations closed, daily murders of Thais in the South of Thailand, Billionaire "Elites" raping the nation of its resources and cash and corruption tearing at the throat of the Nation from the highest to the lowest.

    Welcome to "Democracy" on this Constitution Day..........unless you choose to roll out your tanks and troops, set up yourself and your friends in power and forget the word "Constitution" until you get a chance to write a new one for yourself!

    "Amazing" Thailand!

  9. The handing of power from the Military run (temp) CRES to the Military run (perm) ISOC which will, "submit plans to ensure national security, peace and order", should cause all people who love Thailand some concern. It seems as if the Military are intent on taking over the "security" of the civil population rather than only coming onto the scene when requested by the Civil Government and civil Police services.

    The Internal Security Act, which the ISOC runs under, is no "Democratic" law. Here are extracts from a very interesting report that came out this year.

    Switzerland; International Commission of Jurists, 2010

    Report into Thailand ISA and the ISOC

    The ISA gives ISOC primary responsibility for monitoring and suppressing threats to internal security, thereby affording to it both intelligence gathering and law enforcement responsibilities. The lack of a clear definition of "internal security" in the Act gives ISOC discretion to determine the limits of its own jurisdictional competence, as well as the authority to decide which activities will be monitored or suppressed under the Act.

    Since it is not clear which actions may constitute a threat to internal security that can be suppressed by ISOC under the ISA, it becomes virtually impossible for individuals to know in advance what actions are legal or illegal. In the context of ISOC’s broad powers to monitor any internal security threats, the legal uncertainty created by the ISA is likely to have a chilling effect on freedom of association and expression and to negatively impact on privacy rights and rights to freedom of movement

    In light of past experiences with extraordinary national security legislation in other countries19 and in the Deep South of Thailand over the last six years, it is clear that vague and overbroad extraordinary legislation has the potential to normalise and entrench limitations on human rights, to undermine fundamental human rights protections and to increase the abuse of power outside the rule of law.

    The weakness of the rule of law is an important contributing factor to the continuation of unrest in the Deep South, and to the recent political conflicts that have beset the entire country. Strengthening, not undermining, the rule of law must be central to any governmental strategy to deal with unrest and social divisions in the Deep South and throughout Thailand as a whole.


  10. "The court cited that the political party registrar had already ruled that the accused was not guilty"............Whois this person whose words are strong enough and legal enough so that when he decrees someone is "not guilty", the judges agree?

    Can he also tell the judges that should i commit a major bank robbery in broad daylight whilst drinking, smoking and shooting a pistol whilst i am broadcast live on International TV, that i am innocent too?

  11. Buddha protect the good politicians.

    What "Good Politicians"?

    What about the Millionaire Generals behind them? Do they get Buddha's protection too?

    What about those arrested in May/June who were tried and thrown into jail for 20years all done behind closed doors and no press or media allowed to see or speak to them?

    I fear the term "Good" politician, certainly in Thailand, would be a very rare jewel indeed.

  12. As a former manager of a large UK recycling plant and working in the industry for over 15 years, i applaud any efforts at recycling and looking towards green energy and weaving "green" policies within governments thinking.

    But its not just about separating plastic and cans from rubbish bins and patting yourself on the back.

    Firstly there has to be a clear, long term and detail plan, backed with a real desire, from Government.

    For household waste, this will be initially hard to do here in Thailand as there is no history or structure of waste collection and seperation even at the disposal point. The plant, equipment and funding will be large to begin with, then you need education and understanding spread throughout the nation (not a short term 5 minute push, i'm talking years). New markets will need to be opened and managed from scratch.

    For industry (who are the biggest waste makers), will have to be shown that, for instance, paper and cardboard are a huge commodity that they are throwing away. All major western businesses here in Thailand work hard to have "green" policies and are commited to them in the west. So for many, this will be easy to implement. It needs to be shown, through new laws and reporting, that businesses need to be recycling the easy things first and quickly, and that it makes finacial sense to them as well as highlighting that the "green" badge is a positive "selling" tool.

    As a nation blessed with so much sunshine, vast areas of coastline and high mountain ranges, the ease of which "green" energy should and could be used needs no highlighting from me. Small villages could easily harvest the sunshine for "group" projects, city planners need to understand that building codes should and must include high "Green" credentials (which is easy to implement from the State's side).

    But it is also about how much MONEY are you willing (or must?) invest in getting the reusable out of the system and the renewable into it? Would any Thai Government put BILLIONS into projects that could take decades to see any "financial" return? Would any Thai Government support this investment with constant ongoing education of the young, old and to businesses?

    Of course Thailand has many "Elites" who only want to take from the system, and sadly they seem to hold the real power. So it is hard to see them giving so much out without "gaining" from it. Green policies always seem to start as "feel good" projects, but once the real work begins, the real costs and the real investment levels begin to hit home. So what was a "feel good" policy becomes a business, a business that needs leadership, drive and control. Who will give that? One new department? Or will the multi layered government departments just simply doing what they think is "Green" and getting some funding from the central pot. And thats that?

    But, Recycling and Green Energy are vital, and are essential as natural resources get scarce and prices rise and rise. Thailand has an almost perfect enviroment that will allow green energy to be easily incorporated into daily life. Recycling not only saves material and resources, it employs people and allows goods to be "recreated" and resold at a cheaper rate without this asset leaving the country or vanishing underground. Some parts of Asia (you know the ones) have good systems in place, but many have little or no real recycling industry or infrastructure.

    Thailand can take the lead here. If it has the vision and the commitment to do it right.:jap:

  13. It is the Thai "system" that creates from BIRTH a person bred and held to "place".

    You are trained from infancy to understand who your "betters" are and how you should act and live.

    At school, you are trained not to think, voice opinions or question the teacher, just do what you are told.

    When you get to work, you do not offer ideas or suggestions to those above you and are discouraged to voice complaints.

    You understand that no matter how poor someone is at their job, if they are more "senior" to you that they get the next "up" job opening.

    As an adult, "certain" subjects are never discussed. Open Political debate and comment is seen as something "Anti Thai". TV is so dull and bland, minds stay limp and untroubled.

    And above all, you know that money speaks, money controls, money puts you above others and outside the law.

    So the system breeds conforming, unthinking masses that know their place, and their place is to bow and scrape before these "betters".

    So no matter how bad an "Eliete" is, or how corrupt or how viloent, the people cannot think for themselves, so follow like a well trained dog.

    "Amazing" Thailand...........

  14. Its interesting to read of what value was available to people not that long ago when visiting Thailand.

    I agree with the majority, that for many its about how much money will i have next year and what i have, where will be best value? Of course Thailand will still draw tourists and business travellers, but when two weeks 4 star all inc in places like Egypt can be had for £799, Thailand has some concerns.

    At least someone is looking ahead at trying to do something about it.

    But, as has been pointed out, toursist numbers mean little, its what money they put into the economy that really matters. And this is in part why this "looking into" it is announced. There are many big hotel chains and resort people out looking for new sites, sites that need expansion or new growth. If Thailand projects loosing 1 to 2 million tourists, then that will certainly impact on the hotels choices.

    So by putting it out that they are looking to increase more "local" tourists of the next 5 years, they are hoping to send a positive business signal.

    But with near neighbours Vietnam and Cambodia rapidy expanding (thanks to Chinese Investment - 100% ownership allowed) these locations and their "undiscovered" labels still intact and offering cheaper than Thailand food, drink and entertainment.

    Thailand needs to do something, so maybe a refocusing and re evaluation of what the new "local" market means, its impact on the economy and seeing how it would work is afterall a logical move?B)

  15. Simply more talking up of the Millionaire General about unknown "threats", "escaped" persons, possible "anti government " viloence and reminds everyone that in the end, it is HE that will decide if the CRES is no longer needed.

    And although the Army controlled CRES "assigned the police" (one would have thought that was the duty of the State) to cover the security, the Millionaire General decided that it was best to have armed Infantry troops patrolling 200 locations throught Bangkok. He obvioulsy thinks this is a prudent, unthreatening, diplomatic act that is certain not to "stir chaos" amongst the population.

    We hear too much of these Milionaire Generals, we see too much of them and they have too much control and power over the state and the people as long as the CRES decides it still wishes to keep holding on..........

    We have had almost 9 months of Thailands "Emergency", let it go, now!!!!

    Or you may wake up and find the CRES is here to stay.

    "Amazing" Thailand. :huh:

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