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Posts posted by rod_kalashnikov

  1. 'Farang Girls'. Why is it most posters here are totally against them, and most people seem to slag them off.

    Where is the "slagging off" ? I see a fair bit of disinterest in farang girls and preference for Thai girls, but what do you expect on a Thailand forum ... a heap of farangs saying how much they miss the girls they left behind ?

    I imagine the ones who continually slag them are the ones who could never make it with them.
    <deleted>! You need to pull your head out of your arse!
    Don't get me wrong Thai girls are obviously pretty, but so are many farang girls. Check this out and see what you are missing :-

    The two blondes in the top left corner are quite attractive, and if I'd met them in a Blackpool bar when I was their age I would most likely have tried to get one or both into bed ... but ... I would have jumped over them like a kangaroo to get at a couple of attractive black/brown/oriental girls. That's where I'm at.

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