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Posts posted by rod_kalashnikov

  1. I am personally very interested to know if Thai girls are faster than their Western counter-parts.

    You won't find out by polling here. The only guys likely to respond are pussy-hunters whose egos conveniently forget their failures to score on the first date.

    I'm not a prude by any stretch of the imagination, but in my opinion your "Are Thai girls easier f*cks than Western girls ?" question was offensive, not only to Thai girls but to females in general.

    (I'm a little disappointed that the topic was re-opened by a Thai girl, but closing the original denied her the right of reply, and I can see where she's coming from.)

  2. Can't u men just go to a regular club/bar, find a young lady, and then have free sex at the end of the night?

    I imagine anyone reading some of my other posts would think my only sexual liasons have been with prostitutes, but that's not the case. I've been with "respectable" girls in just about every country in the world, except Thailand. When I was young I stood a better chance of getting my rocks off in the Vatican than with a non-working Thai girl ... they all had aggro fathers and brothers hovering around, and being found face-down in a rice paddy with an AK-47 round up my nose wasn't high on my list of priorities. (Now I'm too old and ugly ... and I don't have time for "the chase".) :o

    "Free sex" is a rare and elusive animal, Sandy ... you usually end up paying for it in one way or another ... and the young lady you meet at a regular club/bar is likely to cost more in dinner and drinks than you'd pay a professional, with no guarantee of either success or satisfaction.

    It's considered socially unacceptable to ask a "respectable" girl if she'll get it on with you if you pay for dinner and drinks, but with a working girl it's all up front ... and you know you're not going to get a soft-on from listening to "I don't usually do this on the first date" and "Will you still respect me tomorrow ?"

    I guess I sound cold and cynical, and maybe I am ... but that's my load, and I have to carry it.

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