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Posts posted by johnnysunshine

  1. I read 9 health websites every day and am familiar with the issue of "soda water" and I looked at most of the stuff written.   Make sure you are reading articles that do not have an agenda behind their info.

    If you are drinking soda waters like Chang or Singha I would suggest cutting back and upgrade to sparkling water which has some minerals and no salt.

    Low-quality salt is usually added to regular soda water.   https://draxe.com/sparkling-water/


    The easiest way to get minerals is to drink a half teaspoon of Himalayan Pink Salt with water (make sure it tastes good) and get the 84 trace minerals within.   I have been drinking daily upon arising for 15 years with numerous health benefits and especially to counter acidity and assist in elimination. 

  2. Absolutely Beer Lao Dark and I think it is one of the best beers in the world and very affordable.   

    I grew up in the "BEER capital of the world, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (at least that is what they claim) and I have been drinking since I was 2 years old...seriously...very common in the German tradition to start their kids young.   

    I do love beer and have tasted so many and Beer Lao Dark reigns king except for Weihenstephaner Lager which is unavailable...only weiss beers for that brand...so unfortunate.   

    It is like carrying 500 of Coca-Cola's products and not carrying the original classic Coca-Cola.  

    Maybe the folks who ensured that Weihenstaphaner was available in the wheat beers had never tried the lager which is amazing.   Possibly you folks could assist me in getting into Rim Ping or Tops.

  3. I suggest drinking lots of pure water like at least 2 litres and drink very slowly...absolutely no gulping....so your body can assimilate to see if possibly you are dehydrated and lost your thirst

    I have done this before in the past (lost my thirst) and did not even know I was dehydrated.

    Besides walking which is downward pressure on your feet, stick your feet in the water and do foot flexing movements for a while to see if you see improvement.

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  4. Most pasteurized milk is dead milk because all of the nutrients are compromised through heating conventional pasteurized milk (sometimes with BHG) to high temperatures.   Goat milk is a better option as the goats are not treated inhumanely like cows are.    Almond and coconut milk for healthy alternatives.    Soy is not good, in my opinion, as previously thought.

    • Sad 1

    Congratulations on being a good person even though it caused you harm.   

    It took guts to do what you did and I truly think the bad guys will be found and punished...unfortunately...for the most part because the tourism business for Thailand is essential.

    My friend, also an American (as I am), had a similar story attempting to assist a woman who was being beaten only to have 7 Thai friends come to the assailant's assistance and beat the crap out of his car breaking his windshield trying to get to him and he luckily drove away. 


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  6. I love Beer Lao dark and think it is one of the best lager beers I have ever tasted and I have drunk beers most of my life and especially from growing up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin (supposed beer capital of the world - ha ha!).   

    I wish their new beers, Beer Lao Amber and Beer Lao Hops and another I cannot remember would be available.   I tasted all three in Laos last November and they tasted so good...better than their BeerLaoo regular IMO.

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  7. Such an old issue!   

    I was in the Organic food industry for 30 years and have lived here for 16 years now and I only go where I can buy Organic as there are so many Organic farmers markets, in Chiang Mai at least.   Even then I wash when I get home in baking soda and drop or two of apple cider vinegar to assist.  There are no excuses for poisoning our young ones (or older) and it is partially the farmer's fault but the government could with their power, outlaw these pesticides as they are not required as proven time and time again in other countries and as in the USA, 98% of people were tested with Glysophate residues.    Europe is generally more strict.   

    Royal Project does fairly well with quality and Organic as do other natural food stores and lesser so the supermarkets.   Do not think the restaurants where you eat büy only Organic.   Before pesticides were born how do you think people grew veggies and fruits?   Once we all start buying organic the economy of scale turns in favor for us and then pesticide ridden foods will become expensive.   Love and respect your body by purchasing quality.   Your healthy body is your best investment..don't be cheap.

  8. Wow!   Has everyone forgotten about GRAB?    They are so efficient and affordable.   I have a car and motorbike and bicycles and Grab is still my preference for less traffic, less danger, and time to relax and let someone else traverse our Chiang Mai city for us.   Bicycle is great also, minus the inherent dangers.

    • Haha 1
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