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Everything posted by Megasin1

  1. You have obviously not heard of the "lying flat" movement ????????????
  2. when you read the full article it seems pretty obvious that the owner of the land is miffed that she wouldn't share the cost of buying the land and has placed this there on purpose. If I was the homeowner this wouldn't concern me in the least as I would accidently reverse into it many times and just a few more to make sure ????
  3. All of these behemoth department stores are dying out as high streets become barren wastelands full of pound shops, pawn shops, the homeless and the cash only poor people. You can thank your lucky stars that you still have department stores in Thailand to wander around in and can browse fairly safely without being accosted for 'spare change' as soon as you step out the door. Unless this is just an expensive way to rebrand central I can't see why any company could benefit from purchasing a now defunct department store chain. I doubt the new generation even know what Selfridges is ????
  4. disgusting sick little pervert, let's hope he ends up receiving a bit of head from the girls father.
  5. Not always the wisest action....I know of someone who handed over CCTV footage from his house camera to assist with his claim for theft of his car, they noticed that when the criminals used their laptop his lights didn't flash and then refused to pay saying he had left his car unlocked.....insurance companies will go to great lengths to avoid paying out, even though it would have made no difference had his car been locked or not, give them additional stuff at your own peril ????????????
  6. We all know what expert means....ex as in has been, and spurt as in a dripping tap....
  7. The Thais want to wind their necks in a bit on this one and realise that the Vietnamese aren't scared of anyone and will mince them if they aren't careful ????
  8. wow,as a level of smarter its amazing that anyone gave them any money before.....
  9. LOL, this is funny on 2 levels, one the total pathetic nature and 2 that it is considered newsworthy ????
  10. You can't kill something that's already dead. Only a totally irresponsible parent would allow a half Thai child to be subjected to the joke they call 'Thai Education'. Someone stated earlier that kids won't question their teachers but its much worse than that, Thai parents are too subservient to question the teachers and so on it goes generation after generation.
  11. I'm in no hurry, ive had to wait 2 years now, so can wait a bit longer, I think I will pass on the pass, sit back and enjoy the entertainment as peoples data is leaked, hacked and sold ????
  12. Methinks the 3.6bn is actually just a syphon fund as they are far too late to develop anything to sell. You gotta admire their ability to make public funds accessible whom have lifestyles to maintain ????
  13. Once again a meaningless headline with absolutely no substance behind it.....................
  14. Sounds a mite Orwellian to me and is more than likely of the fiction genre ????
  15. lmao......you've bought in Hook, line and sinker....would you like a good quality Rolex made in Asia ? ????????????
  16. The way they drive the most surprising thing I find, is that apparently they have the coordination to organise a rally ! Truly remarkable.
  17. I didnt say they could work in bars etc. at that age, but you have made a point I was trying to say, child rape and child exploitation should be the appropriate charges here but they use human trafficking which to me seems strange, so for all the prudishness of the PM, are there not proper and appropriate laws to protect youngsters from exploitation and why aren't they still in school ?
  18. maybe its just me but I thought human trafficking was something different and this is something else. Is it that they don't have some sort of child exploitation crime? Surely if they persecute this woman then they should also persecute all the Muslim marriages of underage girls ? I am by no means endorsing this wonans actions but with the prudish PM and his cronies in charge of a country that allows children to leave school and go into the workforce at age 14 there are an awful lot of inconsistencies.
  19. Thailand will come off the red list as of Monday 11th October as well as from this date certificated vaccines will be acceptable as counting as vaccinated. Nice one and welcome home soon daughter ????????????
  20. You forgot to mention that the couple who did the murdering were also french
  21. did he weigh her against a duck ? if she weighed the same as a duck he could have a strong case in Thailand and it would just be a criticism of the speed of the burning....
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