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Posts posted by mogoso

  1. Just remember that the news on this one is being censored so you may not be getting the truth. No sides to take but... it would suit the Thai Government very well if everyone believed that it was Muslims causing all the trouble. That way, they get to go down there and shoot everyone.

    Food for thought.

    }Mod Comment{

    I've said it before and here it is again. If you wish to discuss southern violence, and terrorism by islamists or whoever, do it without flaming or slagging off a whole religion. Fighting ignorance with more ignorance never solved anything.

    /topic closed

  2. Of course we were made by aliens, at least thats the way the bible, torah and the koran tell. Lets see I think it starts "in the beginning" god creates the earth in a few days time and then rested for a day. Since god was of nonterrestial origin, we must've been created by alien intelligence.

    Hence the statement we were created by aliens seems correct, at least to those who believe in the biblical version. :o

  3. quote

    So you are saying all dealers are the exactly the same, with the stereotypical violent stigma associated with them? And that they must be involved in all sorts of crime bla bla? I really dont understand where you are comming from, but if you are under the impression all dealers are evil why dont you give MR NICE a read by howard marks. Or how about you go to one of these clubs ive mentioned, when you get offered ecstasy (which is what this topic is about) why dont you have a conversation with the guy, and see how evil he is.

    I would suggest you learn a little more before catogarising ALL drug dealers as evil.


    I don't believe I said all dealers were evil, but I cannot see where a lifetyle of quick and easy money doesn't eventually lead to violence. As illegal entrepenuers I would imagen there would be an element within that society that would take an even easier route to the cash by removing the assets or cash from the dealer by stealth or force. In either case the reaction to such occurances would be to find some means to protect the assests. either a safer place of storage, or a means to protect one from the theft, which could be muscle or perhaps firearms. In any case the escalation of protection, could produce an escalation of force.

    I also may be mistaken but this thread is about a briton recieving a jail term for the selling of drugs, in this case ecstasy, not about the glorification of ecstasy. I will not be trying the drug, ever!

    I also have no desire to read stories glorfying the drug trade, if thats what your aforementioned Mr. Nice is about. I once again will reinterate the lad got what he deserved for selling his drugs in a society that proscribes their usgae with harsh sentences.

    And for learning a little more about drug dealers, I learned alot about the cocaine culture, its dealers, trafficants, its effect on the overall society while living in Colombia. My mother in law was a member of their Congress and was given the pluma or plata option. She took neither and didn't run for reelection.


    You said, "I think your moderation statement falls apart as I don't know many drug users, but those I've talked to at the VA hospitals I've been in, have thought their usage would be an infrequent delight only "

    How does it fall apart, would you care to explain? So you have spoken to a few guys who got hooked, I clearly stated drugs CAN be used in moderation, including smack, thats all I said. I think you should read my posts carefully before jumping in there :o

    Why dont you people listen


    About listening.I could say the same, as my posts have concerned the sentence the brit recieved while all yours want to glorify drug usage. I think those who have to distort their realities to exist are pitiful, except I can't find any pity within my heart for them. I'm not argueing the differences of drugs, I'm simply saying he (the brit) knowingly broke the law, knew there could be consequences, and now he lies in the bed he made of drug dreams. If he still wants to do drugs while in jail, from what I understand he can if he has the money. Send him some money, the heroin will do no harm if he does" it in moderation"

  4. [quote

    I agree the guys in Salfod like you said are bad guys, who use violence to get what they get. But guy this thread is about is a harmless individual, no doubt a decent guy , PROBABLY thought the thai clubs were like the clubs back home in the UK where noone will grass. Little did this guy know that wasnt the case.


    Pure <deleted>, how do you know the character of the individual? how do you characterize an individual that sells illegal drugs anywhere in the world as a decent guy? Maybe he is a decent sort of person, maybe not. the the fact still remains he knowingly was selling an illegal substance to make a large profit. Maybe it was just to finance his vacation, but does that matter. To say he was so ignorant as to not understand that the drug laws were different in other countries is laughable.



    Yes, the police will do you if they catch you but among other civilians, noone will give a dam. The club owner WILL NOT want to get the police involved if drugs are being dealt on his premises as hel_l get closed down.

    Heroin, believe it or not can be used safely if used in moderation. The point I was making is that ecsatsy in moderation is not half as harmful as its made out to be.


    Sure heroin can be used in moderation. Why just last month I had a shot of morphine administered at a local trauma hospital. It did have the function of relieving pain due to having discovered a neo natal copperhead attached quite briefly to my index finger. And the vicodin I took home with me came in quite handy for pain, but only for the next day as I quit taking them. I personally don't like the feeling of disjointness they give me.

    Its a feeling I can understand of how you'd like to have that same feeling again and again. I think your moderation statement falls apart as I don't know many drug users, but those I've talked to at the VA hospitals I've been in, have thought their usage would be an infrequent delight only to become a constant nightmare. I can't recall any of them saying how heroin made them financially sucessful, or kept their interaction with the police to a minimum, or how healthy they were coping with hepititis or HIV.

    The fact you view drugs as nothing more than recreational and normal is fine with me, as you must live with your choices.

    I personally would prefer that drugs were legalized with a few caveats. No govermental money (ie my tax money) could be used to treat any illiness gained by the using of drugs. The death penalty if you sell to minors, very long sentences for driving under the influence (alcolhol as well) would be few of the laws to go with legalization. I'd also give the number of deaths caused by drug usage as a nightly stat on the news. Four people died in London tonight from overdoses or drug related illness, as a reminder to those outthere listening that there are consequences of drug usage.


  5. [i would not begrudge my wife and son anything at all because she willingly shared my life with its ups and downs and didn't ask me to marry her and only spends what she neds to spend and has changed my life for the better.

    I did not marry my wife just so that I could own land and property in Thailand because on the day I die I cant take it with me, and I want her and my son to have it all.

    I married her for love and not for possessions.

    If I have to start again without her I will survive but I wont be happy.

    Land and possessions are just a means to an end, but a loving wife and family are riches beyond value.

    If you have to choose between getting married and keeping what you have for yourself you have just answered your own question. Don't marry her but do explain to her that you value what you own more than her.

    Nicely said. I too love my wife, and I'm quite happy with how she has changed my life for much the better. Loving loyal and possessing such a good spirit I oft wonder how life has been so kind to me.

    My lady has property from before our marriage, a few rai that others grow rice and beans that provide a small income we give the mother in law, a house given to her by a grandmother ( very small) a few rai by her moms house, and a few rai we may build on.When we return to Thailand to live in four years, we'll use the money she's earned here to build our home. We'll use her money to buy her a new car. I'll provide the money to start a small business, that we'll not count on to really make a living out of, but provide something for us to do other than vegetate. If we make some income outta it, mores the better. I'll provide our living expenses if needed.

    In short my wife is more than able to take care of herself, I will feel no more compunture about living under a roof provided by her, in her name, in her country under its rules, than she does living here under reversed conditions. And 20 - 30 years down the road, what I have will become hers when I stub my toe on a bucket.

    I mentioned my mother in law, a really nice lady who has adapted having a farang

    son in law thats 5 years older than she is. Our relationship is fine, she has only needed help once and that and that was for her mom's funeral, and she didn't ask, we just sent her the money. It being Thailand she had it video'd and she sent us a dvd of the affair. I was happy to see granny get a good sendoff.

  6. I really dont agree with some ofs responses ive seen. So the guy sees an oppitunity to make a few bucks,  I highly doubt he expected to get caught,  smuggling drugs into thailand, although very riskey,  the chance of getting caught is slim to zero, ive never been searched or stopped anywhere ive flown, and im a frequent flyer.

    He was probably unfamilier with the Thai ways, they are a nation of grasses, so anyone of his punters could have dropped him in it. In the western world we can deal, pop, snort and smoke what we like when we like and no one gives a dam

    these ridicula

    So you guys say thats the law and serves him right,  let me ask you a question,

    If your mother/father/brother/etc  had their head smashed in in a car accident, would it serve them right if they wasnt wearing a seatbelt? 

    Have some understanding for the poor bloke.


    Now what is there to understand. I'm fairly certain the country of his origin has drug laws that make this drug illegal. The degree of illegallity is irrevelant. As its illegal there as well as in Thailand, that means theres a profit to be made by selling his illegal product, and the seller is aware of this in his country as well as in Thailand. In Thailand theres as greater degree of illegallity making it more profitable than selling it at home.

    As in any business theres a risk to the entreprenuer, generally loss of monentary gain, but in this occasion, its a loss of time.

    I'm not argueing the safety or risk of using the drug. His sountry might slap him on the wrist, Thailand has a dimmer view of those breaking their laws, which he broke believing it a way of turning a good profit for very little work in a short period of time. I don't have much sympathy, and cannot fathom those saying "have some understanding for the bloke" Just because one thinks they can snort pop smoke deal in their country with a feeling that noone cares, doesn't make that a true statement. In my country the prisons are crowded with those who felt the same way.

    A couple of days ago in a nice house in my neighborhood the DEA, FBI came in mass to arrest all within and sieze the property, cars etc This was one of 16 houses that were treated suchly that night, gaining the goverment millions in cash, and a large stash as well as all those properties. Those gentlemen will spend less time than the bloke in Thailand, but someone does care that snorting smoking etc takes place, and enforces those laws.

    Irregardless of my Darwinian views about drug use it gets back to that same point. The drugs were illegal, quit crying for him

  7. No sympathy here! :o

    None here either. Not withstanding my own views toward drug use, I'd legalize it for adults, and let them all overdose with free whatever they wanted. Darwinism at its best.

    Death penalty to those that would supply minors, major time for driving under influence.

    Those going to Thailand should know, that the penalties are harsh, and the Bangkok Hilton isn't up to the standards of the Ritz Carlton. So if you can't do the time, don't whine.

    Your post simply demonstrates your ignorance. ALL DRUGS ARE NOT THE SAME. Alcohol is more dangerous than ecstacy. But that's easy to tax now isn't it? Wake up!

    I won't say I have more than a passing fancy knowledge about illegal drugs, but it doesn't matter what my feeling or opinions about them. The fact is the bloke knew they were illegal, but still decided to make the quick and easy cash. He knew the risks, and now its time to pay the piper. ###### the dumbass could've gone to Malaysia, and now we'd be talking about a death sentence. If you decide to follow a crooked path, you deserve to get what you get.

  8. No sympathy here! :o

    None here either. Not withstanding my own views toward drug use, I'd legalize it for adults, and let them all overdose with free whatever they wanted. Darwinism at its best.

    Death penalty to those that would supply minors, major time for driving under influence.

    Those going to Thailand should know, that the penalties are harsh, and the Bangkok Hilton isn't up to the standards of the Ritz Carlton. So if you can't do the time, don't whine.

  9. [quote=haha,2

    how about the adventures of "buddha man"? ..able to crush evil doers with a single prayer. "khun somchai" - the guy next door who is mild mannered but packs a punch when the going gets tough.

    hey. if you want to brainwash the kids to be good citizens, you might as well do it right. right?

    these soap operas depicting all the cheating and unhappiness between people. don't people ever wonder how kids will grow up watching this stuff all the time?

    there needs to be a balance with some hardhitting hero type shows.

    Buddhaman, mmm

    I believe that I'd come out with a different name but the idea is working in Egypt where a cartoonist has Arab superheroes. He does keep religion outta the stories

  10. Agreed Ice. No doubt some hardliners will call you naive for saying this, but if so, they could use a little naïvity themselves.

    Muslims are not out to get you. A minority of hardliner religious fanatics are, and because of the ignorance and double standard displayed by hardliners on the side that claims to be moral, they get more people to their cause. quote

    Most alcoholics have an enabler which allows them to remain alcoholics. Such it goes with Islam, which mainly turns a blind eye to the acts of terrorism by "extremists" . There is no huge outcry, no mass protests, just a quiet murmer if that.

    Modern events that have been taking place since WW II are now laid at the step of America and its president, with the socialist cry of its all Bush's fault show a moral dishonesty and a lack of historial perspective, to basically cover up their own cowarice.

    I listen to the Muslims cry give us what we want, and we'll live in peace. Fools that would give in would soon become second class citizens, and worse.

    I've heard ( many friends in Ipoh) although Malaysia is less than half Islamic the other citizens (chinese, indian, malay) have a much harder time entering the best universities and slowly find being nonislamic harder. I think the Islamic population was under 40% when Islamic law became the law of the land, but many felt that their safety was worth the price. I wonder how they'll feel 20 years down the road when the tax on being nonislamic could be installed, although its not bandied about much publically, it's being mumbled in the mosques.

    It seems that many on this list realize that this is WW III others wish to obscure that fact or simply deny it's occurring. However this is only the beginning, its going to be bloody and I fear that at the end many will wind up bending down to Allah and his pedophile prophet mohammed

  11. We're finally getting Its pretty weird how they've hit Bali a second time.  Usually they (the terrorists) move on to another location, but at least it wasn't as deadly as the previous Bali bombing.  Still, every death is a death too much...


    Doesn't strike me as odd, as Bali still has a majority Hindu population and derives a large portion of its income from tourism. Islam doesn't care a whit for what occurs to the local economy or population.

    Either your Islamic or your goose squeeze as far as the "peaceful loving religion" of Islam is concerned.

    The sentence " at least it wasn't as deadly" concerns me as it shows an acceptence that although human lives were lost, its not so bad as they only killed X vs Y. To me lives have value , even the pigs of Islam, although if it takes the killing of a few to save the lives of others, ie Iraq. go for it, as a line must be drawn in the sand somewhere. And although misguided socialists seem to think appeasement will work. It won't.


  12. Can anyone recommend a good place in Chiang Mai to watch NFL games?

    Live or tape-delayed?

    preferably live, but tape-delayed would be okay. i understand live would be something like 2AM for the early sunday games, but i am certainly willing to sacrifice some sleep over it.

    As I sit here in the US with my lovely lady watching the satellite transmission of four thai tv stations TGN and three other, I wonder if the reverse is possible in Thailand. Where I can sit watching american stations on my satellite watching the sports I favor such as baseball nfl, nhl, nba etc. I've watched a few superbowls in Thailand and another in China. Watched the nba game of the week throughout the region, but does a satellite company offer up american stations in Thailand? In particularily a station with baseball, or am I stuck with TCM and AMC for my viewing pleasure after we move to Chiang Mai?

    I know MLB has a game package I can purchase and view on the internet, and I assume that the NFL might have the same, but my computer chair just isn't as comfortable as a sofa I can fall asleep on while the announcers voices drone on.


  13. When my wife and I return to thailand in a few years, I hope to bring my pet kingsnake with me. A wonderfully tempered critter who considers other snakes tasty morsels. It can eat snakes larger than itsself, and has a marvelous immunity to snakevenom. They're a welcome addition to anyones yard. I don't know how hard to bring it into country, but may have help from an Issan zoo.

  14. I'm thinking some US politicians infiltrated the Thai Government, cause all they know how to do is tax more.....................DJM

    Although I can't think of many politicos who don't like to tax, but why single out the US politicos? I believe tax rates are much higher in Europe on income and consumption taxes (such as the incredible taxes on petrol)

    And I don't care what they charge for the whiskey, I'm not gonna drink it anyway. I'm a confirmed beero.

  15. I have been trying to phone a friend in Chiang Mai on their mobil and keep getting a message center recording? Is it that the phone does not reconize my U.S. number?

    I have tried to dial the number 07####### but a U.S. recording tells me "I do not need to dial a 0 when calling this number". When I drop the 0 it goes to some message center?

    Am I doing something wrong?

    Back state side now.


    When I call a mobile phone in Chiang Mai I dail the 01166 add a 1 then the phone number ie 01166 1 980 xxxx no area code is necessary

  16. Where I differ is allowing persons that have no regard for human life to live amonst us.  Certainly Drug Dealers and Killers for hire or otherwise.  The only solution to have a sane democracy or republic is the elimination of these persons among us.  In these cases I support the death penality in its fullest.  I do think we should have public executions so that other would be offenders would get the point. [/font]

    I agree with the death penalty, but I think the execution should be the same as the crime. If a gun is used to kill the victim, the perpretator should be shot. If the victim is stabbed, the guilty should share the same fate. That goes for strangulation, overdose, explosion, whatever. Whats more, on the day of execution, the guilty should be restrained for hours, with no set point, to allow the tension and fear to build up to intolerable levels. Inhumane maybe, but folks would think twice before taking the life of another. That to me would be more of a determent than humanly drugging them to sleep and stopping their hearts.

  17. Hi,

    I would like to know where about in koh Samui is the best place to stay?

    I have been advised Chaweng beach is the liveliest resort.  I would lik to be as close to the nightlife as possible and right on the beach.

    Can anyone recommend decent accom?  I am looking for aircon and hot water!!


    I always like the cabanas at the Chaweng Buir Resort. Get one next to the water and sleep well with the surf pounding a steady pulse. Further down the beach away from most all nightlife is Munchies, which is cheaper and much older, but they've a few cabins even closer to the surf.

  18. "Thai Thaksin Says Emergency Act Needed to End Southern Unrest"


    Reminds me: You can fool some of the People some of the time, but you can not fool ALL of the People ALL of the time . . . . . .

    Perhaps this is a GOOD development, because if the general populace of Thailand (Isan & all the rest of the country-side dwellers inclu.) still can not figure out that thier P.M. is the BIGGEST threat to this otherwise wonderful country, then they deserve what they're about to receive . . . . . . .

    Mao-Tse-Thaksin, hey ? ? ? Somehow's this has got the ring of truth to it, I reckon !

    'C'mon people, WAKE UP and smell the roses ! ! !

    When you see evil, have the guts to call it by it's real name: EVIL  :o

    And what the Islamic murderers do isn't evil?

    It's all well and good to sit on your ivory throne casting aspersions at a goverment thats at a loss for a solution, thats groping to find a way to stop this. Even using ways I don't necessarily agree with, but pay a little lip service to the cowardly pigs that Islam produces, and carries out acts of evil.

    The EVIL created, funded, and backed by an assinine tribal sect that mutated into a grotesque major religion, that wouldn't allow your critiques under penalty of death.

    There isn't a solution that doesn't cost lives, and we are just at the beginning of what Islam has in store for us worldwide. And no it's not about Isreal, its not about the US its about our freedoms, and how Islam cannot abide with us having them.

    Its hard to suffer the many myoptic morons that refuse to lay the blame where it should be put, at the feet of Islam

  19. There are lots of avacado orchards around southern california,

    it takes years to grow a tree large enough to bear fruit,

    you can buy 2-3 year  old small trees here cheap but I doubt you copuld import them to Thailand.

    The tree in my yard is 40-50 years old and still bears fruit,

    actually had some with dinner tonight.

    Not sure about avacados growing in CM , I know the avacados in Hawaii were bad, not oily like here which is what makes them taste good.

    I would find out what the tourist resturants are looking for and grow some of that....

    I saw on the internet someone in Koh Samui advertizing avocado plants for sale, said they'd ship in Thailand. I'd guess a little hunting would produce the produce your looking for.

  20. Small issue..if you mean "car rental" no can do old son. White devils cannot drive in China. At all.

    The trip to KM was very good. Stayed at the Green Park Hotel in KM, plenty of well appointed, clean taxis. Heaps of hotels of all classes. Reasonable prices.

    Did the trip 4 years back, seems to me we flew to Bangkok from CM then to Kunming. But the return trip was direct to CM. Took taxis to and from airport, very close to city, then used buses in city, and trains to get around. Your hotel can help you with what buses to take, and its a better experience than taxis

    They've an ok zoo with white tigers and pandas, really hokey aquarium bit with scuba divers.

    Its like CM with many local "hill tribes" around the outskirts of city.

    Don't remember the name of hotel where we stayed, but do remember the first room was pretty bad that they showed us, but they changed it readily enough upon our return to front desk.

    One of the restaurants we ate at was quite large, 2 stories with the second being a balconey that allowed viewing of the downstairs. All the staff dressed in one of the local tribes garb. A couplel of the staff got me pinched by my wife for looking upon them a bit too long. tea refills were a show unto itself

    Stone forests a fairly long train ride, but interesting trip

  21. Hi !

    Please tell me the best place for massage in Chaweng beach !!!


    I always liked Mamas. Its a clean establishment and with a few people there the chatter between the workers is pleasant. there's another place whose name escapes me but is a health massage where a cup of herbal tea is produced after your massage to hydrate you.

    However the massage is hit and miss depending on the worker.

    Neither place offers a happy finish if thats what you seek

  22. It might be a little off-track, but since there have been a couple of references to two-term Presidents.....

    Isn't it odd that in a country that claims to be the world's greatest democracy (the USA, in case you were wondering!!), their citizens are denied the right to vote for who they want.

    I'm thinking back to Clinton, who I believe had a popularity rating somewhere in the 80's at the time he was not allowed to stand for a third term. Why not? Can some American enlighten me? He would clearly have had an excellent chance of winning again.

    In Britain the same person can stand indefinitely (Thatcher, now Blair), and if the people don't want that person they are voted out. But at least the people get their say.

    Having said that, though, Thatcher was then eventually thrown out by her own party.....

    Clintons popularity didn't translate into votes. He never recieved a majority( at least 50%) of the vote in either election. 80% of a popularity poll in a left leaning newspaper isn't a true measurement. And at no point did he ever have that high a score, in gallup or other pollsters.

    The constitution was changed after Roosevelt was elected to a fouth term. As to why, fear of a long term republican presidency after the war was the demos reasoning.

    So no president can hold office more than two terms due to a Constitutional change.

  23. For the current escalation of terror I place much of the blame on the current PM!

    2nd GW Bush (shrub) would be in line!

    Both are  very poor leaders in my opinion!

    I would like to see them get out of office as soon as possible!

    Wake up Thailand/ USA you are sleeping on the job!

    Yes i totally agree with you. Neither of them are right wing enough we need to crack down on these terrorists, Perhaps a stalin type person would be the answer. :o

    Perhaps you would care to explain why you'd lump Stalin in the right wing. A socialist is from the left wing of the political scene. It's funny how they left attributes their own failures and horrors to the right.

    But what do you do? appease them, give them the provinces? How long before would there be violence in other parts of the kingdom with a demand for this or that, Understand there is no appeasement to this brand of Islam that would work. The stated goal is total domination of the world by Islam, under Islamic law. To them incrementalism is very valid, give them an inch and they'll take a mile.

    A reemergement of feudal states, with petty warlords, petty wars, all under the banner of Islam sounds like a scifi novel, till you look at Islamic states and how they function.

    A bitter vetch of the future awaits all of us to taste, it's how we react now to try to stem this flood of the ignorant violent and brainwashed followers of Islam.

  24. Would not the use of DDT (as much as the enviormentalists would decry it) save hundreds of thousands of lives per year, and decrease illinesses. It could be utilized over a short term to get outbreaks under control, then cease its use till necessary. I love my raptors which in the US were most affected by the use of DDT, but aren't peoples lifes more important?

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