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Posts posted by masuk

  1. first i was at home when it struck... it seemed to have only lasted a few minutes at a time...

    hehe, the tropical storms didn't wreck havoc... they just uncovered and exposed how work in thailand is done... half-assed... go out and look around at the power poles... their not straight, cables are going everywhere, i would hate to unravel those lines... and most times, the cables including the power ones are hanging so close to the ground... you can either die of being chocked to death or electrocution... give your choice... or both if you like to go quick... the other day, i rode past an transformer that was on the ground and exposed with the cables just there... before any storms..

    so ... this article is a funny one... should be posted in the comics section.

    The total area of the 'black sails' must be a very weak point when it comes to strong winds. I've seen about 6 poles get bowled over as there were so many cables.

  2. Had an attempt to steal a 33kV copper busbar from the plant I worked at. The board had been isolated through the day for maintenance, was running a nearby conveyor belt as the thief jemmied open the back door of the cabinet and tried to hacksaw through it. Terminal stupidity.

    Sounds similar to a guy in Indonesia who used an axe to retrieve a nice thick, high voltage underground cable supplying the electric train system.

    No gain. lotsa pain! terminal.

  3. i don't understand all the fuzz

    just make a law that people can only get benefits, when they WORKED legally, paying taxes in the country for many years for giving them gifts like : monthly allowance, same as a pensionner, free housing, free anything ...

    for the boats used, what do they do with it afterwards ?

    The boats were often close to falling apart. When they used to reach the coast, they were burned by the Government, apart from a couple in the Darwin Museum..

    A few boat loads deliberately scuttled their boats as the RAN ships approached, and under maritime law, the people had to be rescued from the sea.

    This was later overcome by supplying nice, new fully-equipped lifeboats, with enough fuel, food and water to allow them to return to Indonesia.

    Some passengers reported that they were forced onto the boats at gunpoint by the local police in Eastern Indonesia, who must have been part of the smuggling ring.

    In a country where it is very difficult to travel far without a police check, they somehow made it from Jakarta, across numerous islands, and then onto the boats.

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  4. It seems to me that when other countries draw Thailand's attention to their short-comings, be it air safety, forced labour at sea, very poor navigational equipment when it comes to choosing fishing areas, legal fishing net sizes, there is a sudden rush to fix these matters.

    If there was no umpire handing out yellow cards, things would get far worse.

    I also have concerns about this country's bed-fellows, and who they will sell their goods to and whose tourists they're going to encourage.

  5. What is even more stupid is even thinking about knocking walls out at the bottom any multi storey building in a 3rd world country...Knocking a nail in to hang a picture would be taking a chance...

    There are no such things as building regs, surely ? Or Condos would have balcony railings that are at least 9 inches higher...

    You're absolutely right. Last year someone was critical of the fact that I suggested safety rails should be high enough for average height users - mostly us farangs. After all, a safety rail needs to hold you back, not act as a pivot to ensure you'll keep going!

    A bit like door frames in many Indonesian homes; They're fitted by a carpenter/ builder who is about 150cm tall, and wonders why the rest of the world lose their heads.

    Same goes for signs and control boxes. There's some beauties in Chiang Mai, all around 175cm off the ground.

  6. It bleeds my heart to know that at least 100 elephants have been slaughtered to satisfy the greed, ignorance and arrogance of some people.

    I do hope they burn the tusks and not only warehouse them, so they will find out their way one day to fill the pockets of some other people.

    Costas. efaristoae. good afternoon.

    Just a quick maths check here. There's on average 2 tusks per elephant.

    So, 729 tusks divided by 2 comes to around 364 murdered pachyderms.

    That exterminator of wild life to our north couldn't care less, so it's good to see that Thailand sits up listens to CITES, in relation to ivory, illegal fishing, slavery at sea, to mention a few..

    What a shame that all these things are done to Thailand by threatening to close down trade. Seems only money talks.

  7. I've been using ThaiExpat TV for a couple of years now. It's an excellent service, has about 14 UK channels, Nippon English and Australia+

    It suits me nicely as I prefer to watch programs of interest, and no guns.

    Costs 1700baht per three months. I'm running on only 10mB wi-fi, and it's never faltered.

    A nice idea is that you can stop or start the programs whenever you like, and go back 10 days if you've missed something.

    You can also record all programs.

    If there is ever a problem, a quick email gets fast response.

  8. Soon to be triple tier pricing.

    A beer for Russian 20 baht, For Thai 25 baht. For Other farang not Russian, sorry but you must now pay 200 baht.

    My experience in South Hainan, China , last year, which caters for 1000s of Russians, is that prices were three or four times what they would be in inland towns and cities.

    Hard to believe, but I was told an ice cream would cost me 100RMB ($20.00). Sea food must have been gold plated judging by the menu prices.

  9. I can understand the logic of prohibiting alcohol and cigarettes on television adverts, racing cars etc, but going to the extreme of prosecuting for displaying on restaurant menus is IMO ridiculous.

    We seem to be following examples from Indonesia. Currently they're talking about banning sales of any alcoholic drinks from small shops, and eventually lowering the alcohol level to 1%.

    One party in Java would like to see alcohol sales stopped altogether. Let's hope other ASEAN members don't agree.

    However, I also agree that showing the product available in a restaurant, be it tom yum khun or Tiger beer, is for the eyes of the customer, and not broadcast publicly.

  10. Thanks for bringing up DURIAN my most cherished special food. Without durian would life even be worthwhile? Hardly! But, as for the state of ripeness I must agree that the riper the best smelling and best tasting. The person going on about having vanilla ice cream with durian must not have tried it with chocolate. That is surely having durian at its most flavorful! Sometimes if I don't have the loose cash to make a purchase when passing a durian stand I just make a stop and savor the smell. That in itself can be very satisfying but, one does suffer for a while with withdrawal symptoms. I love it when any girlfriend I might be with doesn't like durian thus it all goes to my taste buds! I'm normally not this way but with durian I become another person, not caring for the other person at all if they like it and want some.

    "I love it when any girlfriend I might be with doesn't like durian thus it all goes to my taste buds!"

    Any girlfriend I might be with? Hmmmm. Seems the durian goes to more than the taste buds.

    As the Malaysians say, "as the durian comes down, the sarongs go up"

    good luck with any of your girlfriends! tongue.png

  11. I've seen a similar frog in Malaysia; it was dark brown and looked just like a fallen leaf. He was hard to pick out on the forest floor, but can't help you with a name other than 'leaf frog'??

  12. I would have thought that prescription drugs would either be manufactured in Thailand (as they do in a few other ASEAN countries) or generics imported from reliable suppliers, to keep the costs down.

    My prescription medicines for high B.P., blood sugar, etc have been costing me over AU$100 a month for the past year or so, and more so now that the AU$ has devalued by more than 20%. (or the Thai Baht stays stuck to the US$)

    As I was heading back to Oz for a few weeks of unpolluted air, I did a careful check on what it would cost me if I bought 6 month's supply. These are available with a Dr's prescription, and purchased wholesale for private use, and not on the National Health Service.

    Much to my amazement, I could buy nine month's supply for $215.00. That's a saving of around $600.00.

    I presented the prescriptions to the pharmacist, showed him the internet price of the wholesale supplier, and was told that "there was no problem, to come back tomorrow as we have to get some extra stock in."

    I made extra sure I had the prescriptions with me in case Thai Customs queried the quantity, but no problems.

    They're all carefully stored in the fridge, and I'll do another 'medical run' in 6 months or so.

  13. Try one of the sois at the Warawot market. There is an area which sells curtains and all sorts of things and I'm sure I saw an assortment of cotton there. If not, the folk at the shops are very helpful; take a sample or two if there's going to be a language problem (as with me)

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