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Everything posted by lamush

  1. Interesting proposed date... Think this day has another name. Sure there is a bill that has been presented to the houses. Even in Thailand the illusion of due process will occur. Thaivisa has a habit of this type of crap for April Fool's Day. Clickbait crap from a pathetic rag
  2. Thanks Jack. Yes still have the 2 Visa Exempts up the sleeve. No kids. Cheers
  3. Thanks for the input. Prior to this I have been in Thailand since 2019 on a combo of ME Non Os and Marriage extensions. But am now divorced. How do you think this situation will be viewed?
  4. If the relevant supporting docs are is in order, is there any issue obtaining a 2nd Tourist Visa (SE) from Savannahket directly after receiving another Tourist Visa from there 3 months prior? Never left the country - extended the 60 day visa at Immigration. Tia
  5. People would be shocked to know the amount of intel operatives (state sponsored and private) that are imbedded into the fringe of the right and left. They are at the rallies, protests and are generally the driving force of many groups (think Proud Boys, Antifa, etc). Sure there are plenty of true believers within these groups. But they are being led and handled for the most part. Their objectives are many, but at the very least, keeping the public at eachothers throats and distracted with nonsense issues is a big one. The biggest fear of the corrupt elite is a united and mobilized public.
  6. Can see there is a thread by George that is a cpl of weeks old now, detailing huge ques and a bevvy of issues at the Penang Consulate recently. Just wondering if there is any more recent updates? Was hoping to grab a Non O Multi Entry based on parenting a Thai child. Has anyone heard of these being approved recently? Thanks in advance!
  7. Cheers Tim. That's a good thread for me to follow up. Actually got one of those MEs many years back before being married but having a child.
  8. Hi Todd, Sorry to hijack this thread. You mentioned at Savanaket a Non O based on supporting your Thai child only bears Single Entry. Just wanted to double check that if you don't mind? And in that case, is there anywhere to obtain a Multi Entry based on this scenario?
  9. Presuming all went well on Monday. Thanks for the report, fun to read. Something caught my eye that would like to hear a bit more on.. You mentioned something about ATK covid tests and hospitals. If you have a minute would be great to hear what that's all about? Something to do with looking a bit off colour? (you mentioned having a cold). Incidentally, on your way in to Lao, were there any covid requirements? ATK test or vax papers?
  10. Thanks guys. Can confirm Mister T is correct as far as Hua Hin Immi is concerned.
  11. Thanks guys. Was thinking to pop into immigration. I am a little hesitant as the divorce was officially filed 4 months ago and was concerned that as I didn't update them quick smart they may take issue. Is there any danger in Immigration taking the stance that as I'm no longer married, my current extension is invalid and therefore in Thailand unlawfully? My current 12 month extension expires in January.
  12. Currently staying in Thailand on a Non O 1 Year Extension based on Marriage. However, recently divorced. I have a child that is a Thai National. Before being married I used Non O 12 Month Multi Entry Visas based on being a parent of a Thai child. Just wondering what my options are.. Is it possible just to apply for another 12 month extension, but this time based on having a Thai child? Or do I need to leave and re-enter on a new Non O? And then submit an app to Immigration for extension based on being a parent of a Thai child. Or is there another process I can use that I'm not aware of? Thanks in advance!
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