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Posts posted by GoodKarma

  1. Great posts about Collodial Silver and its many uses.

    We also sell it on our online store for 450 baht for the large 450 ml bottle with a spray cap.


    I have also seen the info about the blue man and someone pointed out to me that the quackwatch site debunking Every natural treatment is actually funded by the pharmaceutical industry.

    Further research about this seem to prove this correct.

  2. I agree, I would investigate her current medication. They give out pills here and never tell you the warnings and side effects.

    That is if the name is on the packet.........

    Also how is her diet?

    MSG gives some people heart palpitations and insomnia and a spacy feeling.

    MSG is in all those flavorings for the noodle packs, nearly all Thai food, all American junk food ..(it is cleverly called artificial flavoring).....

    Artificial sweeteners can also cause some of those same symptoms.. like Aspartame

  3. Hi TFC -

    I agree DEET should not be used over the long term. Although some people say it is ok I personally don't want anything on my skin that can melt the dried nail polish or melt plastic. Just try it with a bit of Sketelone, the common spray in Thailand.

    I have ruined a pair of sunglasses with a bottle that leaked once. Never again.

    Here is a good article about it from a Canadian Environmental Health Org.


    and a quote from a BBC article: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/8182052.stm

    "The study in the open access journal BioMed Central Biology shows deet works in the same way as paralysing nerve gases used in warfare. "

    In my online shop carry to 100% natural mosquito sprays..and some natural mosquito coils. If you would like I can also get the Zanzare but it will take a few weeks.

    I have one that is an oil spray and goes on like body oil and one that is a lighter spray made with organic citronella. Have a look for full details:


  4. Thank you Mister Man for the post.

    Actually I think you meant Himalayan rock salt.

    Himalayn salt is all natural, not processed. We sell it in big chunks or ground. It is not iodides and it contains lots of minerals.

    The crystals can also be soaked in water to make a salty liquid as an alternative for soy sauce for cooking if you just need something salty but liquid form.

    We sell it ground also but anyone can grind it themselves with a coffee grinder or dry mill with their blender. (the small attachment/container)

    It comes mainly from Pakistan and is ancient.


    You can read more about it on my store page

    Good Karma All Natural Himalayan salt

    We also have organic soy sauces, sugar free dried fruits and sun dried tomatoes, petroleum free products.. some spicy stuff, some gluten free ..

    As we sponsor the Health Forum we are permitted to post all this.

  5. Apple Cider Vinegar can be found at Tops and Villa Market. It has a live culture in it, THE MOTHER.

    You say your diet is fine but friend rice in Thailand will for SURe have MSG as well as the beef soup. In Thai you can say

    MAI SAI PONG CHU ROTE. Pong Chu Rote being the MSG.

    Campell's Soups are FULL of MSG by the way too.

    HEre is a good link


    I know people have different theories about MSG but I for sure feel it after the fact which makes me remember I forgot to say no pong chu rote when going to a new restaurant.

    Some Soy sauces have it also, all dry noodle flavour packs.

    Candida can also cause face pimples. Not sure about body rash though.

    Good luck and let us know how the ACV goes. If you do not live near a Villa Market or Tops let me know.

    Also I would not recommend using any cheap regular vinegars as some of them are derived from petroleum.

    Also aspartame is a nasty chemical as well. According to wikipedia

    Schlatter had synthesized aspartame in the course of producing an antiulcer[15] drug candidate. He accidentally discovered its sweet taste when he licked his finger, which had become contaminated with aspartame.

    There is a good website here http://www.sweetpoison.com

    I know one must read thorugh these sites and determine for themselves what is fact. But often these people to gain unlike the produces of the food product.

    Would be interesting to see if you just stopped diet coke for a week..

    or asked for no MSG. Can't hurt.

  6. Perhaps it could be related to diet? Or something you use , such as a soap?

    I do know that the hospitals here do food allergy testing. Just an idea. I am not a doctor but our skin is the biggest organ and you might want to consider looking at the problem from the inside.

    Perhaps you should research allergic reactions to MSG as it is nearly all food here (although not just here ).

    Do you drink diet cokes, use fake sugars?

    What is your diet like?

    Have you tried any natural remedies?

    There is a good website called www.earthclinic.com where people have shared remedies that have worked for them.

    Coconut oil and Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) seem popular and natural solution's to some peoples ailments. ACV is available at Villa Market.

    Just some ideas based on my own experiences.

  7. Please please go to PAWS in Chalong if you are in the south or Soi Dogs in the north of Phuket. These are the non profit agencies that rescue and spay and neuter..

    And 2 is always better and more fun then 1!!!!

    I find that they will pay more and attack me less when they are in a pair. And what is the difference ? Get TWO!

    There are so many homeless cats and they get dumped at temples where dogs and cats attack them and they have to live on the roofs. Look at the before and after photos on both website

    PAWS is easy to find in Chalong


    SOi Dogs


    Post photos when you get your new kitty!

    • Like 1
  8. There are a few previous posts about this already have a look and you should find them, they were not to long ago. Here in the Phuket forum and in the health forum.

    Also if you are open to doing your own research then also check out Bill O Leary's blog about this and his experience at the Phuket hospitals. I know him personally and know his story is real and he has nothing to gain from sharing it except just that.. to share it.

    Even if you don't read it look at the photos.


    Good luck.

  9. What is CNX? I so much wanted to carry it in my health food store here.. but so far only found a distributor in Singapore and even tried to find the shop once and could not..

    Also they do not ship internationally. I do have a source for castille soaps if you are interested but not quite Dr Bronners.. and not the liquid form.

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