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Posts posted by ThaiGirlTeen

  1. TGT I can understand where you are coming from but many of the posters have experienced life in many countries so you should listen to what they have to say and not ridicule their comments.

    Really! I guessed after reading many posts on this forum that people in fact had very little experience in life.

    Rooboy is very narrow minded for a man of such great experience. Just read thropugh some of his Anti Thai posts and smug comments!

  2. Rooboy, is a guy that thinks he is superior.

    He is the type of Farang that i have no time for, if i went to Australia and was calling Australians stupid, and only looking at a certain Area of Sydney that is the red light area and calling all Australian woman hookers and cheats and junkies...he would wonder why i bothered to stay in Australia.

    I also wonder why he bothers to stay in Thailand, planes go everyday out, he should take one! :o

  3. No thanks, too many scandinavians walking round with well past their used by date (barely) working girls for my liking.

    You will have to make allowance for my lack of understanding....................But....

    What are you talking about?

  4. Sorry I dont stay in hotels, not cost effective when you LIVE in a country. I have driven here for almost 5 years, all over the country, have stayed in small villages and large cities.

    Reading through your critical posts of Thailand and Thai people, why do you stay in such a country? If i had the contempt for the people that you have, i could never punish myself by staying in such an enviroment.

    Go Home RooBoy.

  5. Did I say they had to tow my line??? Faaark, sensitive bunch of SNAGS arent we, have you not seen Thais act like children with other thais when the concept of logic or face comes up?? Or maybe you dont get out much. AGAIN, I never said it bothered me did I?? I stated only an observation made up of experiences over 5 years ok, is that OK?

    Roo Boy, i do not think you know much about Thailand or Thai people, you are like a spoilt kid who has a tantrum when it cant get it's own way.

    Your attitude stinks. :o

  6. This is something thats bothered me for a while now, so many Farangs I meet who are with thai girls, (both ex working girls and your everyday office worker or blue collar worker) seem to be so weak arsed they allow themselves to be pushed around ad infinitum.

    These guys hand over money on demand, eat on the street because their wife who has no job and sits around the house all day is too lazy to cook, they wont buy something menial for themselves because the woman will rip them a new ######, yet at the same time be all sweetness and light when the guy buys something for them/the family/friends.


    Have you forgotten to take your medication today?

  7. Friends wife knows of one very good man, supposedly very calm and polite and actually teaches something! (forgot to add, he doesnt speak english).

    Do driving instructors in your country speak Thai?

    You are beginning to piss me off! :o

  8. How did your wife go with learning in the UK? Had she ever driven before? One thought that came to mind some time ago was how hard it would be for someone to learn to drive in a western country, when they had grown up without a car, and spent most of their lives never riding in a car with parents etc, maybe on the back of a bike only. We take for granted riding in the family car from a very young age, and the subconcious things we learn by watching our parents drive.

    Can i believe i am seeing such ignorance? Take a good look around when you are on your way from the Airport to your hotel.

    Yes, you will see Thai people actually driving cars,(shock horror) i know it may come as some surprise that we are not all on Elephants.

    Unbelievable attitude you have. :o

  9. Annoyances!!

    Waiting patiently in line at checkout in a 7-11 and some fat thai bitch cuts ahead of me.

    You seem to be the right type of American that is so popular the world over.

    Such a nice way with words.

  10. thanks for the replies guys. i guess there's no easy way out of this. its tempting to think about the going home trick, or the going broke trick, but it'll be a really disrespectful way to end what is already a humiliating experience, apart from the fact that she's too smart to buy into it. i have stopped calling her for some time, but she keeps sending messages asking if i'm angry with her, and its just too awkward to say no but i don't want to see you, so she just says okay i'll be over tonight....

    she's nice but she has these aspects to her personality that have really started to get to me, like how she spends hours talking at me about her friends and what so and so said, and what so and so did, and guess what, she told so and so this and then they plan to do that.....i'm struggling to remember what it was that got me interested, okay i though she was kinda good looking, but ######, its definitely been too high a price to pay.

    anyways, thanks for the advice, i guess i'll just say what i need to say, preferably outside the apartment to avoid the flying furniture.

    Just show her the stuff you write on this forum, she will realise you are a complete bastard and thank her lucky stars that its over.


  11. I think that it is time that some farang came here and started a business and would teach the Thai how to do things,,an American brick layer will lay 40+ block per hour and each block is finish when the throws the next one,the wall can be left as is, painted or stucco'd ,,A thai will throw 50 blocks a day and they will be at odd angles,partly filled to over filled and the wall will have to have 2 inches of stucco to make it look OK.If it don't fall before the stucco is on.

    And pobly the reason he said he builds for farang is because they will pay for good workmanship and a thai don't know good workmanship from a chicken fight.

    Yea, farangs are so wonderful, i should kiss the ground they walk on.

    I apologize for all Thai people in Thailand and say that we are very sorry that we do not come up to your high standards, once again, i am sorry.

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