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Posts posted by GoodThaiGirl

  1. I might sound cruel. But a person who pays & willingly goes on a boat to illegally migrate to another country is a not human trafficking 'victim', they are illegal migrants. Yes, seriously bad things happen to them on their journey & this should be regularly reported through the media in their home countries to alert them that the boat journeys are extremely dangerous paths to take & what the consequences are.

    Bull feathers and horse hockey.

    They are victims of human slavery and nothing more.

    they are scammed victims thats all they paid there money.....to be illegal if they didnt get caught they wouldnt be victims yes

    So they were only victims when they got caught? Huh? I thought they were victims of extortion before they got caught. Point is what is it you wouldn't do to escape poverty or victimization? Stand in their shoes for a moment

    they paid money and knew what was happening..you would be in horror if thousands turned up on your door step..

  2. Sorry Mr P, but most foreigners here have seen the interview, and nowhere in the interview does Mr T cross the line.

    He implicates the elite in being behind the coup to maintain status quo, and not even the most yellow shirted supporter of the present situation can deny that!!

    By all means, go for Mr T, he should be behind bars, but play it clean!!

    Using the Thailands draconian LM laws doesn't make you any friends, here or abroad!!

    draconian laws to you maybe but your free to leave anytime you wish,.....at least our laws are our own and not made up from faceless people in the eu....

    Whatever you like to believe about how much of a say you had in it all, it is irrelevant and doesn't invalidate the previous comment in any way... foreigners may be free to leave any time they wish, but are you GoodThaiGirl, free to speak your mind any time you wish? Speaks for itself doesn't it?

    yes im very free to speak my mind ..but you only do it on here.....try interacting you maybe surprised ..

  3. Sorry Mr P, but most foreigners here have seen the interview, and nowhere in the interview does Mr T cross the line.

    He implicates the elite in being behind the coup to maintain status quo, and not even the most yellow shirted supporter of the present situation can deny that!!

    By all means, go for Mr T, he should be behind bars, but play it clean!!

    Using the Thailands draconian LM laws doesn't make you any friends, here or abroad!!

    draconian laws to you maybe but your free to leave anytime you wish,.....at least our laws are our own and not made up from faceless people in the eu....

  4. Sorry Mr P, but most foreigners here have seen the interview, and nowhere in the interview does Mr T cross the line.

    He implicates the elite in being behind the coup to maintain status quo, and not even the most yellow shirted supporter of the present situation can deny that!!

    By all means, go for Mr T, he should be behind bars, but play it clean!!

    Using the Thailands draconian LM laws doesn't make you any friends, here or abroad!!

    draconian laws to you maybe but your free to leave anytime you wish,.....at least our laws are our own and not made up from faceless people in the eu....

  5. I don't think its a very smart plan to keep lashing out with meaningless actions. Neither removing his passport or this can hurt him in anyway , and exposes the Junta's real weakness where he is concerned , There last attack against him will be Jailing his sister. I think that may be a step too far for the rest of the world

    you think we care about what the rest of the world thinks....anything taken away from this creature hurts him ..remember were all about face billions or not..

  6. I might sound cruel. But a person who pays & willingly goes on a boat to illegally migrate to another country is a not human trafficking 'victim', they are illegal migrants. Yes, seriously bad things happen to them on their journey & this should be regularly reported through the media in their home countries to alert them that the boat journeys are extremely dangerous paths to take & what the consequences are.

    Bull feathers and horse hockey.

    They are victims of human slavery and nothing more.

    they are scammed victims thats all they paid there money.....to be illegal if they didnt get caught they wouldnt be victims yes

  7. Was Bangkok 'bombed' during WWII ?

    Not a piss take, I didn't know.

    What was the history?

    Have you never heard of google? It's a web site where you can get questions answered.

    Bombing of Bangkok in World War II


    Yes, David48 had apparently discovered TVF and his internet skills and familiarization ended there as he proceeded with his 12,239 posts. You should have given him the Google (Thai version) link as well:

    Google_for_David48 <----- (click on this David48, use your mouse - left button)

    wow he only asked a question..maybe so some of you can enlighten him with your vast superior knowledge of world history..i believe he was adding to an interesting topic..i still have much to learn about your sarcasm/wit/or just nastiness...you choose.wai2.gif

    • Like 2
  8. Thailand essentially "capitulated" to the Japanese under Field Marshall Phibul, establishing a wartime occupation relationship with Japan somewhat akin to the Vichy State in France.

    Thais will never say that they've never been "invaded." The past 500 years of Southeast Asian history is all about the Thai, Khmer, Burmese and Lao kingdoms overrunning each other and sacking conquered cities.

    What Thailand can claim is that unlike the vast majority of developing countries - and every one of their neighbors - Thailand was never colonized by a European power.

    my husband told me the same as you..we were not taught the real facts,just what they wanted us to know thank you..wai2.gif .i never believed him before..thought he was thai bashing.

    • Like 1
  9. I don't believe any of these figures issued by governments.

    Well there really isn't a government, so I guess you're saying the Military Junta, to which the Commerce Ministry reports, is being less than honest? But surely (Shirley) that can't be?

    In India onions are a huge part of the ordinary man's diet

    I never knew it was onions that can make you fat. I'm beefing up on onions, cos I'm a wippet. cheesy.gif

    i think its the vegetable ghee its cooked in onions are huge business in india ..

  10. Whoop whoop, gonna go tell my fish right now...

    They are soooooooooo thirsty..!!

    You really ought to give them some water now and again. It's good for their health, you know. wink.png

    I would if we had any !! My pond is pretty much the lowest I have ever seen it, luckily cat fish and snake head are durable little fellas. Hope some survive until it pours...

    Gonna rain dreckly, yes I am Cornish smile.png

    it was the name carlos that was the dead giveaway to me...whistling.gif we lived in grampound/truro years ago..we know what your like...keep it in the family....they looked at me like i was wierd.back then...pot kettle..some of us have travelled...beautiful county though..somtam pasties were thin on the ground though..

  11. Just imagine how many less road deaths there have been due to so many trucks not being on the roads. Likely a few hundred people who would be dead are now alive. Every cloud has a silver lining.

    beat me to it...wai2.gif ......remember they need something/someone to blame...the country was/is in decline before all this political turmoil as he put it...i would wager a small bet that his job is safe though..

  12. I don't know if corruption can be proved, incompetence has surely been. The PTP government knew that the price they were paying could not be sustained, their answer was to keep offering it and not pay the farmers. Cynical and criminal, truly, corrupt, I don't know.

    Of course the money the PTP government was paying the farmers could be maintained - by rice sales and making up the difference from the general fund. The PTP government did not purposely renege on making the most recent rice payments as many on this forum allege. They were trying their best to defend their government from the PAD's relentless attacks and civil disruption. They hoped to settle the dispute by dissolving the government and holding new elections as the PAD demanded. They did dissolve the government and then were unable to requisition the necessary funds to pay the farmers because of an Election Commission ruling.

    I'm not arguing there was no corruption or mismanagement, criminal or otherwise. I've been arguing and will continue to argue that the Rice Pledging Scheme was and still is a very good program and beneficial to a great many small-scale rice farmers throughout rural Thailand. I hope the NACC's investigation will be successful and root out the corruption, criminal activities and areas of gross mismanagement so this very important subsidy can be continued in the future.

    let me ask you again why did they not pay the farmers before they dissolved parliament it was due in late august...dont be silent answer this question please..

  13. Amazing

    A military dictatorship has unfurled before the eyes of an adoring public

    When the whore houses reopen, the cosmetics shops will again flourish

    bad time to be a mafiosi

    bad time to be a farange

    good time to get out, before the inflation and crime rise

    one thing to be a thai trying to be white,

    quite another to be seen as a well to do farange,

    when the hungry out of work criminals are roaming free, looking, for you and your wallet

    has anyone calculated the size of the losses to the night industry?

    And I suppose you would prefer a bloody civil war with many dead while you cheer on which ever side you are for, like a rugby game.

    you suppose wrong

    so what are you saying then...? all farangs be careful or leave...or are you scaremongering ..wai2.gif

    • Like 1
  14. on that subject - anyone know the whereabouts of our dear Charlerm, I may have missed his release from custody but don't remember seeing it

    I have been thinking the very same for days now.

    He has gone over his 7 days detention now, and not a word has been uttered by anyone.

    I have a feeling that he is in a grave situation. He is/was a very bad apple and I think most of the country were holding their breath for his fall.

    Maybe Suthep beat him to death in custody smile.png

    Or maybe ha has a lt to tell on Thaksin and his Clan, bet he regrets he didn´t beheaded him self.

    most of us thais are regretting it..

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