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Posts posted by GoodThaiGirl

  1. The 16 Predictions of Buddha - taken from http://www.meditationthailand.com/16predictions.htm

    1. 2482 - 2492 B.E. Evil era.

    2. 2492 - 2502 B.E. Visiting friends era.

    3. 2502 - 2512 B.E. Losing territory era.

    4. 2512 - 2522 B.E. Havoc era.

    5. 2522 - 2532 B.E. Land taken over by the outlaw era.

    6. 2532 - 2542 B.E. Prosper socialite era.

    7. 2542 - 2552 B.E. Admiring the traitor era.

    8. 2552 - 2562 B.E. Grievance land era.

    9. 2562 - 2572 B.E. Alleviated world era.

    10. 2572 - 2582 B.E. Worry free era.

    The present time is in 7th era "Admiring the traitor" it’s an era that unmoral attitudes affect the country, causes the country to be disunited, facing all kinds of troubles. There is a forecast toward the end of year of the dog 2549 B.E. period of moonless nights. People will suffer from many causes. This is called 8 distresses and they are:

    Distress from flood coming from the melting ice mountains which raise the sea level

    Distress from selfishness

    Distress from lack of food

    Distress from family separation

    Distress from death in the fields

    Distress from inconvenience to leave the country

    Distress from inability to sleep

    The capital did not only suffer from war but also from other endless problems. These 8 distresses will occur in Thailand and other democracy countries because people will abuse their rights and ruin others' rights without shame. They only focus on self profit. The mass media war clash with the government will occur. The experts will get talkative yet pointless.

    Government minor officials will become scapegoats. The top administrator will bring their followers as subordinates. Many groups will use the country's benefit as a front to build trust from the people. These types of people only seek to profit themselves. It will not be long before we get to see for ourselves. As a matter of fact, the author learned from many teachers about forecasting Thailand and the changes in the world mentioned. The seas will become mountains, mountains will turn into flat land, villages will become cemeteries, and humans will eat dogs. Bullies will takeover again. Those that believe that they are in the upper class will wear skimpy clothes or non at all. Modeling will become undressing (calling it a new fashion).

    you think Buddha made predictions about Thailand? I mean THAILAND? he lived in India for a start

    no it was nepal where hes from..

  2. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/3e7a9600-e3ec-11e3-a73a-00144feabdc0.html

    Human Rights Watch, the New York-based campaign group, accused the junta of playing a power game to destroy Mr Thaksin, a former premier who outflanked the old urban elite and won power thanks to the support of millions of rural Thais grateful for his subsidised healthcare, crop-growing and microcredit schemes.

    “The military and others in Thailand are so desperate to rid the country of Thaksin and his allies that they are now holding the entire country hostage to their whims,” said Brad Adams, Human Rights Watch Asia director.

    The military says it took over because it was clear there would be no agreement to end the debilitating political crisis . The country has been without a functioning government or parliament since December, and the economy has started to shrink.

    Gen Prayuth has pledged to repay rice farmers owed an estimated $3bn under a financially disastrous rice subsidy scheme run by the ousted government.

    The junta has said the detentions of Ms Yingluck and others are only temporary measures to help damp the turmoil and give those involved in it “time to think”.

    i suggest you live here first troll..then you might have a tiny tiny say in your linited little world...we sure could do with someone like you to show us the error of our ways ..coffee1.gif

  3. I can't believe a 'real' political scientist would write this or be that naive.

    The U.S. uses advance technology and intelligence agencies to gather and assimilate information.

    Is this 'scientist' stupid enough to believe the U.S. embassy would send a blond-haired, blue-eyed representative to a Thai-only protest?

    Could someone explain to this idiotic attention-seeker that many Thai people work for the U.S. government - and not just the embassy? facepalm.gif

    only americans have blond hair and blue eyes....a pure immigrant country ..could have put a camera round there neck and said there tourists...americans do know how to spy..on others....coffee1.gif

  4. If the army actually does pay off the farmers so quickly then its shows just how bad the Shins where are governance and good at inciting trouble... The army look like they have planned this very meticulously and yes, played Taksin at his own game... For the first time in a along while i do think Thailand has a much positive future.... Many events will shape that future but a least the evil one has been cut out of it.

    You are joking............right?

    tell me whats wrong with this post then...

  5. It's exactly the same trick that was played in Egypt. Deny the elected government the means to make good on its pledges, make the country ungovernable, then once the military takeover happens, funds become suddenly and magically available. Only someone who was very naive politically could fail to see through the ruse.

    Anyway, lets hope the parallels with Egypt stop there.

    why werent those funds magically available late august last year.......i wont wait for an answer...i know it already...

  6. It is up to the Thais to revolt/resist/riseup to a military dictatorship who are a bunch of hooligans removing a democratic constitution. Obviously the government and opposition could not solve their problems but the military has never resolved problems in Thailand ...but only make them worse. Before stupid people ruled Thailand....now awfully stupid rule the country believing they are God. These army generals should all be hanged for treason. Thailand rise up and fight for true democracy.

    spoken like a true real man from some here other than thailand...if you are here LEAVE...maybe you could lead the fight eh...w00t.gif

  7. actually the army should tell her you can go in a week ..then say no i meant another week then another..not knowing when your getting out.same as the farmers being told next week never quite knowing if your going to be paid make her/them sweat for a while at least.the corruption i can cope with its the utter contempt they have for the thai people that makes me angry towards them..

    • Like 2
  8. No, it's not wrong. Yingluck and the govt tried every measure to secure the release of funds to pay the farmers. They were blocked at every turn by forces opposed to the payment. That included Suthep who tried to bully and browbeat the banks into non-cooperation. Either you are ignorant of the facts or your memory is faulty...you choose

    Yingluck was given a very fair crack of the whip plus the benefit of the doubt that she was not a puppet of her brother. However that all went out of the window when she pushed through the amended Amnesty Bill at 3.00 am.

    That's what you are dealing with a liar and a thief. Who would this Bill benefit? Dr. Thaksin perhaps? No that couldn't be possible. I find your pro-Thaksin rhetoric deplorable. Stop spreading misguided propaganda on behalf of the Shins. They are scum and akin to the Marcos Family.

    Wrong again. For some reason, you and others like to repeat the lie that the amnesty bill came as complete surprise at 3.00am. It is a lie. The prospect of an amnesty bill was canvassed by Yingluck during the election campaign before last.She gave interviews about it, it was reported in the press, discussed in this forum. She could make a legitimate claim that she had a mandate for it. And yet you and the other laptops go on and on with the same disingenuous BS about the bill. Get your facts straight. It's not hard.

    can you show me where it was in her manifesto..i cant find it in thai/or english..thank you

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  9. This is so rich...you liberal democrats love to accuse Thaksin, TRT or UDD of buying votes. 555 What do you call this if not buying submission. But I don't blame the Farmers. I would encourage them to take the money and then vote for UDD and a Shinawatra in the next election. (That is if the military allows them to have a vote.)

    im sure they will be queuing up to listen to a farang..with little knowledge of the real facts.wai2.gif

  10. Yinglucks mistake was stepping down calling for elections, once that happened she was stopped from being able to pay them for it. I think the farmers are smart enough to see what really happened. All you yellow followers seemed to hate the scheme, now you think its brilliant because your hero non-corrupt coup leaders are doing it now.

    silly post..its money they have been owed for 7 months its an obligation..yingluks mistake was taking the job/and not providing the funds when she dissolved parliament correct...if the scheme was carried out the way it was meant to be done without the enormous theft.then no-one would be talking about it khun....wai2.gif

    No. Yingluck's mistake was believing that the EC would act ethically and permit the farmers to be paid..as per their legal entitlement under the elected govt's program.

    wrong..as you well know 7 months they waited she should..have paid them on the due date...dont spread dis-information..lies.lies ..lies ..

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  11. If those red leaders have broad support upcountry it will be difficult to find them. They then will be "resistance-heroes" if the shinas still have many fans.

    As Thais are basically opportunist and don't give a dam about anybody other than themselves and the handouts will become nonexistent the fan base will dwindle at a rapid pace.

    You should specify which group of Thais or are you referring to all Thais.

    i would say most not all..

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  12. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    No yellows mentioned here. Yellows still allowed to leave the country I suppose, as the Malaysian border is open for escaping Yellows that's if the need ever arises which seems doubtful.

    Its basically a purge of the country's red brigade isn't it? Cleanse the country of all those nasty red peasants and return to the former elistist times again when the rich stood on the poor.

    Very true

    No need for them to run. They had peaceful protests. They did not throw grenades, shoot people or said a part of the country would be under their rule. Guess the current leaders know that.

    75% of the Thais are in favour of this coup. Says enough, people were fed up and terrified of the reds.

    While I agree the reds can be violent sometimes, you must have a very short memory or have not watched the news much in the last six months. You must have missed the stories, the gaurds beating a red and tossing him in the river to die, or the people being shot at for accidently running over there cones in the road, or the graffic film of a yellow supporter throwing a grenade into the police line, the policeman trying to kick it away only to have his foot blown off, these are just a few examples of many, so far from peaceful!

    Or maybe you are just a troll?

    stories..a red thrown in the river..no proof people..you mean person.running over a cone.trolling..but not being over dramtic yes like you khun..

  13. There is no question that Prayuth is making real inroads regarding the dismantling of violent networks within the UDD. He clearly knows where to look, and he clearly knows what to do. The result of this is that much potential future violence is being stopped in its tracks, and that means that everyone is safer as a result.

    It was only the red faction that were prone to violence then?

    if your memory still serves you well remember the reds started the violence..then the others had no choice but to defend themselves would you not agree..of course there are bad apples in every barrel i admit that..but can you keep it at least a little honest and transparent..

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  14. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    If those red leaders have broad support upcountry it will be difficult to find them. They then will be "resistance-heroes" if the shinas still have many fans.

    As Thais are basically opportunist and don't give a dam about anybody other than themselves and the handouts will become nonexistent the fan base will dwindle at a rapid pace.

    A few words of deep seated racism there. You may be in the wrong country.

    sorry but im a thai girl.and facts first..racism no..unfortunatley.its true..nice try though.

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