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Posts posted by boredinbangkok

  1. I recently overcame the EXACT same problem of not knowing how to connect with the right kind of girl. In the off chance you are serious I am pm'ing you and can tell you all about what you can do to fix your problem.

    Id appreciate that PM :)

  2. As you are still young I suggest becoming fluent in Thai. And, by fluent I mean more than just bar talk. That will open more doors than anything else. If you get bored easily in Thailand then you will get bored wherever you choose to live. Learn a hobby or new trade... possibly something creative. You are probably too young to get married or have a serious relationship anyway.

    I agree. Learning proper thai is probably the way to go.

    Just to clarify... i know it is pretty easy to get into contact with a certain part of thai society, but im kinda sick and tired of uneducated brown skinned people looking for a better live with a foreigner.

    Going to a thai nightclub and trying to hook up / chat with middle class girls is a whole different thing..

  3. How good are you at speaking Thai?

    Also, are you a member of any sports clubs (apart from the gym you go to).

    Maybe you do need a holiday back to your home country to remind you of all the reasons you left?

    Enough thai for a smalltalk.

    Gym is in my condo - thinking about joining a tennis club.

  4. Just go home you don't seem to have the stamina for staying here and i really pity you for being young and successful. You will do much better in the old country. I just don't take you seriously because its easy to get in contact with good girls.

    I hear ya but not everyone is a social monster and great with girls, people etc..

  5. Hi,

    im in my twenties and living in bangkok for about a year now. I have my business in europe which basically runs on autopilot and doesnt require more work then a few emails and phone calls per month.

    When im not working (2 hours a week, max) im actually doing nothing. I live in a nice condo in the centre of bangkok but im getting bored to death. Im kinda living the retired lifestyle. I wake up, go to the gym, swim in the pool, order lunch, watch tv, surf the web, order dinner, watch a movie or get a hooker. Rinse and repeat, day in day out..

    When i first came here i did all the tourist attractions, went shopping and so on, but everything gets boring after a while.

    I wish to find a normal girlfriend from a middle class family, get to know her friends and have a normal life in bangkok, but its crazy hard to make contact with normal thai people. If you are young and have some money its almost twice as hard, course you always attract the wrong kind of girls.. (gold diggers...)

    I really love bangkok, but im getting so bored of my life that i dont know if i should stay and try to get my act together or if i should just pack my bags and go back to europe.

    Anyone have the same problem? Or am i just homesick after a year ?

    /end rant

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