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Posts posted by NikhilBkk

  1. Hi, If anyone needs any freelance services in any of the following, please PM me. We are a group of 4 freelancers who have more than 15 years of experience in the Thai and Regional Markets.

    a) Graphic Design, 3D Design, Web-Design

    B) Branding and Market Research

    c) PR and Media Relations

    d) Events, Press Conferences, Product Launches

    e) Business Plans and Docs for Financing

    f) Developing Marketing and Communications Workplans

    g) Printing of collaterals, bag and packaging production, etc

    h) Celebrity Endorsements, etc

    We are effectively bilingual in Thai and English and also other languages.


  2. Please check on this Professor's background......he is a devout follower of this cult leader called Sathya Sai Baba in India (goggle search this cult leader). Dr Art-Ong was merely trying to pass around the predictions made by this cult leader. Dr Art-Ong is very active in the Thailand Chapter of this cult movement and this cult leader is a total fraud. (I should know as my parents were some of his earliest followers in the 1960s and they help establish the Singapore chapters. I have seen this fraud cult leader many times when I was young and I totally despise him.

  3. Sorry typo in the above posting...should read as I cannot get it working myself. My internet connection with Buddy is ok and working but when I plug in the router, it says that it cannot detect any internet connections. HAd used this router before with a true modem in my older place and it was ok. Need someone who speaks English an can come over to set it up for me for a small fee. Thanks.

  4. Hi,

    Just some advice, I was taking HGH Injections two years ago with strict monitoring including blood screenings form a very reputable hospital that was doing in on a quiet basis for certain clients only, after 3 months, I developed swellings which to this day has left scars on my face. The oral HGH tablets are useless as the enzymes and acids in the digective tract will destroy them , rendering them ineffective. There are certain precursors that can help the body to sythesize HGH by itself. Check online for this info. But my advice, before taking any kind of hormones, etc.....seea proper physician or endocrinologists and get your blood screening to ensure that you maintain just the right amts.....imbalances either way creates the whole body's homeostatic system to go crazy. Beware!

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