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Posts posted by philhal2

  1. Perhaps Thailand and others could benefit if they researched this topic. Corporal punishment has many ill effects. It is usually b/c adults i.e. parents/teachers etc do not have the cognitive ability to figure out how to aid the child/student to change behavior that a DUMB approach (hitting) is thought of and (unfortunately) used.

    Researching this topic will result in the conclusion that our social system is out of control and cant be fixed by bullshit . Have a look at what it has taken in the few Western cities that have reduced crime , especially in good old US OF A , Strong laws and proper enforcement of strong punishment to make it safe for people to walk the streets .

    I guess that your reasoning is not partially responsible for the uncontrollable population of vandals , muggers , rapists , bashers , bullies , glassers , violent <deleted> who crawl around in the darkness of western countries and destroy peoples lives , businesses and properties on a daily basis . The same cockroaches that the police dont arrest because nothing is ever done to resolve the violence and the degradation within western Societies .

    There are only 2 things that humans respond to , REWARD and PUNISHMENT >

    The problem is the more rewards you give the greedier the humans get and the greater the reward needs to be , until it is no longer enough and we have another repeat of the global financial monetary downfall ( CRISIS ) that is a direct result of greed and no controls .

    PUNISHMENT needs to be only dealt out once with a severity to match the crime and a reduction is instantly seen .

    Fear is the only thing that makes the majority of people do what is best for the society they live in . Fear of strong and just retribution that deters people from doing the wrong thing .

    Remove the punishments and you have what we have in Australia , America , Europe , England and all so called civilised western countries today . The only people that are afraid are those that do the right thing , work hard and save their money etc , the others who steal , lie , vandalise , attack innocent people , murder , rape and cheat dont give a toss because nothing ever happens to them .There is always an exscuse why it isnt their fault . Who forced them to do the wrong thing ????

    Lets just remove law and order all together and then we will all have equal rights and equal opportunity to take whatever we want and do whatever we want without worrying about consequences .Lets then see what is DUMB >

    Return the power to a decent society by removing those who do not want to abide by that societies rules isolate them in remote areas or islands , then they can then create their own system and destroy whoever and whatever they want ? GOOD IDEA ???? No its not because the <deleted> who do this shit would have the do gooders to bring them back .

  2. If he was reporting his address to immigration every 90 days, that must have been a very challenging fugitive search. (Call a taxi.)

    UMMMMM Do we really think that someone who ran an insurance company and allegedly scammed it for $ 93, 000 ,000 would be DUMB enough to be reporting every 90 days or not paying off the right people ???

    Seems like pressure was applied and the bubble was busted for this guy :) .

  3. The vice minister said that 2,501 checkpoints have been set up across the country, with 65,494 personnel being deployed. Over half a million vehicles -- 526,610 -- have so far have passed through the inspection process at the checkpoints.

    Legal action has been taken against 60,497 people for violating traffic rules -- 19,260 for riding motorcycle without helmets and 18,916 for driving without licences, stated Mr Sorayut.

    WOW, Those are overwhelming numbers :o

    11.5% of drivers passing thru the check point got a blister. (assuming no driver got more than one).

    For nearly every rider that was booked not wearing a helmet there was a rider or driver without a licence :o . If those statistics ring through at that same ratio, everytime you see a rider without a helmet, very close by is a driver without a licence.

    Amazing Thailand.

    On a side note, I wonder how many of those rider/drivers that were booked for not having a licence were allowed to ride/drive away after being booked? :blink:


    can someone explain to a thick scotsman. why is there so much accidents and fatalities ?? i am baffled..


    Causes of Accidents as I have seen so far .

    1 , Children age 8 to 15 riding motorcycles , many cant read , none know any road rules , No helmets , none have any road sense .

    2 Adults riding motorcycles , No licence , no helmet , None know any road rules or have any common sense .

    3 Have you ever tried to find a copy of the Thai road rules and regulations on the net ? Some signs can be found , Rules , Havent found them yet .

    4 Ask someone who they are required to " give way to " by law ?? No one Knows in Thailand , I have even asked police who speak english .

    5 Licences seem to be freely available at a " fee " , no test required .

    6 The sheer volume of Traffic alone .Especially when there is a Festivity .

    7 The condition of some of the vehicles .

    8. Unlicenced , inexperienced drivers travelling at high speeds

  4. Why did it take over 10 years to issue the arrest warrant? When did the British find out he was here?

    When did the laws in Britain or Australia ever get applied quickly and fairly to all concerned regardless of their financial position or race ?

    the police in Pommy land were probably too busy doing shifts at a rock concert or some other rubbish at the taxpayers expense for industries that think its free services by the taxpayer for them .

    Unless theres a lot of money involved in one way or another a few poor English or Thai kids dont even make the ratings with the Cops .

    Probably the only reason this has popped up now is he has an outstanding TAXATION bill or something . Western Justice and the police move ever so slowly or not at all without a lot of grease or pressure .

    Corruption is the order of the day in the west and it wont change unless we get some spine and some values .

  5. The main reasons why Thailand is still on travellers' destination lists is their impression of Thai hospitality and services along with the country's landscapes and natural resources in different regions.

    Surely, they can do better than that?

    I believe that the principal reason why tourists are still coming is that the large multinationals and some of the major Thai hotel investors have put together some attractive packages. This means reducing some of the tour package costs. I don't know if anyone subscribes to the Nok Air emails, but just this week, Nok was offering some attractive package deals for Chiang Mai and Phuket. Strategic marketing and business analysis.

    Hospitality? Sorry, but the Thai resorts are not any better than other resorts. You get what you pay for. It's no better and no worse than elsewhere.

    Services? Is that a polite term for entertainment zone companions?

    Country's landscapes? Please. Deforestation, pollution & overdevelopment have made some of Thailand's gems no different than other tourist destinaions.

    Natural resources? Ummm yea, ok.

    Give credit where credit is due. Many of the tourist industry players scrambled to keep people coming and they sharpened their pencils, charmed some of the tour vendors and worked hard to get those numbers.

    I read with amazement at some of the comments proliferating on this site and think about why ??

    My best guess is that many of you have been in Thailand to long and having passed on many of your bad habits and attitudes to the locals are now reaping what you have sown .

    I think its high time many of you returned to your origional countries and stay long enough to get a real good dose of REALITY and see that there is a good reason tourists come to Thailand in large numbers and return regulary .

    it is to escape the misery of the places they live . There isnt much to be said about the " Home Country " of expats other than its overpriced , over rated , too much crime , a mountain of misery for the average person and has nothing much left in the way of decency or good living .

    Check the Stats and look at the people who have lost their homes , their jobs and everything else they need .

    Get over yourselves and stop whining about Thailand or go back to the miserable holes you came from .


  6. The main reasons why Thailand is still on travellers' destination lists is their impression of Thai hospitality and services along with the country's landscapes and natural resources in different regions.

    Surely, they can do better than that?

    I believe that the principal reason why tourists are still coming is that the large multinationals and some of the major Thai hotel investors have put together some attractive packages. This means reducing some of the tour package costs. I don't know if anyone subscribes to the Nok Air emails, but just this week, Nok was offering some attractive package deals for Chiang Mai and Phuket. Strategic marketing and business analysis.

    Hospitality? Sorry, but the Thai resorts are not any better than other resorts. You get what you pay for. It's no better and no worse than elsewhere.

    Services? Is that a polite term for entertainment zone companions?

    Country's landscapes? Please. Deforestation, pollution & overdevelopment have made some of Thailand's gems no different than other tourist destinaions.

    Natural resources? Ummm yea, ok.

    Give credit where credit is due. Many of the tourist industry players scrambled to keep people coming and they sharpened their pencils, charmed some of the tour vendors and worked hard to get those numbers.

  7. Its called ownership by default of the debt , but who really wants to take over a Nation that doesnt have any assets , is printing monopoly money and can no longer manage its own economic and internal affairs , Is becoming a major embarrassment to its allies and is afraid to srep into the light and let people see what its really been up to . The truth is out there but not in the U .S .A Maybe they can resurrect Moulder :)

  8. These documents and those relating to banks, ex. proof of corporatism and corruption, are the cables I am waiting for...

    Don't get your hopes up. If its foreign sourced, it will most likely just reveal that some banks were helping people avoid taxes or laundering funds and the US government was trying to get them to stop. I would be more interested in seeing the poop on UBS and Credite Suisse.

    On the contrary ! I think we should be very hopeful ! :whistling:

    I watched. The guy asks about when the US Fed gives money to something like the central Bank of South Korea. It was an incredibly ignorant question. Yes the US Fed has lent money to foreign central banks. It was intended to protect the $US. When other central banks rushed in to prop up the $US when it was under attack by speculators, would he express the same concern? The main reason the US Fed doesn't broadcast its intentions is to make it difficult for currency speculators. No rational government wants the US$ to collapse otherwise many large governments will take a hit and see their investments depreciate and that would translate into an economic meltdown. Imagine what would happen to the 2 largest holders of US debt, China & Japan. How would they make up for the loss of tens if not hundreds of billions of $US?

  9. I look around the world we live in and see the bubble slowly bursting for the welfare states and the so called Democracies ,. The parasite level of people on freebies is growing to the point where no one wants to work . The fiscal mess is almost insurmountable and still the fools think that it can continue on . Thailand and other countries are looked down on by these same fools , but I respect the Asian culture and the people who work so hard to live . They usually dont have major issues and problems until the Foriegners interfere and want to impose their particular cultures on these lovely people . I dont see a problem with being poor and living on what you earn from real work and making your own way .'

    I hear about pollution , drugs , prostitution , crime and all the other issues , But I dont see real help coming forth to solve the problems . I just see people who live on welfare whining like dogs when they dont get a free bone , and all this is in the democratic , financially stuffed , welfare states .

    I work , pay taxes , employ people and grow more angry every day with the number of parasites myself and others have to support . This is where the money comes from , Not the government , not the bank CEO or Microsoft and I havent seen a money tree in ages .

    I see a massive problem in countries where the welfare is considered to be a lifelong entitlement and it is your right even if you never contributed to the system that provides it . I see a big problem where drug use is almost normal and is paid for via welfare and criminal activities . I see a bigger problem where those in Government and big business rape the finances of a Nation and think they earn it for a very dismal performance and a complete non benefit to the National interest . The financial crisis is only real for those living beyond their means , individuals or Nations alike . yes I live in Australia and it is becoming the biggest parasitical culture on the planet , everything is for free except if your working middle class, Teens dont work , they live on drugs , sex and get paid by us , they get handouts for having babies , underage as well , they get free housing , they get paid for never having worked , they get allowances for anything and everything , They arent worth feeding , because they have never contributed and neither have most of their parents . Maybe the Grandparents did !!! Does this give a parasite rights ????

    Leave Asian people alone and let them work out what they can afford . They don't need advice from people who can't even manage a household budget let alone a national economy .

  10. General warning - Please read before you post

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    Perhaps one day when we dont read such sad and sick news as this , because people are to afraid of the consequences or are detected and committed for treatment before thay can offend , some of the sad humour will be funny .

  11. What a bunch of moaning old farts you guys are.:bah:

    Is it costing you anything now? No

    Is it hurting you to have someone smile at you? No

    Would it hurt you to smile back? No, unless you have just had an abdominal operation.

    Can't you find enough trouble in the world to complain about, without inventing it?

    Chill out and enjoy something ....just for a change.

    I think it's a great idea.......have any of you flown Aeroflot lately? If not I think you should, join the other poe faces.

    Thumbs up to you , yes they really are moaning old farts , I have flown in and out of BKK 6 or 7 times in the last year and compared to Singapore , Perth and a few other places it is way ahead in the food , service and pleasantry stakes . Even the immigration people are streets ahead , except for overstays , Some of you guys need to leave FANTASIA ( Thailand ) for an updated reality check on where to find some real <deleted> .

  12. There isnt a nation on this planet that does not have fatalities and issues from crisis that occur almost daily throughout occupied lands . Yes we can always point the finger , but rarely do we say , I accept responsibility for where I chose to build my house or start my farm or business . I was the one who decided to take my motorbike or car through a flooded waterway or crossover , with no experience or knowledge or even attempting to understand that this might be dangerous . It was me that did not decide that it might be time to travel quickly to a safer place . It would have been good had I made the effort to tell all my neighbours who dont have a TV , Radio or Telephone , that I had heard it might be dangerous for us to stay here , Perhaps if I had experience of this type of thing before , I should go and tell everyone near that it would be a good idea for us to take some preventative action . NO I dont think it is anything to do with me , it is not up to me to do anything or to be responsible for myself or my neighbours safety in any way , I know that it is some one elses responsibility , """ agh yes it must be the GOVERNMENT , everything else is their fault , this must be also .

  13. I think neighboring countries will have another way for you to get visa on demand w/o a Thai exit stamp and just leave from there...Sure glad I don't have to go through immigration when I exit the U.S.

    how do u leave thailand without passing immigration??

    Maybe he is able to teleport himself.

    Can swim across the Mekong or boat it , or walk across the border in many places , Problem is what happens when you get picked up in a neighbouring country with no visa ???????????????????????????????????????????

  14. A welcome move. Let us just hope they stick with it.

    now....lets wait for the "if it wasn't for me, Thailand would fall in a heap" replies.

    How about the " I REALLY AM JUST GETTING SENILE " Done it once , Booked airfare and arrive on Day 25 and Booked to leave on Day 25 UMMMMMM yes 30 days have Sept etc etc etc , :( Took so long to pay the fine I dam_n I nearly missed my plane and I was at airport 3 hours early , I am very careful now , I hope , But yes am also worried about the accident or sick in hospital thought .

    Hope its tempered with some reality but also think it is fair that we should obey all foreign laws and respect their customs and wishes .

    If you laughing , you die quickly :)


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