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Everything posted by meechai

  1. Exactly! There was a time when most (our grandparents) felt this way & knew being tied to the wheel of debt was a mistake. They did as you did & paid the mortgage FIRST even had a mortgage burning party when it was done. Home Base was now safe literally Those who instead chose to party or borrow more than could be paid back pay a price...its called the going rate ???? Also as you say many now moan about years of misjudgement & want to blame something...call it "NEW" ..."DIFFERENT" UNBELIEVABLE!! But it is the same as it ever was...market prices period Those who chose to party elsewhere cannot have it both ways & expect those who remained in touch to have waited & held prices profit free for their exulted return ????
  2. Nah not at all I am saddened to see many even relatives of mine here that suffer the same fate But it is not our fault or the country trying to price anyone out It is as it always was Some folks like Jeff2 like to brag about getting cheap sub par labor for 1000baht then complain when he has to pay a fair wage in the western world It is what it is & it is what it always was. Some like to have it both ways...Go live cheap for decades in 3rd world then get upset when they want to go back to another world & expect everything stated static while they were away eating kow pad.....sorry others are also entitled to a return on their investments they made in their country ...it is their savings return Everyone has choices so it is not pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune...it is your choice, your free will you chose. Don't now complain about your choice
  3. Ummm that is what I said yes? Dollar devalued Also as to your inflation as I also said it is as it ever was it is you that have not kept up in 1985 I built a home materials were 9k & land was 17k Sold in 2007 for 330k In 2005 I built a home materials were 50k land was 8k I can sell now for same price as last one about 330-360k It was always this way. You build you wait real estate prices rise...always if you didn't choose a ghetto to build in Folks living in a 3rd world area like to brag about paying under $30/1000baht but trust me I know a lot about having been a General Contractor all my life But we still have a home in the North of Thailand. We sold out condo in Chiang Mai but I know about cheap labor & what that is & what you get for that hahah Your right lifestyle can be different or very much the same as it is for us in both places ???? Only difference between you & I is I live in both places
  4. This so called explosion is nothing new. It is also the reason expats "should" have kept a toe in the waters back home if there was ever a possibility of returning. But no....Many think F#@k the USA I'm happy now in xxx where life is cheap & I can get everything I need Then they get old & find they cannot get everything they need & also after having a great time in a 3rd world country developing country their home country did not stand still while they were gone? Surprise Surprise in a Gomer Pyle voice ???? Same as always was.........these folks lack planning or have any foresight nothing more. Land/housing has always gone up in the US decade on decade it really is a great investment. I witnessed same in 2007 as now. Yes after 2008 it dropped a bit but never returned to low prices of 1980's-90's etc BTW: it really is not prices going up you know? It is as always money going down in worth. You think Stimulus was printed from thin air? No it was like adding water to a half bottle of wine ????
  5. You can do magic You can have anything that you desire Magic And you know you're the one who can put out the fire ????
  6. Simple reward issued by dead policeman's family will see a bounty hunter bring this lil pos back in less than a week BTW: where are all the enraged Thai netizens? Here is something they can sink their computers into. Start posting wanted posters all over the internet...start a go fund me reward & offer it. Then at least the perp will not be at all the F1 races etc like he has been all these years partying till his charges time out
  7. ???? True! They should follow the world & at most require covid test before leaving your country...NO test on arrival...NO Quarantine We are not in a rush to return & will wait till that is the norm
  8. A pandemic is when a disease affects the global population. Pandemics are usually caused by new infectious agents (bacteria or viruses) that spread quickly. What does endemic mean with regard to COVID-19? “What an endemic phase of a viral infections means is that it’s not causing the terrible hospitalizations of the pandemic phase but that we’ll have enough immunity of a population so it’s kept down to low levels,” Dr. Monica Gandhi, an infectious disease doctor at the University of California, San Francisco.Jan 17, 2022
  9. It was because the normal law abiding drivers in the first couple lanes stopped to let her cross On the other hand the cop seeing the stopped cars thought it normal to slam the throttle & blast by in turn killing the poor doctor He also thought it normal to then leave the scene of the accident So in reality a big hole in Prawits "need to educate drivers" speech
  10. Meanwhile in civilized world..........border testing for vaccinated travellers has outlived its usefulness https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/england-drop-covid-travel-test-demand-pm-johnson-says-2022-01-24/
  11. Yeah what ever..........Start with the fact the poor doctor was killed by a Cop who then left the scene without so much as a sorry Anarchy is way over due & would be a vast improvement over this ruling class of swine
  12. Don't know but we wait to see ???? We moved away from Thailand in 2016 after two years of this Junta we knew it was different than previous ones we had In hindsight we feel we were not wrong & are glad we left We sold our business & condo but kept our country house near family. We continued to visit for 2-3 months a year till Covid struck But we have always had hopes that someday the youth of Thailand would stand up & take Thailand back. If/When that happens we would gladly move back If covid has shown anything it has shown how fragile Thailand is due to this inept lack of leadership ability by those who took over Thailand & continue to degrade it. Covid while large is really tiny in reality & if this has decimated Thailand imagine a real problem occuring in Thailand like those that may soon come So no for now we see no hope of change & they will continue this false lock down even now to suppress the young from protesting till elections are once again forced/tipped in their favor... Sadly we think there is one way out of this & it is the same way it came in the first place. But it will have to be the young & old of Thailand both who take their country back by force if necessary because that is the only way they will ever have it....If not? Then sadly they have the government they deserve
  13. That is a Thai accent ???? In Thai that is what they say, Bpit palom (turn off fan ) or Bpurd palom (turn on fan) BPit & BPurd is used for on off things or open close doors etc
  14. I think this is correct When is the next election scheduled?
  15. Puleeze...The video we & millions of others saw was not cut we saw till you put the bag on his head & held it tightly around his neck We saw he even fell over on the chair but you continued to hold tightly We saw he died before you ever released the bag Case closed...death penalty...Next
  16. Under 1 million Non Thai? A bit surprised as I would have thought the Non-Thai number to be a bit higher
  17. Actually ....He just set it to "Private" so you cannot see the tweets but they still exist
  18. How well timed is this video...In general it applies to every country but especially so to Thailand How he speaks of lost trust in political elected & then the Police who side with the corrupt leaders against protestors etc. But yes this Pandemic? World wide has showed clearly what many already knew not only about the corrupt officials that believe as Obama's hitman Rahm use to say........ “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.” They take your freedoms & use their new increased powers to sidestep further & further from anything we thought was fair & honest BUT also this pandemic? has shown what many also knew...Disgusting Politicians aside.......... There are enough sheeple in this world that will bah & bleat & repeat anything their supposed leaders tell them. This due to their unabated fear & also not wanting to bite the hand that feeds them To me these sheeple were in fact worse than the lying scum politicians that used the pandemic to further their own political goals while trampling their employers Because these sheeple turned on their own in their blind fear of what was always a 99% survivable virus Overall the whole mess was a disgusting expose of the current state of humanity in general
  19. Because they can? I mean you said it yourself 5 days & all good so? How is it different than millions going to work with a cold or the Flu because they can or need income This whole the sky is falling mentality has to end
  20. Why not first go after those that murdered cops like Red Bull heir Vorayuth Yoovidhya rather than fishermen? Clock is ticking after all & red bull will be free as usual But hey we caught some fishermen
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