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Everything posted by meechai

  1. That is the truth & sadly too many like to give it the finger on the way out...selling everything only later to find the grass was not only not greener but what they thought was a "more free" place was in reality quite the opposite...Funny the Military Junta overthrows again & again didn't provide a clue as to what they were getting into But then again if you look closely the cheerleaders are usually the been living in Thailand under 5 years crowd or those who as above have no way back physically or financially or lastly those so firmly attached to their orgasms nothing else matters
  2. 555 Yeah right Like the Fox that was happy not getting the grapes he couldn't reach ????
  3. The most tech advanced countries of the world both East & West would not attempt a online entry Pre-Flight system Yet Thailand with their abysmal online record past of visa extension que, 90 day etc or the many data breaches both banks & government sites on a regular basis will try such a feat? They have been drinking their own kool-aid ...........again
  4. This always sounds logical & I also for the most part agree for a short term coverage/vacation etc but long term? No........... It is not viable for a government to allow it nor have the responsibility to police it. After all credit is like musical chairs it is there ...."maybe" when the music stops. But how would a government consonantly police that & know you have not been left without a chair when your music stops?
  5. Of course not I'm afraid of Covid but the insane people that are scare me quite a bit with their lack of reason & logic. They never seem to realize what pawns they have been & how they have driven a wedge thru society
  6. What you say is true & obvious in places like the UK or Israel,Gibraltar etc But as for the current vac getting replaced by more effective I doubt it unless they also find a vaccine for the common cold or HIV Because Covid is the same...a virus that mutates so quickly trying to immunize against it is akin to a dog chasing his tail But of course it will never be admitted & instead claims will appear to be true year after year as each "more effective" flu shot is released each & every year
  7. Well in 2016 we decided it was no longer "The Place" to live for various reasons.. but, We still have a home there & usually do 3 months a year which is great. Unfortunately this whole Covid deal put a damper on that. Hopefully it will reopen without hoops soon That said we do live in what most would call paradise & none would feel sorry for us being here as our main home BUT.......I have to be honest....Thailand just has something that we both miss.... a lot....Not a week goes by that we don't wonder about moving back full time. Which is really odd because as I said we both agree we are in a better place. Better everything really but Thailand has a feel to it that is just hard to replicate & it has nothing to do with prices, food etc etc But anyway......We feel this now that we have been locked out of our home there for two years. But when we have our three months a year there it is quite perfect then we are Thai-Urd as we say & are happy to leave & return here...So hopefully we will soon get back to that part time LOS ????
  8. Thailand just went the wrong way on this reopening. There are few countries in the world that can quickly develop a online app to handle entry & Thailand is not one of them 10k applied...4k issued??? Think that is good? What will happen if any real traffic starts?? (Not too worry real traffic will not come while all these hoops exist) Look at their history of online apps....90 day check in online...Look at the Chiang Mai Que system for visa extension appointments....all blew up Not to mention data breach etc etc Thailand either open or don't....Look at other countries like USA or some parts of Europe see how it is basically back to what it was before C19? If your feeling sheepish then forget it & the income it provides If you want to reopen.... REOPEN But please don't half a$$ it
  9. Not of interest to myself but a buddy pointed these out Bitcoin is largely controlled by a small group of investors and miners, study finds Mr Goxx, the crypto-trading hamster beating human investors
  10. I always thought Splenda was interesting in how it works That chlorine part is also why many cannot eat Splenda as it causes bumps on their tongues ???? But at the end of the day like I said it is not so much what goes in IMHO but the excessive amount modern day non exercising folks take in Lastly I have never been convinced using artificial sweeteners & thinking it was some kind of victory over sugar was a plus...Nor those who say honey vs sugar is a victory either But then again I have been a cyclist /triathlete most of my life. I see foods...all of them...as fuels & they all have there place At the end of the day no need to be extreme just intelligent about what goes in & especially how much goes in compared to how much is needed/being burned etc. at the end of the day It is really quite simple to be healthy especially if you enjoy it
  11. True & thanks for the reminder I just kinda rushed that But you bring up an important fact about actual weight equalizing things (mostly)
  12. This is the whole problem with "modern" diets/fads You do not need to "Give Up" anything. Also it is most unlikely to be sustainable for life This is why countries like America sell more exercise equipment/diet books/vitamins etc etc yet have a big population full of fat people They quit this or quit that see results....of course but more likely because you cut portions/calories etc Then it is not sustainable & they pig out lose hope yada yada yada Truth is portion control/ healthy foods & EXERCISE is what keeps folks fit & healthy People like to think they can quit this or that & suddenly their healthy...sorry they usually are far from it As you get fitter you will automatically tend to focus more on better fuels & on it goes PS: before anyone asks I am not saying meats & cheeses & sugars in high amount are good for you But there are cheeses like say Mozzarella if eaten in modest amount are fine Same with lean cuts of meat/pork/chicken/fish etc etc But all this NO Carbs or NO Sugar or NO meats....yeah good luck with the yo-yo effect that follows ???? Not to mention if your doing any endurance exercise what you will be missing fuel wise.
  13. I actually always said our generation was super lucky Most of us just missed the Vietnam War & like you said no WW's But as others have said it aint over yet ????
  14. Truth is they probably don't care as they will smelt it & make jewelry...although of course the krugs,maples,eales etc are 99.9 not 96.5% pure like Thai gold
  15. Thailand....a nice place to visit...a bad unhealthy place to live...Sorry we love it & own a home there but would never live full time again in that cancer cloud
  16. Ah shades of 2008 USA before Financial Collapse These banks do realize they are not too big too fail? When customers all start sending in "Jingle Mail" (house keys to homes they are defaulting on ) like they did in the USA I do not think they can print their way out of it as the USA being the world reserve currency did Not that the USA is any shining example of how to handle debt with their kick the can down the road policies ????
  17. I would steer clear of empty condos , especially way up on 36th floor If condos are empty maintenance is neglected...none are using stairs to get to the 36th floor ;)
  18. Sadly it is not just the foods.... Ever notice how many cancer patients in many rural farming villages? Ever notice how shallow the ground water wells are in those villages? My SIL next door...her well water surface is probably 6-8 feet/2-3 meters max from surface So pretty much any poisons used on crops perk down into the ground water Add to that things like the nice fogging that goes on many village streets to control mosquitoes etc etc Last but not least the yearly air pollution months & well you have a quite unhealthy life...but hey ????
  19. Yeah for sure...sometimes my sister & I would talk/imagine what it was going to be like in the year 2000 Maybe like the Jetsons with flying cars etc ????
  20. Yes I can imagine...I think you might find that often these days in many countries....Like Thailand for example & the hassle with US citizens opening bank accounts sometimes. I think it is more a result of other countries hassling countries that were once considered neutral/safe havens etc to alert them to xx citizens stashing cash etc
  21. I think as long as they require insurance, COE, Covid tests and vaccines it will be a failure. They should follow with other major countries & allow fully vaccinated entry with just a preflight test in their home country Anything more will not likely be tolerated by visitors. Of course those who need to travel due to family etc will always travel as will the sexpats of course
  22. The private hospitals are very nice & prices although creeping up to match the west are still lower at this time I actually find the private hospitals cleaner than their western counterparts & the staff surely more polite & gentle/caring BUT........While great for testing etc anything major should have a second opinion & even a third out of Thailand if possible I hate to say this but in my own experience Thai hospitals are like all other Thai businesses...They see a westerner & they do attempt to take advantage. I was actually told I need an operation asap that would have cost 450k baht I got a second opinion from a highly recommended Thai specialist ...who basically just read the report from the well known Bangkok Hospital & agreed period. I flew back to the USA & they laughed at me when I explained. To this day 5 years later I still have not had that operation or any ill effects from not having it. So beware...I was really sorry that happened because I always thought after years of living in Thailand, speaking, writing & reading Thai that there were certain things I could count on....meaning medical examinations/ doctors but I was wrong, & it really was a kick in the teeth...broke my heart
  23. 555 Anything is possible right? You know how JF Kennedy's father made a killing in the 1929 stock markets? He was having his shoes shined one day as was the fashion back then you sat up high on a perch & read the paper while the shoeshine guy shined your shoes Well the shoe shine guy knew Mr Kennedy was a high roller in the markets & said to him he was also now investing & his friends were too & had some tips to share Well Joe knew it was time to exit the markets then & there because everyone was agreeing it only had one place to go...up Joe increased his sizable wealth 10x by getting out & coming back after the crash to pick up things at their lows Estimates say he went from 30 million during the 20's to 4 billion inflation adjusted after the great depression There is more to this true story than buy low sell high....It is beware irrational exuberance like the plague ???? PS: It is not in my case a thinking that buying gold is better but in my case I see what 11 trillion market cap affords & what less than a trillion affords...I am not interested in extreme volatility & I like things that keep pace with inflation as PM's always have for hundreds of years. PM's can be seen as a hedge against inflation while you can also make use of the large market cap & G/S ratios to make a lot of money
  24. Granted that Man was a POS but...to tar the whole foreign resident base with that brush ? Meanwhile how many white tourist women have been raped or killed by Thai men especially on the islands like Koh Tao ?? What form of tracking was added to fit those profiles?
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