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Posts posted by zerod1

  1. Thanks for the replies.

    I believe that the casinos are situated between the Thai and Cambodian immigration points, in 'no man's land' so to speak, and we had passed these places. We were trying to get the stamp to enter Cambodia, and she was by my side, i was clearly on a visa run, and the guy let me go through and stopped her. He clearly said "No Thailand people in Cambodia"

    I thought this confusing, because a travel ban usually would make the news.

    But there is one more mitigating detail that may have something to do with it. When I was getting my Visa at the VOA office, we were constantly being hassled by the police for 100 baht for this and 100 baht for that. My girlfriend was doing most of the talking which was, "NO" and "WHAT FOR?" and "GO AWAY".... So I think they radioed ahead and got her blocked from entering.

    Thais do not need a visa for entry to Cambodia. That is confirmed by the sign in the VOA office that states Thais... fee exempt.

  2. What the hel_l would you know about anything.... Do you think i just met this girl??????

    I known her for years actually. I also live within her family unit on a daily basis.... Why do you think every Thai person is a liar and a cheat, I never mentioned she did charity work, i said she DONATES to charitable causes you total dick.

    Go and find yourself a pay per night girl, as it seems to me, that is what you are constantly surrounding yourself with. Because, like mrdeedee, you seem to enjoy sitting there at your little pc, picking apart other peoples posts, and getting totally off topic so that you can offend someone....

    We all know why people sit on forum sidelines waiting to offend other innocent people........imagine we were having this convo sat in a bar.... would you or mrdeedee chip in with the same contributions????.. hel_l no..

    You would be far too aware that YOUR TEETH WOULD BE KNOCKED STRAIGHT DOWN YOUR THROAT. So you sit in relative safety and anonymity in your little aircon apartment with the curtain drawn and your door firmly locked.

    Or maybe i am wrong... you are actually that person who came to Thailand once, for 3 weeks and humped your brains out continuously because you can't get a girl at home. That has made you obsessive about Thai girls.

    Fortunately, i am not like you. I am living in a beautiful house on the cheap. I have a fantastic missus. Who has a fantastic family. I know this, i been part of it for years.

    what would YOU know.

    Seems to me.... people like you are missing 3 things.




  3. how can a girl making 6300-after deductions 4 charity - afford to buy a house and travel..................as usual the poster is not telling the whole story.

    Maybe she's well off to begin with?


    possible........maybe grandparents funded a generous trust fund for her benefit:lol: :lol: . but if she is well off to begin with why work for 8300 a month? she could do better for mankind if she worked some kind of social organization for the betterment of thai peeple.

    Tut Tut... mrdeedee

    Maybe I already mentioned, I pay for the mortgage because it is CHEAPER than renting the same sort of newly built 3 bedroom detached house in very nice quiet area.

    She paid the deposit from savings, and yes, even on 8300 a month a Thai person with simple demands is able to save. seeing as she lives with her parents, has no rent or bills and food to buy. She dosn't drink or smoke, and so is able to save around 5000 per month comfortably. meaning she can travel now and then and save for things like deposits on houses.

    Maybe i already said... She has a masters degree in business and accountancy, so maybe she is more than a little good with figures and finance.

    Maybe i already told you that in my original post, maybe I AM telling you the whole story. Maybe i was also commenting in a topical way as to the original post, Maybe you spend all your time adding comments that have never got anything to do with the op or original discussion. Maybe people need to click on your profile and read your contributions to the forum, maybe the only thread you ever started was questioning what a girl does who sits outside the local 7/11 and wondering if she is a bargurl (to quote YOUR spelling).

    Maybe you have a twisted perception of everything you see around you, that always seems to morph itself into wandering if any of the main players in this story are lying on their backs for cash from farangs.

    Maybe you have an obsession with the bargirl culture side of Thailand, maybe you have an obsession with sex for sale, maybe it has totally taken over your life and direction of thinking.

    Maybe you are obsessed with how every female in Thailand gets their money, maybe....just maybe, you should go home, because i am not the only guy on here who thinks you have an unhealthy obsession with prostitution, in my book that is worrying. After all, the only people who had a twisted and sick perception of women and prostitutes mostly turned out to be serial killers. You and others should be worried, very worried.

    Read his posts.

  4. Oh yes.. mrdeedee

    I read a few of your posts earlier.

    You are that 'member' that seems to get off by looking for posts that have the text string containing the words either "wife" or "girlfriend". So that you can make lurid little aspersions about them.

    Actually, she does not worry too much for money, she has no need. She is totally happy, has a nice home, gets to travel, owns her own newly built house.

    Happiness is worth more to her than money.

    For the record, she would never lower herself to accept a penny from me. She pays her way always. The only thing i pay her is rent. Because i live in the house she owns. So my rent pays the mortgage, which is actually cheaper than i would be paying to rent a similar property in this area.

    She has no lust for money. She probably donates 25% of her salary to temples and casket donations. She actually has a very good heart.

    So there is no need to offend her integrity with your sordidly perverted mind.

    Grow up, and start some of your own threads instead of sniping from the sidelines of other posts and coming out with totally (irrelevant to the topic) bullshit.

  5. Lol.... 18 years old? I am trying to visualize this lad.

    Moving to Thailand?

    With a backpack?

    A leaf in the wind I think. The most intelligent thing you came out with was coming on here to ask for advice, because you are obviously totally unprepared, as well as not sure of what you want to do. Are you just coming here to do a little backpacking?.. Or are you moving here? (To me)... moving here means, emigrating.

    By international law, the company selling you the one way ticket, should be checking that you are eligible to gain entry to the destination country . It is my belief that they are not allowed to sell you such a ticket unless you have formally declared (or shown proof) that you have the ability to leave that country under the restrictions of that countries immigration laws.

    Obviously you are coming here on a tourist visa, which you can get here when you arrive for 30 days. Beyond that, (and again I am trying to visualize) as an 18 year old fresh faced youth, trying to get your visa renewal may be a little tougher than you think, seeing as you make a little money.

    I'm not trying to be critical, but saying this from experience. I was the same as you at 18 and I am now 45. I know, there is a big difference between the reception a middle aged farang can expect from a Thai immigration official and the reception you can expect. as a young kid. For starters, They don't bat an eyelid at the middle aged variety and always assume there are plenty of funds in tow. You however have a very good chance of being asked to produce proof of being able to support yourself.

    Forget telling them about you making money online. This could land you in big trouble if you were to let slip that you maintain this from a PC in Thailand. They will class that as illegally working, and you will be in that immigration detention center before your feet touch the ground, (at worst) and ear-marked for deportation back home.

    I think you need to do a lot more studying my friend . Come here for 30 days, then make up your mind... Carry credit cards, and have a printout of your most recent bank balance. DO NOT MENTION YOUR ONLINE DEALINGS!! If you are broke, don't come here on a one way (if you got one).

    Always tell your parents when you will be back home.

  6. Truth is, there are no hard and fast rules on salaries in Thailand.. You can't say a shop worker is expected to command this amount, while an accountant is expected to command that amount.

    My girlfriend is a university graduated accountant, she has a masters in business studies and accountancy, she is also 2 years away from her doctorate. Meaning she may (if she wanted) assume the title of Dr. before her name. As it stands, she is qualified to teach accountancy and business at college level. However, she works at Nakhon Ratchasima College in the accounts department on 8300 THB per month.

    She is a fluent English speaker and writer, and can also speed type on a keyboard faster than than anyone i ever saw, IN BOTH LANGUAGES.

    Her brither (3 years her junior) works in BKK at a bank on 18,000 PM. Her father is a teacher at a local government school on 55,000 PM and her brother in law works at Home Pro on 18,000 PM.

    She is by far the most highly educated (academically) in her family. Yet earns by far the lowest wage. She has worked at that college for 5 years and gets around 300 THB PM salary increase per year.

    It is very true, that you need a university degree as a minimum requirement to work in what most would consider a job that a school leaver would be expected to do for the first few months after leaving school while they decide where they want to work.

    So I am stumped as to how to evaluate what would constitute as an average (expected) wage.

    I keep on and on at my girlfriend to quit the job and go out there and fulfill her potential, and use her qualifications for ALL they are worth, but she loves her job, and her friends there, and really, she see not much value in money or material things. She really only got the academic achievements to make her parents proud of her.

    But to end.. like i said earlier.. no hard and fast rule. it's a very confusing picture for me, but it seems to be worked out on a number of the following factors.






    and above all, The Company you work for.

  7. Well, I called in to Poi pet land border today to pump my 60 day double entry to its second use.

    I went with my Thai girlfriend (as always). Everything happened as normal. We encountered the numerous hustlers, hasslers, begging kids and 'vip visa agents'

    Exited the kingdom with no problems as usual, steered our way around the 100 baht service fees at every stage. All was totally as per the norm until we got to the Cambodian passport control. Then a Cambodian police officer (bribe/service fee/border tax collector), waved my girlfriend over, and asked to see her passport. He opened it, flicked through it and thrust it back at her and said "NO THAILAND PEOPLE!!".

    I thought this was strange, i don't recall reading or hearing anything of a travel ban for Thai citizens into Cambodia. Maybe I have missed something. I have been pretty busy lately, and not entirely 'in the loop'.

    I know there is a lot of bad feeling about border disputes and the recent day of protest that the Cambodians held. What happened since? If they want to turn their backs on Thailand totally, then why did i see the constant (one way) stream of commercial vehicles taking 'Thai' manufactured goods and produce over the border, that helps keep Cambodia from slipping back into the stone age?

    Let's face it... Where would Cambodia be without any form of relations with this Kingdom? A lot worse off me thinks. Open the border up properly and stop behaving like children. It's embarrassing almost.

  8. Come on.... If this report has any substance, the true evaluation of the law system seems to be getting a bit bent out of shape, for the want of a bit of finger pointing. The report clearly states that he was ARRESTED, REMANDED, and is undergoing a THOROUGH INVESTIGATION, he has also has (at least) 10 appeals for bail rejected. Doesn't this tell us that the justice system is not for sale? This guy is obviously filthy rich, so why didn't he get the opportunity to pay his way out of prosecution as soon as the Old Bill banged on his door?

    This report and (more than a handful of replies) seems to pour total dejection onto the entire legal processes present today in Thailand, in an almost generalising sense. Truth is, this report (without reading between the lines), obviously displays to us, that the legal system is in fact honourable to the law in general, and there are the 'odd bad apples'. That is putting the odd crack in it.

    This report lost it focus after the 2nd sentence, and launched an attack on actually quite a good legal infrastructure, instead of the real bones of the report, which should read more like... Oh no, not another twisted deviant dragging the word farang through the mud again here in Thailand.

    I wasn't aware of this forum when Paul Gadd was doing the rounds. I wonder what his alias was?? Probably something stupid like Gary Glitter or something. But lets be fair and as legal systems go, you just have to look at the UK system, if you got money, you get off light, if you are broke, you're in the clink. Believe me, it's as true as the nose on your face. That's one system you can say is GENERALLY crap and unfair.

  9. Hi you don't use the debit card, you need to go back to the bank and ask for a K-web shopping card, this is a virtual (non physical) Visa card...

    They will ask you for your email address, and with 24 hours they will set it up. They will email you a link and a password. Go to kasikorn website and get into the internet banking link and on the left of the screen you will have options.. choose 'K-web card' option, this will open up a menu with a few more specific options. Click 'view card details' This will display all the info you want... the card is registered as a Visa credit card, and is good for a certain preset amount of usage.. the default being 100,000 baht, but i think you can change this limit to whatever.

    It is also great for being able to change the number any time you wish... if ebay boots you off for selling fake footy shirts for instance... you can register another ebay account in minutes after you change the credit card details.. i think there is a charge of 100 baht for changing the number (but don't quote me).

    To do this, you just click 'cancel card', and then click on create new bank card, and in 24 hours you will have a new card with totally different card details.

    I hope this has been helpful.

  10. Hi

    I really do not want to bore everyone with a 5000 word post, although all the info would probably take that up (comfortably).

    I am based in Nakhon Ratchasima. I am originally from the UK. and I have been into the internet scene for a long time.

    I have been working on a particular project now for about 7 months and am finally doing the last minute tuneups. I have spent a lot of time and money on this project and as such, my reserves are starting to run out. i really do not want to relocate away from Korat, as i have my fiance here with me.

    I have already tested the website with the Thai users, and even though there is not a huge credit card carrying or paypal account holding community, the concept went down very well with just a very moderate promotion around the web boards. This then gave me the green light to push it over to my native land.. I rolled out the website in the UK 2 weeks ago, and again, I only gave it a little push... mostly through posting ads in Gumtree with a link to the website. Results were, i had 400 unique visitors on the first day, of which 14% registered with the website, and 10% bought a credit pack (credits are the website currency). This is totally remarkable for a day 1 considering the feeble marketing. The average pageviews per visitor is 4.09 which is also very good.

    Anyway, I have just left that to one side and concentrated on a globalization program. i will have the website live in the USA by the end of this week, and in Australia and NZ within the following 2 weeks.

    I have also had the website transcribed into Chinese (400 million with access to the internet). The program over the next 3-4 months will see the website go live in 11 different countries including all the English speaking ones.

    Now my problem. I somewhat lack the funds to set up a decent marketing campaign, this is particularly frustrating, because this concept is actually still very fresh in the internet domain, and i really want to be one of the first really big players. I certainly do not want to be left behind while all the copycats overtake me, and leave me in the dirt picking up the crumbs.

    The website concept basically would have 3 income streams.

    credit pack sales (50% profit)

    Item sales (average 22% profit)

    Advertising (TBC)

    This is a very lucrative opportunity for anyone who wants to make it big in the IT game. I would prefer my partner to be a farlang with English as a first language, for communication purposes. Also, because i think westerners are just better at business, and are more flexible and not at all stuck in their ways. I am only looking for around 250,000 TBH which for this sort of project, is amazing value considering i am willing to farm out 35% equity to the partner.

    I am not looking for a silent or sleeping investor, i do want to see some action and participation. i work up to 16 hours a day on this and I need my sleep. Globalisation is just going to make me a lot busier.

    Please PM me for more details.

    I would rather not put a link to the website here, it is not professional to do that in the public domain, for these sort of purposes.

    Thank you

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