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Posts posted by Dakhar

  1. Please read what has been posted Sokal.

    The 2 boyfriends relate to someone else - not the OP.

    Your orange-tinted glasses are obviously affecting your vision :lol:

    Your jealous that your country is out already (even though your right about Sokal)

    Mai chai robblok. :) My country is exactly where it deserves to be. :(

    Good luck to Holland - i think a Holland vs Spain final would be very entertaining.

    The fact that she is so desperate to sell the property, indicates to me that some thing is not on the "up and up."

    I currently have situation similar to this, except I did not buterfly around and I aint from England. The wife informed me of her relationship after I placed 100,000 USD down on a 7.7 M Bht house.... now the house is up for sell....

    I wish us all luck

    But as others have posted, the land my not be the victim's but the house very well could be, or at least a share of the house is. "thus sayeth my divorce atorney"

  2. Why not make a formal complaint I know rolling on the floor laughing but if you have private bank account details and instructions this would be a prime opportunity to get the press involved and write letters print his details and make an issue of it hel_l post it on Abhisits facebook page and let him now

    If abhisit is going to start cleaning things up he can start with your one

    If you are telling the truth that its a broken tel and have legitimate receipts and are being honest nothing will change until everyone that has an issue liek this complains and now there is a direct route to the PM (facebook) use it as a complaint for all the Corruption

    Laughable yes but if you dont do shit and just accept the fact you have lost money then Som nom Nah

    What are the chances that his complaint will come to haunt him even more later. Disgruntled customs official might want to extract some revenge ph34r.gif

    Yes this was my thoughts also,.

    You guys must be either Thai or have lived here long enough to start thinking like them.

    Because this is exactly the attitude that festers corruption.

    Yep, it festers corruption, but also promotes longevity...

  3. Another reason not to bring her to your homecountry is the risk that she might find out that not all westerners have disabilities.

    Oh so true. :lol:

    Like women everywhere, there are the good and the bad, and all those in between... same as men. Do I enjoy making love to young, beautiful women? Sure. Am I so stupid as to believe that they love me? No. That is precisely why I won't have a steady relationship with a woman... anywhere. I don't need to pay off another wife who suddenly decides she wants to "find herself". What an older man can have in Thailand he certainly can't have in western countries. And, I don't mean prostitution. That is an entirely different subject.

    There have been some good answers to what could be a dangerous topic. Dangerous in the fact that it could go off the rails and get closed. I agree with the OP that it is a big risk bringing a Thai wife to another country. And especially so if there is a big discrepency in their ages. Thais don't assimilate as well as some other Asians... such as Filipinas.

    My Thai wife decided she had to go off and "find herself." Why is it that "finding oneself" means finding oneself in some one elses bed?

  4. At a party, the Director of the USIS Center once asked me if I met my wife at a bar. I could have done a few nasty things to that person....

    I think I can beat that. I was selling the house and showing this couple around. We were at the top of the stairs and she asked me why i was selling. So I told her I wanted to go and live in Thailand...." Before I could add to be with my wife. She interupted and said "Why are you going there? For the Paedophillia." It took all my self control not to push her down those bloody stairs.

    Don't take it so hard, she was just deflecting the fact she weighed well over 4 stones her husband. Women do that....

    As far as the question regarding price...

    Just say, "Well, I don't like to brag, but your sister was a bargain."

  5. Not so sure our American friends will appreciate the following quote!

    "Kiat recalled Thailand's reaction to the September 11, 2001 attacks when "our friends were in trouble."

    "Do we have concern that from now on we should advise our people not to come to the United States? Are we concerned that the United States government cannot handle the situation? Certainly not," he said."

    "Advise our people not to come to the US....." I don't think the US would give a flying fig if they did....

  6. While the teachers may not be of the highest quality, one should also consider the quality of the tests. I've seen Thai language tests in mathematics and physics. These tests are very difficult, and I went to a top 20 grad school for physics. The level of difficulty of the questions is roughly equivalent to 2nd or 3rd year university, some even higher.

    My strong suspicion is that the tests themselves are the largest part of problem. These tests are written by individuals holding PhDs, most of whom obtained their post-baccalaureate credentials abroad. They are out of touch with what a high school level course should consist of. The most able Thai teachers tend to set excruciatingly difficult tests for their students, expecting an average of about 30% and then curving the results.

    Yes, Yes.... lets lower the bar, that should make it all better!!!!

  7. I'm guessing you're not a troll, by your membership date... What did the "female" look like? A "Tom Boy?" Because a katoey would always, or at least when ever I have the unfortunate experience of running into one or hear them speaking, they try to speak in the female tense; ka. But I have heard "Tom Boys", butch lesbians speak in the male tense; "krop." We call them butch dykes in the US. They even have a group called dykes on bikes: Motorcycle Club. To each is his or her choice, I guess. Best wishes and good luck in "love" to everyone!!!

    Im from the us and we called them "bull dykes"

    same same, but different


    Not only Thais but "farangs" love this city. It is our home. And when we all saw it being politically"interrupted" for two months, we tried to be tolerant. We acted civilized as one would in any DEMOCRACY. Not getting into a political debate here, but 99% of us would not approve of the damage the "thugs" did to damage OUR city. Not to sound sappy, or slurpy, or dramatic, it would be a good move if the city officials had "We Love Bangkok Day" where we would show up at Luphini park to show our support for a better, reconciled city . A gathering of all "Bangkokians" showing each other support would psychologically get us looking positive for BKK's future. Yes, though I am a "farang",this is where I work, this is where I live. I want to go out and help to rebuild, clean up the city... to feel that Bangkok has not been defeated by these barbarians that did damage to the city.

    Understand your position, but pls try also to see things from a different angle.

    First time, and I would say finally, Thailand has awaken and it has seen how divided is the society, Bangkok has finally noticed that there are also upcountry people with their own rights and interests, people who have always been left behind and looked down by the richer and more educated urban folks.

    It was painful, but let's hope this will not just go down in history as an isolated episode, a bad dream, because if this mistake is done, the next awakening could be much worse...

    Time to understand that Bangkok is not Thailand and Thailand is not only Bangkok.

    Time for the politicians to understand that they cannot go to ask for the votes of the upcountry people during elections and then forget about them when they are back in their seats at the Parliament.

    It's the 21st Century, there is no space for a society from the middle ages.

    Thailand needs more than one "economic hub" in order to help spread the wealth and for folks to obtain more of a significance all over this country. But hey, don't listen to me.... I just a falang

  9. Yea, they were born with a devastating impairment, one that often times crushes an individual's ability to ever achieve anything of real worth, what is your excuse?

    I think the stat is the average deaf American earns 50% less than poverty level. I can only expect those stats to be worse here in Thailand.

  10. It's definitely not a scam....at least not these guys because I've seen them on back streets playing chess and dominos signing to each other. The measals thing is interesting, but, as someone pointed out, it doesn't explain the gys in their 20's.

    On another note, it is very common to have hearing and deaf siblings. This is just an assumption, but their may be hearing peddlers mixed in with the deaf peddlers, that are actually family members of them. So they sign just as any deaf can, but also hear. Thais culturally, have very tight family bonds, and it would make some since for a hearing family member to be near by to help out in times of need.

  11. About eleven years ago I was buying some street trinkets from a young deaf girl who had her back to the busy traffic on Sukhumvit.In the

    middle of our transaction the sound of screeching tires,followed by the crushing sound of two vehicles impacting within thirty feet of us

    restored her hearing in an instant. BUSTED!

    Busted, as in how? Deaf clinically, is a hearing loss above 90dB. Hearing impairment has several degrees such as slight, moderate, severe and profound. Profound is usually considered "Deaf."

    A pre-lingual hearing loss of around 50-60dB, would essentially place a person in the world of being functionally deaf. There are many reasons for this, one of which is that on average we speak at around 50-55dB. Thus, a person with a hearing loss around such levels would hear essentially no part of the conversation. But any sounds above 60dB, such as a car impact, screeching tires, train, a plane at take off, etc etc.... the person would hear those sounds (environmental sounds).

  12. I am an Audiologist working in Thailand, so I kind of have a "feel" of what is going on in the deaf community.

    Thailand, as a nation is surprisingly advanced when it comes to dealing with the hearing impaired.

    First, hearing aids are offered for free every 3 years as a benefit for those employed with the govt. I think that benefit stretches out to family members also.

    Cochlear implants, that cost on average 30+K USD (1+Million Baht) are also offered as a govt benefit.

    Thailand has residential schools for the deaf, that are often times tucked away in some beautiful remote locations in the mountains or a long beach front property, with scenic views much like a resort would have.

    That said, what does concern me, from what I can tell, there is little to no employment opportunities for the hearing impaired/deaf after graduation. What I would like to see is a cottage industry wrapped around the deaf society, offering them employment, areas to live, essentially creating a deaf community.

    We see this in the states, where the deaf "corner the market" in certain areas of employment. (ie printing industry)

    Where Thailand lacks dismally is in the area of training Audiologists. Thailand has about 30 practicing audiologist in the nation. They had this same number 30 years back.

  13. Thank you Oh Great America. What would we do without your guidance? :)

    Every time your ass is in the vise you come running and begging to us Yanks.

    With out us you be speaking German right now :D

    And you did not join in until Dec 1941 when the Japs attacked Pearl Harbour.

    Mr Winston Churchill was very happy. You also made a lot of money out of it.

    The American solution would be very simple and quick. Simply carpet bomb the country destroy everything and if people get in the way that is thier problem. Two days problem solved. The yanks would then wander around patting themselves on the back saying how they saved another country from ruins. I don't think Thaialand is ready for the brutality of the USA.

    Yep, it is simply amazing the amount of destructive force we have at our finger tips.

  14. It would be wise for both sides to ask for and use (perhaps privately so Thailand can save face as an independent nation) the assistance of USA mediation -- after all, a country like the USA which has 250+ years of experience in democracy may have some good experience and ideas; whereas Thailand has less than 80 years, and all of it fraught with coups, tension, and conflict. Thailand should realize it is in the infancy of democracy and needs to understand how to deal with it.

    Ah, democracy US-style...

    Do you mean like George W, got into power the first time having lost both the electoral and the popular vote?

    Or are you referring to the fact that they threw out the British?

    Or the conflict between North and South?

    Or to the fact that they wiped out as many of the Indian tribes?

    Or to the use of slaves?

    Wouldn't think Thailand needs that kind of solution. The USA has many great qualities, and I have close family who are American, but your suggestion is not a good one.

    Keep talking about the great abuses committed by the US...Do you recall the manner in which the British treated the Indian people? Thankfully for you that you are not speaking German today.

    Nothing wrong with speaking German. I believe only one vote decided which language the USA would adopt as its national language and the language which missed out was German.Anyway I suggest you learn Spanish as it will the USA's language of the majority in the near future.As always "GOD" bless America.

    I believe you have no idea what u are talking about. There is NO official language in the USA, and trust me, if there was one, would would not select a language spoken by a former enemy.

  15. Thanks for reminding me...headed back to the US next week for a variety of reasons...filing taxes is one (I also have to do my mothers!).

    Just out of curiosity, have you ever heard of someone getting nailed for this? I don't mean a rich person...but a normal guy with say, $25k in an account in Thailand? Again, I am going to file for sure, but just curious if you have ever heard of this. Kinda like asking if you have ever heard of a farang losing their house as it was in an "illegal" company structure.

    I don't think I have been "nailed" for this, but I can say that I did report the accounts and the money etc, and the IRS sent me a letter requesting "further information" regarding these acounts etc etc. I gave the info (rather minor, a missing signature on a form) and I have not heard from them since. I haven't really hidden any money to speak of, but if they want to nail people on "compliance" and not actual tax evasion well then I imagine there is a lot of money to be generated.

    Obama did say he was going to "mine" expats (so to speak) & looks like he is holding true to his word. I don't mind so much, but I just don't like feeling some one is pointing a gun at my head in order to do so.

  16. I suggest you move your assets out of Thailand, and the next time she says she will get 40 million, just let her know 50% of zero is zero.

    She is flexing her muscles in public trying to make u feel small & above all, in front of your children. You have the power, and I hope it is all in the bank, so just move it to Singapore etc, and put her on an allowance. (that is if u want to stay with her in the first place)

  17. You learn something new everyday. :)

    Intrigued by the Sanyo 69.... :D

    I had a SanHo 69, it didn't work very well and so I tried to return it... I got the typical, u broke it u buy it nonsense.

  18. Btw Heng, look at the way the government's plan of action changes every 2 days as the ball gets passed back and forth due to obvious infighting. The Red shirts are a movement with a sole faction, the yellow have 3: Military, Democrats, Economic/Elites. The needs/wants/goals of this Triumphant are going to vary and not always be in line each other.

    The reds just haven't had the opportunity to show how out of sync they can be (once they are in power). It's akin to how country folks behave once they discover that one of their relatives has won the lottery/has received a large inheritance/court settlement/etc. Everyone suddenly finds a reason to visit said relative with their own interests in mind. Said relative is typically broke again a few years down the road.


    Well seing how Thailand is broke, been broke, and always will be broke.... it shouldn't make much of a difference who is in power. But yes, u do have a point.

  19. reds are all over bangkok.

    on can find them everywhere .

    they are ubiquitous.

    you are not new to thailand, are you?

    who serve you your beer in the bar?

    who brought you your breakfast in your hotel?

    who launfdry your clothes?

    who ferry you across bangkok to bring you to work and play?


    STOP THIS false allegation against the red shirts....

    in fact, like you, farangs are looked down by the yellow shirts generally....

    especially the farangs who try too hard to molly-cuddle up to the thai elites......namely, the yellow shirts.......

    of course without saying a word, the yellow thais just smile it away.....as a cheap thrill they can do without from the farang.....

    so stop saying xenophobia come from the red shirts who actually thinks farangs are their saviours....... :):D:D:D:D:D:D

    I dont think ANY Thai would ever feel a farang is their savior.

  20. I must say, it is amazing how everyone ever arrested for anything always admit to their crime in amazing Thailand.

    This kind of scams have been going on for years,all around the world, still can not understand why it takes Thai police 100 000 000 loss to actually catch someone.

    Well actually most criminals do admit their guilt when caught. You have obviously never worked as an investigator on complicated white collar crimes with multiple victims and numerous locations over a long period of time. Another ignorant post.

    why is it that there has to be always someone like u who just likes to make "ignorant comments" in this forum - or just wanting to stir the pot first thing on a sunday morning as u have nothing better to contribute - suggest u get outside and take you dog or wife for a walk in the fresh air - might clear your mind - like to know why your expertise are - maybe an undercover agent for Interpol - and knows everything - about nothing

    Maybe Ausie criminals are deep down inside really honest folks that just really need a forum to speak the truth.... so during the come to jesus interview, they just spill every thing...?

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