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Posts posted by tmcard

  1. PICT0475.JPG3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, 2 Aircon, not furnished. In a quiet area, walking distance to the beach, small garden area, and about 5 km to Lotus, 3 km to Garden Int School.

    Only long term rental ( 1 Year minimum) THB 15 thousand monthly, 2 month deposit. Water, electricity and garbage collection would be separate.

    Absolutely NO Pets whatsoever ! Selling price would be at the moment THB 3,4 Million. Please call: 087 045 4857, in order to arrange an appointment, in case of interest.












  2. All these youngs will pay for your retirement.better not to screw them.

    Give me a break - no-one is paying for my retirement other than me. Every cent I have is courtesy of my Superannuation back in Oz, and it's all money that came from employers I worked for over a 30+ year period - unlike many here I'm not on any form of aged pension and never will be. When the money's gone, so am I, and I'm 100% fine with that,

    You have a clear agenda here, and that's understandable, but my advice is to keep it to yourself unless the topic specifically calls for your expertise. The whole 'digital nomad' issue is one that governments need to address, but I suspect that you already know that it only ruffles feathers here. I have zero interest in your online income stream - or the OPs - and I'd appreciate it if you didn't make sweeping statements about the provenance of my income.

    Paying for you retirement is fine, if you have your private retirement insurance, because our government pension is not all that secure anymore.

    I suppose the important part is to get some life before we get to the pension, since most of us are limited to enjoy life by then. Enjoying life while we live is what Thais and many others, not so well to do people understand. By the time we reach our pension age, most of us forgot how to enjoy life, and enjoyment is no all about money!

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  3. -snip- Their garbage collection bills and power bills would make your eyes water compared to here.

    It's not the garbage collection in the US. It's the safe, proper handling of the garbage after they pick it up that costs money.

    There's a news item running here right now about how horrid and polluting, even of ground water not to mention air, that the landfills are in Thailand.

    In the US all would be sorted into recyclables, much would be burned cleanly, and what couldn't be burned would be put into an engineered landfill that was sealed so it couldn't leak into ground water. As new garbage was put into it it would immediately be covered by earth to assure no air pollution or fires.

    Have you seen a velocity separator? I'll bet Thailand hasn't.

    Power bills. First, the Thai government subsidizes them meaning you pay for them somewhere else, perhaps in the price of cheese or VAT or import taxes or other taxes. Next the people up North such as near Lampang are getting blasted with pollution from coal burning. In the US all the would come out of the "smoke stacks" would be steam.

    If you want to pay 3rd world prices and live literally in filth that's hazardous to your health, up to you. I don't think you're living like a Thai in the US or your costs would be similar. I'm convince the US is the cheapest 1st world country there is to live in. Maybe by a wide margin.

    Right ! Looks like you haven't been around much !

  4. <snip. removed deleted post>

    People Moving back to the States , experience sticker shock because they have being away for so long, and their income structure has not adjusted to the times .

    Clearly there are things in Thailand that are less expensive than the US , housing is one, some foods is an other, but there are things in the US that are less expensive than Thailand. Cars is one that quickly comes to mind,clothing and consumer goods is an other.

    But one must keep in mind that, if one has resolved his housing issue, and has taken proper steps through his or her life to insure a proper retirement income, one can retire in the US quite comfortable,

    A Nice house can be had in Florida for about 4 million baht, low property taxes guarantied not to rise more than 3% per year . proper social support for the elderly. reliable internet, water,and electricity.With a retirement income of 60,000 baht one can live very nicely there.

    Having said that, I should also say that we love Thailand, and we still like to spend a considerable amount of time there,

    But as I get older and begin to face some of the issues associated with getting older, I am begging to also re-asses my plan to fully retire there.

    A vacation home there and a few months to get my Thailand fix will suffice in my case.

    Well, I agree there are many great things in the US, we just need to know as individuals what is most important to us. If internet ( do not have a problem in Thailand)is the reason for coming to Thailand, maybe the wrong place. Most retired people are living in Thailand for the social life, and that is a fact! Elderly in the western society are living in general a sad life, since we are all so busy with our self's. Been traveling in over 70 countries, living for years in 5 different countries, and my conclusion is that the western world has many things to learn from what we call the "THIRD World" and different cultures. I guess we are now best on looking down on people, one of our western problems.

  5. Its not about liking or not liking Americans, its about politics & politicians ! American foreign politics don't have a great reputation, which they do not want to change. I have family in the states & love the country, but u sure do have a great bunch of uneducated and brainwashed people over there, which makes it so easy for your politicians to pretty much do what they want & they seem to screw up this planet more & more. In the end its all of us paying the bill!

    Bad luck Russia. Obviously America's bribes were bigger than yours.

    OK, smart-ass, let's see your proof that the US bribed/coerced anyone to hand over Bout. Or are you just another one of the "Bash the US Because It's Fashionable and I Want To Be With the Cool Crowd of Ultra-Politically Correct/Nanny State Types"???

    Yep..there is an over abundance of these idiots on the forums. Everybody is always right except America. Everybody holds the moral high ground except Americans.

    In the minds of these nanny state morons, even Russian (the Mafia state) and the Chinese with their wonderful system of governance and sterling human right records should be supported but never America. Back the FARC, the Taliban, N. Korea., Mugabe...anybody but America....Idiots...:annoyed:

    (PS I'm not American, but I have spend a lot of time in the US and appreciate all the good stuff that is also American, so have never found it necessary to join the whining anti US bandwagon)...:angry:

  6. no mention of the scams that are more publicized either, as for the floods, do people in the UK or elsewhere even know about the floods?

    In Holland they know all about the floods, it was highlighted so much that they thought the whole country was flooded (incl, bkk)..

    Sure, because u in Holland are scared about floods & have a good reason. However, flooding has not been a real problem for tourist yet, its more the scams/rip offs which u don\t read about that much.

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