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Posts posted by travelmann

  1. Do you have any outside lighting that shines on the tank?

    My own lights are all off at night, but I never paid attention to whether maybe a neighbor's light shines on it. Why?

    Well, there are some fairly large things that fly around at night that would be attracted to the light shining off the metal tank, they don't walk around, so you would only hear the bang when they connected, plus your dog would not be interested in them (usually)

    What fairly large things fly around at night? The only bats I've seen are rather small.

    Ever seen a fruit bat.........small they aint!!

    Ive heard they drink your blood and lust after virgins???:o

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  2. When I hear both on here and in real life about some of the debacles that occur between westerners and their Thai spouses it makes me query my own normal life as abnormal.

    " So MCA, what'd you get up to at the weekend?"

    "Nothing special mate. Needed a new telephone so took a stroll down Tukcom and then had a picnic at Ubolratana Dam on Sunday. How about yourself?"

    " Well, the wife accused me of having a bit on the side on Saturday morning and went for me with a kitchen knife. After I'd been stitched up and had a blood transfusion I had to report to the police station becuase she'd filed a report saying that I hit her. On the way to the cop shop I had an accident and because I was drunk did a runner and hid in a ditch for 3 hours. Then on Sunday I was kicked out of our house due to the fact that without my knowledge the missus had remortgaged the place to pay off her gambling debts and hadn't paid the repayments for 6 months. Oh and her "cousin"is in fact her Thai husband and she's pregnant by him. Pretty quiet really"

    Cheer up at least "she loves you":lol:

  3. Apart from incredulous stupidity and idleness Ive never had any problems either..............theirs not mine:lol:

    In fact come to think of it the biggest problem Ive had is on this bloody forum being banned 3 times so far.....................oh bugger now the cats out the bag!! Still not bad for 5 years.:P

  4. In order to qualify for a gold card (it isn't a 30 Baht card anymore, it's free) you need to be resident on a blue tabien bahn. This means you need to have permanent residency. You do not need to be Thai.

    Everyone in my family (except for me) has gold cards, and everything except for optional medications are covered at no cost as long as you go to your designated government hospital. The queues are long, and the care is basic, but it is free. There is no other requirement other than to be permanently living in Thailand to qualify.

    you do not need to be a permanet residency you just need to have an address which is registed on the thai system to you ie yellow book

    Yes this is what my wife was trying to explain to me............ so do i go to ANY hospital thats opted into this scheme whats the procedure? do I have to register with them?

  5. English teacher, from milton keynes. married to a charming lady from Chakarat, a small village near Korat (where the picture was taken) The Chap seems very happy with his lot. I didn't ask if the car was in his wife's name... didn't seem appropriate. :huh:

    He will break his back in that Boxster, theyre boneshakers.

  6. Ive known a few folk who tell me their wives love them whilst I know some of them are seeing sometimes 1-2 other guys whilst "husband" is away.

    Love or like? theyll tell you what they want you to think.

  7. They sound like Dust devils that you get in the desert, Made from hot air blending with cooler air.

    Thanks for that !! I'm still learning something , not everyday but now and again.:)

    I saw a water spout a couple of years ago down near Samui I think it was

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  8. OK lets look at it from the owners viewpoint, first you wouldnt believe the amount of people that want a room off me and the first words they utter are " I will talke good care of your room Im a very clean person " blah blah blah and as i have now come to know these are usually the filthiest pigs imaginable.

    The last one who did this swore blind he was a " very clean person" so on the day of leaving we went at the pre arranged time to his room and first he wasnt in he arrived 3 hopurs later at 8 in the evening and when he opened the door the place was disgusting, stank of cigarrettes and it was a non smoking room, the bathroom had glasses in it being used as ash trays, there was rubbish all over the floor, the sink had washing up piled into it with mould on it, the remains of his breakfast were in a frying pan baked on on the cooker oh and then he proceeded after being 3 hours late to get yoghurt out of the fridge and eat it and afterwards took his stuff and left the yoghurt on the table half eaten with the spoon in................ do you think he got his deposit back?

    However having said that this is the only time I have kept a deposit in 4 years.

    You want to rent from me? :lol:

    My advice is DO BE CLEAN and careful and Im sure you will get your deposit back, in life you only hear the bad stories people without problem generally dont go on about it but the moaners although sometimes justified are more than likely like my customer above and no doubt still swearing blind about the bastard Farang and Thai who ripped him off.

    Should I post the video I took of his room after he left that we kept just incase anything happened?

    I don't know how much the deposit was but as i see it you are only entitled to keep the cost to clean the room from the deposit. Not the entire deposit. Depending on the size of the room of course but 1000 baht max.

    Nothing was broken, you said, so why did you keep the entire deposit?

    My thoughts, exactly.

    Apparently, outrage as a pretext for keeping monies owed. Certainly, the costs involved in cleaning it up couldn't amount to 1000 baht, given he admits nothing was broken.

    This is just one of many of his posts, decrying the plight of the poor landlord, suffering at the hands of tenants...ThaiVisa at its best!


    He said it was a non smoking room so i would think 1000 baht would not cover the costs of more than likely re decorating the room and cleaning all the furniture etc

    to get rid of the smoking smell.

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