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Posts posted by Honthy

  1. It is not only in Thailand. Similar incidents can be found everywhere.

    BUT, at least for me, Thailand was a secret island of peace, where the girls inhale coke and the boys water or some cases beer. 

    Smiling, living peacefully, no drugs, not too much crime  .... this picture is broken every day. The crack is getting bigger and bigger .... or maybe, I just wake up? Time to wake up?

    Please save Thailand for me...

  2. 5 hours ago, SunsetT said:

    .....And what about the 90% of diseases that science has cured?

    90 percent of what? Of those, we think we know? In the Middle Age, most of the scientists were absolutely convinced that they know 90% of diseases. In every era, the scientists are quite sure in they are in a possession of the total knowledge. Later, the scientists found new diseases and invented new things. How big is that 10 percent?

    There was a film long time ago Witches of Salem. The story was a teacher who had tried to teach materialism. On the other side, the jury used Bible as undisputed truth. To cut the long story short the advocate of the defendant made a gesture showing that neither materialism nor the Bible is considered to be better by him. 

    Now the balance moved towards sciences, but why it is sure this assumption is well based or just waiting for new inventions. 

  3. 3 hours ago, Berkshire said:

    Man, that's just evil.  I hope they catch the bastard(s).

    You may not believe. If they are Turks what I really cannot believe, the German police can catch them and the jury can make a sentence. If they are refugees no one can do the required steps. Politically incorrect even to name them. This is the situation in most of these areas. Those, who cannot believe, pay a short trip to Austria or Germany... 

  4. 1 hour ago, Tug said:

    Somebody needs a serious ass beating!

    I think this is part of the "Big Plan"

    The Mig Bombs causes tensions in the societies in Europe. One of the possible logical counter-action from the population is to vote an iron hand to drive the country out of this mess. Who will be selected, with what kind of background?  Can you guess?

  5. 13 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

    Lots of people laughing at the Thais for their superstitions. Go just about anywhere in Europe , Africa, the American First Nations and you've got just the same nonsense. African Witch doctors, Caribbean Voodoo, the Catholics, Wat Dhammakaya, the list goes on.

    It's just so much more convenient to look down on the locals I guess..............


    Please add to this list every religion incl. Judaism and materialism. The list will be perfect and not arguable.

  6. On 12/11/2016 at 8:21 AM, Chang_paarp said:


    Is it just my poor understanding of currency exchange, but doesn't that mean the THB has deceased in value against the Ringgit? It looks like the Malaysians will now get 125THB for their 10 Ringgit. Maybe this could explain the sudden interest in Malaysians to travel to the southern provinces.


    Nope. 10 Malaysian money now only 80 Thai money. Last year it was 10 MR 125 THB. Thus the Thai Baht is stable, while Malaysian ringit felt significant. The reason they connected their money to Indonesian rupiah, which  went under the water line too.

  7. On 12/10/2016 at 8:55 AM, undurraga said:

    As far as I know her aunt and I paid for the house.  I paid off the aunt's loan when she ran into "money problems" and my part was cash.  No lease.  I've got no chance of recuperating anything from this.  I did tell her to let the bank have it because I was through for paying off her loans that I was not party to. 


    You must be a good samaritan ...

  8. 38 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Which is why it's been on an upward climb for the past several years?  Can you please share with us your knowledge of why currency traders are wrong and you're right?


    I can share ;-) Currency traders are interested in relatively short time while forming a new worldwide currency with real background needs some time, but it does not mean that it will not come.  I hope I could give you exact explanation, if not, please study the relevant articles, from independent , not necessarily from the liberal sources. 

  9. 1 minute ago, elgordo38 said:

    The Chinese have for to long been making up the rules as they go along. They do not want to give an inch in regards to Taiwan but in other things they want to take a mile.


    That is a good example of national politic. Every serious country wants to fulfill their interests and considers the other interests as a marginal issue. 

    Considering the making the rules the old UdSSR and the USA  is a good example, China just started to be a big brother. Let us see every player through the same glasses.

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