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Posts posted by Exsexyman

  1. I think this is rather stylish.

    Could you link me to any news reports of the heinous crimes that Assad is accused of that are prior to the West deciding he had to go because I can't recall any off hand. Plenty after they decided but no major ones before.

    The most heinous crime of Assad was refusing a pipeline crossing his country, just after that, probably by mere chance "they" discovered he was a mass murderer.rolleyes.gif

    Which one?

    This one perhaps.



  2. The US had settled agreements with so many factions and sides etc etc. Boosted weapons all around so that its impossible to know where they have been or not. EU are just talking and hold meeting but nothing happens. Russia is doing this the easy way. A terrorist is a terrorist! Start to make Syria stable! Let iranian forces join Assads to push isis out where they will be left between Russia,syrian and iranian forces on one side and US with turkish/israelic/arabic/EU forces. That should finish them quickly. ISIS is the main goal NOW! Settle the other shit later!

    Russia is bombing and is supporting Assad's army remnants attacking the rebels who are not ISIS. Russia wants to kill off non-ISIS rebels to leave the US and Europe facing the dead end choice of ISIS or Assad-Putin-Ayatollahs-Iraq-CCP Dictators in Beijing.

    This won't fly. The Dictators Club needs to get real, first by stopping the ridiculous and absurd claim Russia and Assad are bombing and ground attacking ISIS and 'all' rebels. It is documented Russia is selectively cluster bombing non-ISIS rebels and only occasionally dropping virgins clothed in tulips parachuting down on ISIS.

    Anyone who believes Putin is indeed a tulip gardener.

    More nonsense. If Russia haven't targeted ISIS could you explain why ISIS has sworn vengeance on Russia? Could you also tell us who the good terrorists are, and how they differ from the bad terrorists. When push comes to shove they all have the same goal, they are all radical Islamists who want to impose a caliphate in Syria, a secular state where there is freedom to practice whichever religion you choose. Christians in Syria make up 12% of the population, what do you think of their chances if the people you are supporting get their way and impose their way? Sharia law etc and all that entails for those who are deemed insufficiently devout. 'Moderate Rebels' is an oxymoron in the context of the conflict in Syria, as the US have recently found out when they were forced to admit that despite spending upwards of $500 million on training and arming 'moderate rebels'. there were only four or five left, the rest went straight over to ISIS, taking their weapons and new found skills with them. Lets face it, there are probably more moderators on Thaivisa than there are moderates among the rebels in Syria!

  3. How about a better idea - get the Americans out of the Middle East? The Americans can't even keep their own schools and campuses free of violence, and they're going to pacify the Levant. What a joke.

    Let's start with you Iranians getting the hell out of countries you have no business being there,

    pull your lackeys and proxies armies out Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yeman and stop meddling

    in other countries affairs under the guise of you being the protectors of your faith, coz no

    one believe it anyway..... you're the roots of all evil in the middle east, get out and stay out

    and the region will be a better place......

    Assad specifically bombs schools in rebel areas to tell parents he will kill their children unless they cease opposing him. The Assad-Putin fanboyz don't say anything about this particular crime or any others like it. Assad does this consistently and over the past four years, time and time again to include as war policy the concomitant consistent bombing of hospitals.

    If the ayatollahs want a political solution in Syria they will have to consider what solution would be possible if they continue to place armed forces in the region in direct contradiction to US national interests, to include proxies. For instance, support of Hezbollah and the direct placing of Iranian ground troops in Syria. And especially in Syria in support of Assad and in support of Russian ground, naval and air forces in Syria that have the same reason and purpose.

    All the sanctions by the US and the EU against Iran that were in force at the time of the Agreement remain in force and shall continue to remain in force until Iran begins to satisfy the provisions of the nuclear Agreement. The Agreement goes into effect tomorrow, Sunday.

    This includes sanctions that the Agreement continues on Iran's trade in conventional arms, such as to Syria. The ayatollahs have already said they will not honor or respect the rules which means they directly risk a further extending of the US and EU sanctions.

    The United States and the European Union are also maintaining sanctions that were imposed on Iran for human rights and terrorism infractions and have said retain the option to add more sanctions if, for instance, they see Iran using armed proxies or or its armed forces aggressively in its region.

    The three governments of Iran, Russia, Syria are already under sanctions which will not be lifted and face additional new sanctions due to their military actions in Syria. If Putin thinks what he's doing will get sanctions against him lifted he's further into being mad than most people had already thought and believed.

    So Putin and Assad to include the CCP Dictators in Beijing are not doing either Assad or themselves any favors, as was reported yesterday in the Los Angeles Times.....

    With this uncertainty, many major international businesses are hanging back from doing business in Iran, for fear they will run afoul of U.S. and European regulators, with potential damage to their reputations.

    "Who is going to go into Iran, and how much, is still very much up in the air," said Adam M. Smith, a former U.S. sanctions official who is now of counsel at the Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher law firm.


    "Assad specifically bombs schools in rebel areas to tell parents he will kill their children".

    What hysterical nonsense. Where on earth do you find this rubbish? And please do not say the Syrian Observatory For Human Rights. It Is one man who hasn't been to Syria in 15 years who operates from a bedsit above a tailors shop in Coventry, courtesy of the UK Foreign Office.

  4. So the USA believes Russia has the wrong strategy in Syria. Astonishing! Russia are bombing Al Qaeda / ISIS / Islamic Jihadists, the US spent the last couple of years or so pretending to bomb them. Russia have hit many targets including several weapons and ammunition dumps. The USA's response?

    On Sunday night four US military cargo planes dropped 50 tonnes of ammunition to a new coalition of 'rebels'. On Sunday night four C-17 planes with fighter escorts dropped 119 pallets containing bullets and grenades to the Syrian Arab Rebels, an umbrella group of 'moderate rebels' who have miraculously sprung up in the wake of the humiliating admission that only 4 or five of the original 'moderate rebels' who were trained and armed were left. The rest defected to ISIS, taking their new found skills, weapons and ammunition with them. It cost the US taxpayers upwards of $500 million to find out that 'moderate rebels' in Syria are pretty thin on the ground. Yet overnight this latest bunch, the S A R have appeared, no doubt manufactured in Langley. They have suddenly found a group so moderate they are happy to drop them 50 tonnes of weapons and ammunition! Where would the Saudis like the next drop delivered to, the Taliban in Afghanistan perhaps?!

    It is quite obvious that the US are re arming their terrorist proxies who have been hit hard by the Russians. Entering Syrian airspace without permission to arm terrorists to overthrow a sovereign government is illegal and an act of war. Where are the repercussions? Where is the international condemnation? The US coalition is now openly on the same side as Islamic Jihadists/ ISIS, (that means the UK are too). So lets all cast our minds back to the youtube beheadings and say hello to our new allies. Unbelievable!!


  5. I have and enough of these companies using loopholes etc to avoid paying tax. They extract money from the economy and put jaff all back in and every single time the simple response is "well it was legal".

    Well maybe it was and the loophole needs to be closed but what about morally right and wrong?

    In these instances the UK government should step in, they are there to protect the people and work in the best interests of the country. This also goes for Tesco, the so called "king" of British retail avoiding tax over over the show,, and BHS and etc, etc,,

    Time this stopped.

    '... the UK government should step in, they are there to protect the people and work in the best interests of the country ...' They are politicians. The only time they talk of the country's best interests is when a G.E. is imminent. Otherwise, it's their best interests that take precedence.

    This is the real scandal of course, the fact that all this is perfectly legal. But you will have a long wait if you expect the Government to step in to protect the best interests of the country when the Chancellor, George Osborne and his family take full advantage of the loopholes in place. Prime Minister Cameron's family fortune was built on setting up tax havens in the Caribbean. Meanwhile millions of Britons rely on food banks, latest figures suggest that 1 in 3 families are living below the breadline, incredibly up to 60% of them are working, but being paid poverty wages. Meanwhile our politicians are fiddling their expenses, indulging in the practice of 'rent swapping' etc etc. And Facebook pay just 4,327 quid in corporation tax. It is an absolutely shameful reflection on the priorities and values of those who govern us with such arrogance and contempt. Sadly, too many people are quite happy to support them, and keep voting for more of the same from these charlatans.



  6. Do not overlook that the Russian Federal Security Bureau figures something like 2500 Russians are fighting in Syria on one of the several sides. Some may remain in Syria, some may go elsewhere, many will return with their Shiria Jihad to Russia. Putin and Russia would have to deal with this either way, but Putin throwing Russia into the mix in Syria invites and opens a long term conflict for Russia both in Syria, the ME and in Russia the mother.

    Russia's economy is tanking yet a country can't support a long term military engagement without bucks, unless of course it gains some new sources of revenue and wealth. Putin, Iran, Syria, enough of Iraq etc are aligned against the US/EU and allies such as Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the like. Putin's military buildup would, if he used all that's there right now, wipe out, say, ISIS in a short order.

    Oh the usual patriotic drivel from the same people.

    Funny how Russia did more damage inn3 days than US managed in 3 years.

    Even funnier was the upper cut Obama got and still in knock out mode.

    But to make you feel better, Russia is moving in 150 000 troops .

    Russia did more damage inn3 days than US managed in 3 years.

    Instant myth, rhetoric, PR. Add Russian bullshit and mix.

    Now come 150,000 Russian troops in to the ME in addition to Iran combat forces on the ground in Syria, China docking its single aircraft carrier at Tartus with designs to send CCP pilots on missions into Syria in the Middle East. Baghdad is aligned with Russia, Assad and the rest of 'em.

    This is already looking worse than the United States in Iraq courtesy of Bush-Cheney.

    The alarms and red lights are going off in Riyahd, Cairo, Tel Aviv, Beruit, the Gulf states, Kuwait, throughout North Africa and in Ankara which yesterday chased a Russian fighter plane out of Turkey airspace and for which Putin apologized. SecDef Ashton Carter is in Rome today meeting with all the Nato allies.

    Putin's economy is going deeper and deeper into the tank, Putin is stymied in Ukraine, so now Putin is going for broke in Syria and the Middle East.

    It's of small comfort this isn't the Guns of August nor is it Poland 1939....not yet.

    I realize for a patriot like yourself, truth does not sit well.

    Thankfully enough people have their eyes open to see the facts.

    But please continue to trump your own horn and beat your chest.

    Do not worry about Putins economy, it is not in trillions of dollars in debt, worry about yoursthumbsup.gif

    Despite your deep belief in US military superiority and Russian inferior military, Putin did more damage than the mighty US in over a year and 5 billion dollars down the drain.

    A good reason why US administration and allies have shut up and sitting quietly.

    In Ukraine, they were not so quite, now seeing just a few planes, and missiles, they do not dare to open their mouth, but a few silly statements.

    In Ukraine, they were sending more troops and money and military gear, and training and- and -and -and

    Now in Syria all over sudden they are ONLY prepared giggle.gif

    In another post Publicus quotes information he gained from the 'Syrian Observatory for Human Rights'. The SOHR was long ago exposed as a one man band propaganda front. Despite it's grand sounding title it is operated by one man, Abdul Rahman, from a small house in Coventry, a small town in the West Midlands of England. A member of the so called 'opposition' in Syria, who is funded by the EU and one other European country, almost certainly the UK. Rahman fled Syria in 2000 when two colleagues were arrested for anti government activities, and was smuggled into Britain, where the British Government re settled him in Coventry, where he set up his fraudulent one man band propaganda unit, which has now been operating for at least ten years. And people still believe that this current Syrian crisis started with a 'spontaneous' uprising by the people in 2013, with The West playing no part! Pull the other one!


  7. Johnnley has more than 1500 posts and is hardly a troll on Thaivisa even for asking a question like that,

    And the reply from boomerangutang is fair enough , who would you trust ? Not KT police station but who else?

    If someone has vital information about that guy or any other suspects who would you contact , high ranked officials in Bangkok , the defence team of B2, or some honest Thai investigators who would like to continue the hunt for suspecrs after this trial is over.


    This is so typical of the bullying on these Koh Tao threads. The post from Johnniey was certainly not a troll post, it was a reasonable question posed in a reasonable way. But anyone who dares depart from the script, who dares to question the theories of the amateur detectives is immediately deemed a troll and is subjected to abuse. Ganging up to get dissenters suspended or banned etc etc. That is what is truly sickening. This thread has now descended into a pretty much exclusive mutual back slapping club.

  8. You are a just a Commie - union delegate. Get paid for doing nothing.

    God bless Margaret T.

    "Commie - union delegate"! Oh deary deary me! You really are clueless, Margaret T caused unemployment to go through the roof so your statement that she introduced policies to reduce unemployment is clearly wrong, but if you are happy to display your ignorance on here, carry on. It gives us all the chance to feel a bit superior!

  9. xen

    I do not disagree with you.

    My knowledge in this area is quite basic.

    That's an èxcellent last sentence fang37.

    Well, poor old fang thinks that Margaret Thatcher introduced policies to reduce unemployment, when of course she introduced policies that caused unemployment to go through the roof, so perhaps he should have left out "In this area", and stuck with "My knowledge is quite basic"!

  10. So the US are complaining that Russia are targeting Al Qaeda affiliates rather than ISIS. Have they reached a deal then with Al Qaeda? Is Al Qaeda their government in waiting for the people of Syria? If you watch the videos of Russia bombing Syria you can see that the terrorist compounds they are bombing must have taken months, even years to build. Then just think how effective the US UK and France have been at 'Fighting' ISIS! They are hypocrites and liars.

  11. You will get lots of encouragement Callum in your noble cause and one important piece of advice.

    Stay off Thai roads if you value your life. Thailand eats cyclists.

    Sadly a lot of nonsense is posted on here about cycling in Thailand being a death wish. Really ridiculous stuff as cycling here is no worse than anywhere else. Sure a couple of people were killed here cycling around the world and then we had three tragic deaths in Chiang Mai. But as a regular cyclist (16,000 km so far this year), a cycling coach and so on, I can assure people that cycling here is yeah OK and don't listen to the people who continue to post ignorant rubbish here.

    You are joking of course ???

    Oh My God! Why are you people so anti?

    It's not that they are anti. To be honest by the time they have finished typing out their reply, they have probably forgotten which topic they are replying to! That doesn't matter though, it's irrelevant to be honest. Surely you have been reading this forum long enough to work out that no matter the topic, if there is any opportunity to indulge in some moronic Thai bashing, (no matter how totally irrelevant to the topic being discussed), they are lurking! This is their hobby, the driving force that gets them out of bed in the morning! Log in, scan the Thailand News Forum, ( it's always the Thailand News Forum), look for any new thread that will give them a chance to vent their spleen against all things Thai. One can only imagine the sad lives they must lead, that makes them so bitter. Yet despite this, presumably they still choose to live here. Bizarre! Take it for what it is Ian, it is a source of great amusement to many of us, i personally go straight to the Thailand News Forum and choose the topic which i think would be pretty much impossible to indulge in some quality Thai bashing and then click on it. Before i get halfway down page one the first attempt will come in, usually posted at the unearthly hour of about 6-am. Hilarious. And the same posters keep saying the same thing, they just adapt it to suit whichever topic they are replying to. But they are a gift from heaven for many of us on here, it makes us realize how lucky we are not to have suffered some traumatic experience here that could result in us having only a negative viewpoint on all things Thai! There but for the grace - - - - etc etc!

  12. Looks like the Yanks now need to "accidentally" drop even more weapons and supplies at ISIS controlled zones since otherwise their very own and new chain dog of war will be reduced to dust in no time. Toyota might also lose some of their best clients... smile.png


    Just a few weeks ago an ISIS convoy like this travelled from Iraq to Syria, it took them 6 hours, through open desert in broad daylight. Yet not a US plane to be seen in the sky, despite the fact that most US planes who are supposed to be attacking ISIS return to base with bombs still on board because there 'were not any targets'! The Russian Foreign Minister was absolutely correct yesterday when he said the US have spent the last couple of years "pretending to bomb ISIS". I well remember threads on here a year or so ago when some of us were accused of wearing 'tin foil hats', when we posted links showing that the CIA were training Islamists in Turkey and Jordan, for the sole purpose of bringing down Assad. Now it is openly admitted. Just like Tony Blair and GW Bush endlessly repeating 'weapons of mass destruction', Obama, Cameron and Hollande think that if they keep repeating, over and over again, 'moderate rebels' it will make it true. It won't. People should make up their minds, you are either against ISIS and other Islamic militants and want them dealt with, or you are not. The idea that somehow some of them should be untouchable because they are perceived to be 'useful to the West', is clearly nonsense. When push comes to shove they will be no different to the rest of them, their ultimate loyalty is to ISIS, as is proved by the fact that only 4 or 5 out of the ones trained by the US are left. There will be no equivocation from Russia, they will do what the US have been pretending to do, and take no prisoners.

  13. No matter what the far right anti-Muslim blogger posted, doesn't appear to be a radicalised convert to Islam. Expressed admiration for the guy who murdered the TV news crew in Roanoke among other weirdo opinions.

    The 26-year-old gunman showed a disdain for organized religion online, then allegedly asked victims about their faith before shooting them.


    He didn't allegedly ask anything. All the witnesses said he asked if they were Christian and shot the Christians.

    If he describes himself as a conservative republican i would have thought it quite unlikely that he carried out the shootings because he was a radical Muslim. Just because you desperately want this to be the case it doesn't necessarily follow that he was. Dreadful for the families of these young victims, they must be in pieces. Sadly these reports no longer carry any shock value, like buses there will be another one along soon. Surely by now Hallmark must have a designated condolence card for this type of event.

  14. I'm sick of the Pope thinking he has any business meddling in American politics. If they're going to execute people (which I don't happen to favor) I don't get why convicted women should get special treatment.

    Next ...

    Sadly JT you get more and more right wing with every post. Of course this woman didn't actually commit the murder, the man that did was given clemency and is eligible for parole in a few years. How can that be right? If Iran or Russia did this you would be screaming from the rooftops! Your credibility is slipping.

  15. Pathetic posturing from the French, The Anti Assad forces in Syria are all Islamic militants. There are no moderates. The US and their allies have had four years to do something about ISIS and their fellow travellers, during this time ISIS have got stronger and stronger. Russia will not mess about here, hopefully they will put them down quickly and with no mercy. Putin is not stupid, he knows very well that the Islamic militants in Syria are there on behalf of the West to overthrow Assad. He won't put up with it, the fact of the matter is that when it comes to dealing with these Islamic State people he is the only adult in the room. Poor old Obama, Cameron and the rest of them are out of their depth. Putin owns them time after time.

  16. Many loved comrade Stalin wink.png

    Well, he has clearly got you a bit rattled, if you have to invoke the 'Stalin' reference. Which is good! Thankfully most people in the UK are starting to wise up to the puerile personal abuse, they are fed up to the back teeth with it. Jeremy Corbyn has torn up the rule book, it is hilarious seeing the Daily Mail and Sun journalists suddenly realizing that the days of being fed soundbites are over, they have to read the speech. And of course, like you, they haven't got a clue, hence the silly reference to Stalin. Yesterdays Daily Telegraph was hilarious, they lined up three commentators who clearly had written their appraisal of Corbyn's speech before he gave it, and yet more than 50% of their readers in the comment section approved of it. Watching them desperately trying to spin a positive slant on this was very funny. As was your 'Stalin' analogy. Keep it up!

  17. Usually its a Thai doing the reporting and they do not understand what journalism is . They just write something to fill the pages

    So sad a mind is a terrible thing to waste

    what mind???

    So here we have a story about a 60 year old woman preventing a bomb attack, and two of the first three posters use the story as a chance to indulge in some moronic Thai bashing. Pathetic!

  18. I didn't see China, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia on the list of countries taking immigrants. The Japanese, Chinese, and South Koreans are very racists nations.

    Perhaps it's because China, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia are not responsible for bombing and destroying Iraq, Libya etc, all of whom had secular governments who made sure that the likes of Al Qaeda and ISIS had no chance of gaining a foothold. Now look at them! You break it, you own it!

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