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Everything posted by futsukayoi

  1. My wife is from Hong Kong and I lived there for a few years so we have quite a few friends and family there. A lot of those like to visit Thailand but usu8ally for a short trip of about 2-5 days so not surprising they spend less than you did in 2 months.
  2. Better if he woke up and realised that the roblem is not cheap goods coming in an reducing the cost of living. The massive problem is that Thai manufacturers and workforce are totally unable to compete with the productivity and quality levels of those in other countries. The answer is to follow Japan, Korea, Taiwan and China by improving education, having a strong work ethic, providing massive support to companies which show success in comperting internationally and grow exports, allowing bloated dinosaurs or innefficient protected monopolies to die etc.
  3. They a reflection of the fact that most resources and funding go to a tiny prcentage of schools where the rich and influential send their kidsto get a world class education while the rest of the scools offer an education even worse than the PISA scores suggest if you take out these few.
  4. Mining and selling these minerals could make Thailand quite a bit of money and generate plenty of bug brown envelopes for the mining rights. Allowing this to "propel Thailand into a leading role in the EV industry within the ASEAN region, potentially transforming its economy and positioning it as a hub of technological innovation and manufacturing prowess" would require a massive improvement in the education system to produce the creaative, highly skilled workers and entreprenuers required. I wonder which route Thailand will go ?
  5. why dismissed. Surely jailed, assests siezed and family memebres aeeither hand over their assets r jailed for receiving illicit money. Of course it will not happen why this will remain endemic in the Police and other public sectors. If there is no real punishment when caught, you have to be a complete fool not to be corrupt.
  6. Not all of Asia, but Thailand is really impossible. In Hong Kong, Singapore or Japan disabled people are a really frequent sight but in Thailand there seems to be some kind of stigma to them going out as well as the faact that almost nowhere caters for them. My wife recently broke her leg very badly in Hong Kong, she needed surgery and was confined to a wheelchair for 3 months. In Hong Kong the pavements are not too good and it is very hilly so some places were quite aa struggle. However, with some effort and planning we were able to get pretty much anywhere. Shopping centres, subway stops, offices (government or private), parks, cinemas, Disneyland, Ocean park etc etc all have lifts and ramps to cope with wheelchairs. Many busses and taxis are adapted for wheelchairs. Restaurants and most other locations are geared up for the disabled and very often as soon as you appear there are people turning up to direct or help you. On returning to Thailand there is none of that and luckily we have a car and she was able to walk short distances with a stick by then or she would have been very restricted.
  7. Is she connected to Red Bull ?
  8. The hordes of Russian tourists here make it clear which side Thailnd is allied with over the Ukraine, so hardly to be trusted with such advanced technology.
  9. I am sure the luxury wristwatches were just borrowed from a dead friend
  10. Unemployment of all the workers who are no longer worth what they would have to be paid so that their jobs are automated or move to more competitive countries with cheaper labor so that the goods nd services they produce are cheaper.
  11. In some countries. In others it takes more guns and money.
  12. The death penalty is a deterrent in places where effective policing and judiciary mean the criminal is likely to be caught and convicted. It also helps enormously in allowing the families and friends of the victimto begin the process of recovery and healing. In addition without the death penalty there are many cases where these animals are eventually released and go on to reoffend with a better chance of getting away with it after learning from their mistakes.
  13. Torture chambers, murder of prisoners and civilians, forced migrations, deliberate attacks on civilian targets. There isonly one side in this conflict that are acting like Nazis and you clearly sypathize with them. I would agree that demilitarising Ukraine could be a good thing if Russia moved all its troops out and Belarus plus all areas of Russia within 300 miles of any Nato state were also demilitarised. After all it is clear that it is Nato countries that need assuraances of defenbce far more than the barbarian controlled states to their east.
  14. You see no difference between cannabis and say PCP or heroin ? I think your rational thinking could do with some improvement.
  15. Was this an illegal gun ? As an ex-cop he would probably have no problem getting a legal one.
  16. Cannot help wonder how many armd drug addicted police are out there and being covered up.
  17. and when he serves even a day of jail time for his crimes
  18. If she is making so much money she has a 300,000 baht top and the many other designer items she claims maybe a tax audit would be a good idea.
  19. Thats right. After all the American opiod crisis shows legal drugs won't do any harm. Only half a million deaths tens of millions addicted. What could go wrong.
  20. They declare that a bottle that cost maybe 20 dollars actually only cost 5 dollars and therefore only pay a quater of the tax due.
  21. In my view the British Territorial Army definitely counts. Don't know enough about the US National Guard to judge if that is well regulated.
  22. Hopefully the people involved in paying the bribes to get get this criminal on the streets will also face justice. They are just as corrupt as the officials taking bribes.
  23. Great weather too as long as you don't like sun and the food must be great I mean you see Canadian restaurants everywhere. No wonder they need their regular joints.
  24. Kopper ? I'd rather drink Budweiser ... well maybe not that bad but still. At least the three name brands taste like beer.
  25. To me it would very much depend on the job. If the job is one where taking cannabis (or alcohol or aother drugs) could be a danger especially to others then I think it is entirely justified. If I was taking a flight I would not like to think the pilot could be even slightly stoned or <deleted>. The stewardesses I would not be quite so concerned about and the airline could assess over a period wether they are doing their job well or not.
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