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Posts posted by LT3

  1. "Was on a bus Friday and realized three people on the bus knew my name."

    Hang on!! The bus was called Friday??? :lol::clap2:

    You see LT3 for your joke to be even remotely funny then the post you're jesting about would have to have a rather clever or amusing double meaning rather than being a completely normal sentence. :D

    For example

    " I went to the supermarket this morning "

    " Hang on!! The supermarket was called " This Morning" ?

    " No. I went to the supermarket between the hours of midnight and noon today."

    = Not a joke

    " Surely you can't be serious?"

    " I am serious....and don't call me Shirley."

    = Joke.

    Well now mca, aren't we the comedien?

    I was actually pointing out that this sentence:-

    "Was on a bus Friday and realized three people on the bus knew my name."

    is gramatticly incorrect!

    It should read:- I was on a bus on Friday......

    Hence I made jest (in a light hearted friendly fashion).

    If you do not understand my sense of humour then I am deeply sorry for that and beg your forgivness!!!

  2. "Was on a bus Friday and realized three people on the bus knew my name."

    Hang on!! The bus was called Friday??? :lol::clap2:

    You see LT3 for your joke to be even remotely funny then the post you're jesting about would have to have a rather clever or amusing double meaning rather than being a completely normal sentence. :D

    For example

    " I went to the supermarket this morning "

    " Hang on!! The supermarket was called " This Morning" ?

    " No. I went to the supermarket between the hours of midnight and noon today."

    = Not a joke

    " Surely you can't be serious?"

    " I am serious....and don't call me Shirley."

    = Joke.

    Well now mca, aren't we the comedien?

    I was actually pointing out that this sentence:-

    "Was on a bus Friday and realized three people on the bus knew my name."

    is gramatticly incorrect!

    It should read:- I was on a bus on Friday......

    Hence I made jest (in a light hearted friendly fashion).

    If you do not understand my sense of humour then I am deeply sorry for that and beg your forgivness!!!

  3. TOM-NAM-NAA. (my phonetics my not be correct but thats what I hear!)

    My GF says it to me often (as a joke!) I know its not exactly polite but i dont know what it means. She speak little English and I speak less Thai (but we are both working on it!) I'm guessing it has something to do with water bwcause of 'NAM'

    Many thanks for any help!

  4. I got on my first bus in ten years of Thailand on Sunday.

    It wasn't a clonker it was the VIP bus to Chiangrai.

    I was near the emergency door at the back and noticed the two essential safety tools, a handle to work the door (red/yellow well-displayed EMERGENCY HANDLE sign) and a small window hammer with a point to BREAK WINDOW HERE or something like that, despite having a place to fit, were both missing.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not a nervous wreck and I wasn't expecting too much. But having been in a multiple death train crash in my life, I thought I'd just politely point out "What will happen if we have a crash and the bus catches fire? It would be nice to get out..."

    "Oh" said the katoey hostess in Thai. "I'll get one from up front".

    The cute young lady who was actually right next to the door looked upon me benevolently, smiled as if explaining something to a child, and calmly said "Mai penrai....".

    Naturally three days later I'm still waiting for the return of the hostess....

    oh yes how I love the thai way of 'always thinking about safety first' :lol::rolleyes:

  5. You are not getting stick for asking questions; you are not getting stick at all!

    You have been warned for posting insulting remarks directed at another member who tried to help you. Heed that warning.

    As for your questions, see:-

    How to register a marriage , How to register a birth and Passports from the British embassy.

    Maintenance and accommodation and Settlement, Spouse for information on your wife's visa.

    I would like to thank everyone for their advice on various matters! Maybe I have read a few statements wrong and taken offence to the way they were written although good advice was written within, upon reading they sounded to me at the time to be condesending. I apoligise for any mis-understaning on any comments left either by myself or by others!

    Peace be with you all!! :jap:

  6. Hello all!!

    I've recently found out my Thai GF is pregnant! YAY!! We've had the Thai marrige but I'm looking into getting married properly in England and have the baby born in England as well!

    What are the implacations for visas and what type of visa do I get? We are not looking to stay in England but will be looking to move over to England in about 5/6 years time!

    Will I get a visa if they know I want to have baby born in England? (dont want to give false information to visa people!)

    The visa will have to be for 6 monthsa or more as she cant fly after 24 weeks of pregnancy and baby cant fly for a certain period after birth either!!

    soooo....... any advice???

  7. I dont know where we're going with this.

    The best thing IMNSHO would be to let nature take its course here. Have the baby in Thailand which is where you both are now right ? .

    Register the Birth and apply for the babies british passport. Very easy. Oh. and get a Thai one too

    When you want the three of you to go back to the UK, I suspect the fact that your wife is the mother of a British Citizen and also married to you will make the Visa application go swimmingly. Visa applications in my experience can be very traumatic for both of you. You both dont need the trauma at this stage I would think. ;)

    Thanks for the great advice and support Jubby!! That certainly would help me on many matters (money being one of them!!!) :D

  8. i dont know why but i get an instant sinking feeling in my stomach when i read your posts... u might be someone who has gone thru alot but u seem really really naive...

    yes, u were married village style; as for being some kind of relative of step mom's, how much do u know about your step mom and how much do u respect her opinions, cause i sense a bit of.. ... not sure how to word this, scamableness in this situation... how did u all meet? how much do u love your wife...?

    the 'up to u' (taam jai khun) is very very thai, thais dont tend to discuss much, u will have to decide by deciphering what she really wants, and means... my hsuband is fairly straight forward but still baffles me in certain areas that i have to decipher, adn again, i speak thai... so its really not just a language thing ... and to tell u the truth, love is not everything, if things frustrate u now, what will happen when u have a child??? children are teh cause of more then one cross cultural (or cross class, economic, religious or whatever else differnt) marriage.

    i take it your step mom is thai? then how comeu know so little really? ... for someone who thinks things thru, i suggest u really really really think this thing out.. or we will be hearing a lot more from u on this forum.... sorry, but im been on this forum for like 7! years, and things repeat....

    take my well thought out suggestions and think think think.. good luck...



    Trust me naive I aint!! I probably look on the nicer side of things too much which can come across as naive sometimes. My stepmum is Thai but she is hardly ever here as she is off with my Dad on various business trips most of the year! I'm basically figuring things out on the fly! As for how much I love my wife I think thats a stupid question! Would I agree to take her to England marry her there so when im finished helping my Dad in Thailand we can all move back to England together? No I would just say I'll send ya some money once a month to look after the kid! (and trust me THAT would be the easy option!! Not nice but easy!!) Whatever life throws at me I can handle it! I've been through enough to know that much!

  9. But you've been through some kind of ceremony that you don't understand, that's a bit weird if I may say so!

    Are you married or not? How come you didn't ask before you did it?

    Anyway, everyone will regard you as married because you're living together and she's pregnant, whatever kind of party you had.

    I did ask what it was all about. I was told by my step sister that it wasn't a wedding it was a ceremoney to say 'sorry for taking your daughter away from you' and I was told by my step mum that it was a wedding so to be honest I'm confused about it as I've been told several different things about it! So I just thought 'fuc_k it! what does it matter! It was more for her so she doesn't lose face in her village! I gave 10,000 baht because that was the amount I was told was needed! (by my stepmum-btw stepmum is from Thailand and some kind of reletive to my GF). I'm not totally stupid! I've been through a lot in my short life so far! I've been homeless three times (last stint was for three years!) I've gone hungry for days on end! Been a DJ for ten years and had many many people take advantage of my good nature and had to learn very early to think about my actions before I jump straight in (although sometimes I think too hard about it and make myself confused!!:D ) anyway thanks for all the help! Everyone here has been very nice and offerd good advice!

    [/qoute] The private education in England is also a bit of a lottery (my ex is a teacher, so was my mum, I've worked in education before as well) it can be better than some state schools, it can also be worse.[/qoute]

    yeah I know I was educated privately! Turned out shit for me but I was some what of a different case as no-one knew I was dyslexic until I was 15!!! All my teachers just thought I was lazy!! Then when we did find out I was dyslexic the school said they dont accept dyslexya as a learning difficulty and was subsequantly expelled!! But that was me not my child and because of that I can spot where a school is going wrong!! many thanks to everyone!!!

  10. So your not sure if you've recently been involved in a Thai wedding ceremony.Did anyone mention if the money was for sin sot (dowry):rolleyes:

    no the money wasn't for 'sin sot' as i had already explained to my GF that im not going to do that because it seems too much like slavery to me!! i couldnt do do it! it just seems wrong to me! i want her to marry me because she loves me not because ive paid for it!!!!

    my dads wife has already explained about the whole money thing but im still not sure what the significance of the ceremoney was! as far as i understand it, it was a wedding of some description. but thats as far as it goes!

  11. Have you discussed moving back to 'blighty' with your wife? Have you also thought about how, or indeed if, she would integrate and be happy there? I only ask because many people just naturally assume that this is the best way forward, the natural thing to do if you like. It depends on many factors, you will need to give this idea some thought and not just assume that because you are from the UK and you are having a child (congratulations by the way ) that you must bring the child up in the UK too. I agree with you about the passport idea but the rest of it involves taking your Thai wife out of her country, away from her family and friends and into a culture that is completely different from hers.

    This would be a massive rift in the family. You need to think about it. The education system in England is a bit of a lottery, to be honest. It all depends where you are as to the quality. Over the next 4 or 5 years you can expect cuts in government spending on education, decreasing standards, increasing social problems etc. I witness first hand every day what the school system here in the UK produces and it's far from pretty.

    You are obviously trying to do the right thing by your wife and unborn baby but you need to stop and think, just because you were brought up in England doesn't necessarily make it the right thing for your child. This child has, or should have, a Thai culture too, you have an English family and background but now, due to the 10,000 baht and the string round your hands, you also have a Thai family and you need to consider all the options and what's truly best for your wife and child.

    I know you must be confused right now, and yes, you are thinking with a western mind but that's understandable as that's the mind you have, it's equally understandable that you would automatically 'think of home' when the subject of child-rearing comes up. All I'm saying is that you need to remember that your wife is already home and what you're proposing is taking her and her baby away from everything she's grown up with, which might not look like much but it's family, and in Thailand, family comes first, it's often all they've got.

    Oh and the baby will sleep with you till he/she's old enough to ride a motorbike :lol:

    yes i have discussed moving back home with her and on this many other subjects regarding this whole issue! the thing is everytime i ask her for her opinion on something or ask her what she wants she just says 'up to you' or 'do what you want' or ' if you like it i like it!' i dont know if thats a thai thing for women to bow to the mans wants and needs but i find it very fustrating as it makes things difficult to decide what is best cos i get very little to no feed back from her on any issues!

    i dont want to be the only one to make decisions as later on that will lead to resentment from her and eventually the baby! (i know cos ive seen it in my own family!!)

    as for education in england ive had a bad experience with education in england as im dyslexic and was found out very late (i was 15!) this led to all sorts of problems for me at school but i intend to have baby educated privately!

    i dont intend to stay in thailand all my life. at the moment im helping my dad set up a factory and will be for the next 4/5 years but thats not what i want to do with my life! there are things i want to do that i feel i cant do in thailand! and as well as keeping family happy and safe i need to keep myself happy and safe!

    ive been slowly introducing her to english culture and my friends through facebook so when she does come to england (for a visit or permanantly) she will already know peoples faces and would have spoken to some of them already thus making life a little less daunting for her!!

    as for the baby sleeping with until its old enough to ride a motorbike that would be 5 years old then? lol!!

  12. However, this is only the legal wedding. Most Thais consider the traditional Buddhist marriage as much more important, and this will cost you a bit more. This you should discuss with your future wife.

    if thats the one where you give 10,000 baht to the mother and then everyone ties string around your wrist then ive done that already! it was all a bit confussing and wiped me out of cash for the month! it was all over and done with an hour and a half!! the most expensive hour and a half ive ever had i think!!

  13. Hi there!! Does anyone out there DJ? or do music production? I've been a DJ for ten years and I'm currently waiting to send my equipment over from the UK. I'm writing music on my computer with a program called 'abelton live 8 suite' I'm mainly into hard house and hardstyle but I love all types of music! I live in Roi-et and have no-one to share my music ideas with! I really feel my creative flow is being slowing sapped from me! I dont know anyone who loves music quite like I do and everyone here seems quite bewilderd in my taste in music!! HELP!!!


  14. honestly if your only concern is citizenship dont worry, as others have posted land air or sea the baby will be a brit as long as you are. the thing to think about is the gf and her family, typically this is a time when the mother and daughter stay together and care for the new born child, thais rarley put the kid in a crib in an other room as is the western custom, thais will sleep with the child and mind for it 24/7 so when you push for the gf to relocate b4 birth imho you are opening a bad can of worms.

    OK so if the baby gets a British passport no matter where its born thats a major relive cos that will save me a shed load of money! "phew" although saying that I am intending on moving back to 'ol blighty in 4/5 years time! So will the fact that baby born in Thailand cause a problem for settling in UK? As I understand it if wife comes back and forth to England with me over a period of years a settlement visa shouldnt be much of a problem, is this the same for the baby? I would really like baby to have an English education! As for getting married is there any difference in a marriage certificate in Thailand or England? Really can't afford a marriage in England right now but if its the better option then I'll dig deep and do it! I just want to do what's right by my woman and baby!! How long will the baby sleep with us for? Sounds like a bit of a ball ache to me! Maybe im just thinking with a western mind!! Really am very confused right now! Dont know what to do!!!

  15. Hello all! OK so here's the story, I'm 28 years old and from England, I've been in Thailand for 9/10 months and my Thai girlfriend is pregnant! I'm over the moon but im left with somewhat of a prediciment! I want the baby to be born in england so when older it will have a full English passport thus making traveling around the globe easier (visas e.t.c.) also I intened to marry before baby is born! She's two months gone already and I know she cant fly after 24 weeks (or something like that) so my questions are these:_

    1: How easy/difficult will it be for my significant other to obtain a visa?

    2: How long should I ask for the visa for?

    3: How long does the baby have to be born for before it can fly back to Thailand?

    4: Will it damage her visa application if they know she is pregnant?

    5: I'm sure I will have to pay for the delivery in England but does anyone know how much it will cost?

    I'm sure there are other questions that I should be asking but really cant think of what right now! Any other advice anyone can give me will be greatly appricated!

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