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Posts posted by Geratul

  1. Well I don't mind what he said, because I don't respect him already since I know him in that not democratic elected cabinet.

    Why is he actually afraid? That observers will see that the ruling elite are so corrupt with the elections? Well, true, I'm a Mr. Thaksin fan and hope this kind of ruling elite will soon be a historical issue. I always think like this "the system will solve itself"... a very old thought and it will always come true sooner or later :) it's a fact!

    By the way Mr. Suthep, you even don't have good manners, because the word "farang" is very inpolite, but can I actually expect more from this "diplomat"? Don't think so. And beware of the fact that without foreigners in Thailand, you can better close this country due the fact it will be bankrupt. So be happy the western ATM-machines are still willing to come, although your neighbour country Malaysia is moe popular and rising due to this political instable country ruling by your elite.


  2. Well, luckely he got UK-education... with as result that he can speak English in a modern world :)) a lack of many Thai... So, to be shocked he didn't received Thai education is in this case overreacting and open for him only more possibilities, also after his political career. Many foreign companies are waiting for him ...

    So, see it also in a positive way that Mr. Abisit is western educated which can also be good for Thailand. But no, here in Thailand people don't want democracy, but more a dictator who reign with a iron first. If not, act like a democracy and let elections choose the leaders of this country. Not by red, yellow, black, purple, white, grey or whatever color shirts. Allegations about now his UK-citizenship is not to blame Mr. Abisit, but more the way how the responsible Thai officials investigate it's own politicians to avoid this kind of issues.

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