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Everything posted by smartquark

  1. Will there be pointing?
  2. Let’s all hope that the police continue to receive parachute training for the parawings on the uniform. I feel much safer with the knowledge they can parachute!
  3. Dropped pin https://maps.app.goo.gl/wQCW1hjBLLRpoB7e8?g_st=ic
  4. There's a big bike mechanic opposite central in chanthaburi that I have used in the past without any issues. The shop opposite the park replaced a tubeless tire without knowing it doesn't need an inner tube. The mechanic also lost face!
  5. https://savannakhet.thaiembassy.org/th/publicservice/non-immigrant-visa-o-visiting-family-member-of-a-thai-nationality-a-sp?page=5d84a44c15e39c26b400453e&menu=5d84a44c15e39c26b4004540
  6. Why not ban the shops from selling between 11am to 5pm. Surely preventing bars from opening in the vicinity of schools, and the ban alcohol sales to grown adults between these hours, is also intended to prevent exposure to children. Roll out the same policy for cannabis shops and shut them during school and college opening hours!
  7. If ever in a violent confrontation with a fragile Thai man child. Prostate yourself on the floor and start to cry whilst begging for your life. Bit like the bad guy in that Christmas movie Die Hard. Then...
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