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Posts posted by kropotkin

  1. The topic actually is Why Do I Live In Thailand?

    Answer: Because here I am treated as a border-line Saint ... so now that we know what you do not like, what is it Khun K. that you do like?

    First another "i do not like".....

    I do not like kun and farang.

    Now what i do like: people who treat each other as people, not as merchandise.

    This tread started off with some amerikan buying a young thai wife.

  2. When Charlie Sheen was being sentenced for using a prostitute, the judge asked him why a man like him would have to pay for sex. And Sheen

    reportedly replied:

    "I don't pay them for sex. I pay them to leave."


    But now back to topic.

    I do not like whoares.

    I do not like men that use whoares. (loosers and pimps)

    i do not like governments that pass legislation on whoaring.

    I do not like the men and women that turned thailand into the whoaring capital of the world.

    i do not like the people who smile when i say i live in thailand.

  3. LOU, you like sex with young girls, you like corrupt cops, you do not like daylight saving time.......

    Let me guess...... you think Fox News is objective? you do not like NIG.....ER presidents? You want to nuke Muslims ? You own a confederate flag?

    WOOOOOW you found your home here.

  4. I have taken my girl back to the states several times,my family loves her especially my grand children but neither one of us could live there, as I said this was my first reason for being here there are many others.

    I too am amazed at some of the readers who can only complain about their life and the happiness of others.

    In the states when one's marriage ends believe me you will pay big bucks in every relationship there is a money factor sometimes it is paid upfront.. sometimes it is paid in the end.. and sometimes it is a "pay as you go" plan.....I like the later! :-)

    I know that Thai;and is not an ideal paradise, but I have traveled around the world and I have not found that place! For me Thailand is as close as it comes!

    why not take ur younger thai wife back home. then you can still enjoy ur grand children?

    it's strange to me how so many people get angry when guys like OP openly admit their intentions. oops i forgot, all of thai visa's 50 yo mid-life crisis'ers have no problem getting teenage girls back home :whistling: they probably see themselves in OP and don't like it.

    So you are saying that sex is cheaper in thailand than in the US?

    I think you have a point.

    Financially speaking, that is.

  5. Some 150 years ago, Louise Michel, a french anarchist woman, said: Prostitution is a bourgeois wedding of very short time, a bourgeois wedding is prostitution of very long time. Thailand and you are 150 years behind the real world... Get it ?????

  6. Do keep in mind that Buddhism, along with the Thai monarchy, is one of the most respected social institutions in Thailand.

    Posts whose primary purpose is to slag off Buddhism in general or Thai Buddhism in particular are not welcome.

    Buddhism is an institution???????????????

    I thought buddhism is a philosophy? A way to live? a path to enlightenment?

  7. OK. Let us not talk about monks.

    Let us talk about buddhism.

    Buddhism is about rejecting material concerns. Right?

    Buddhism is about inner peace. Right?

    Is there buddhism in thailand ?

    If you can point me to it, i will be most gratefull.

    I am not sarcastic, i would realy like to know.

  8. Say what you want but in the north i witnessed a fanatical support for Thaksin, especially by monks.

    He's only unpopular here in Bangkok because the rich chinese elite run thailand.

    Said that, I don't think the red shirts are going anywhere, they can barely organize peaceful

    demonstrations but are no match against the army.

    The only thing they can do is eventually take control of some northern towns, at least for a while,

    but how long can they stand it and who really wants an all-out civil war ?

    OK - and your point is?

    I couldn't care less which gang wins now - red, yello,or whatever.

    I am going - possibly - to live in this country for the rest of my life. - or live in the civilezed but expensive - world.

    any suggestions - no i am not joking, only cynical.

  9. "training in Cambodian army camp". This is going to get very interesting. Its clear to all now what the red shirts are about and Taksins relationship with the Cambodians and Hun Sen. Writing is on the wall; plain and clear for all to read.

    Almost all Thai people are peace loving people. I can't think why anyone would have such hatred of the government unless they were incited to it. In my opinion the government has done the right thing all along, although they could have been much more assertive against terrorist acts. Politics is politics however there is a point where people step over the line and make it personal by trying to assassinate their opponents. Where does democracy come into it; hypocrisy by the reds?

    This is worth worrying about. u have the muslims in the south and the reds in the north. Then Cambodia working with Thai Traitors. I think that the North will become to friendly with Cambodia and Thailand as a country will become very unstable. This will affect us. weather it be your office blowing up or effective your tourisme business.

    I think it is time for a sit down.

    Thai people are proud to be Thai. Do they really want the Cambodians to have more say in their lives.

    Yes this is worth worrying about.

    If it is true.

    And it is worth worrying about if it is not true - then for other reasons.

    And yes thai people are proud to be thai.

    Even those thai that have never been outside their home town, and do not know anything about the outside world.

    And what will we talk about at your sit down? Please inform me.

    I may want to sit down with you - i live here - i want the best for this country - and for every other country, including commie Vietnam and Hun land and even maybe Pommie land/ USSA

    Somebody called me a troll.

    Can we compromise? I am a troll that means good?

  10. During my last visit to Thailand, I spend less than 1 hour on the road before being ambushed by a well known uniformed gang... 200 baht (that is a day's wages for most thais). The 3 thai with me were ambarrassed, but said nobody can do anything about it.

    But best joke of all: when i got married we had to pay under the table to obtain .... a certificate of good behaviour for my wife....


    Your ambush must have been in the provinces; here in Bangkok an ambush usually costs you 400 baht.

    In Samut Prakarn....... but thai driver.

    555 Double standards in extortion???

  11. During my last visit to Thailand, I spend less than 1 hour on the road before being ambushed by a well known uniformed gang... 200 baht (that is a day's wages for most thais). The 3 thai with me were ambarrassed, but said nobody can do anything about it.

    But best joke of all: when i got married we had to pay under the table to obtain .... a certificate of good behaviour for my wife....


  12. They never said it was found on the bombs.

    If certain politicians were at a bomb making site or meeting

    and trace of matching bomb residue was on a glass with their saliva,

    and their DNA was on record, this is possible as one scenario.

    Another is they are beating the bushes and seeing

    who is guilty, stupid and jumps up to run.

    Who says politicians are that bright?

    Are you suggesting the thai police have a cunning plan ? Are you in the wrong tv series ?

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